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Created October 11, 2011 09:16
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Save kencoba/1277646 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Purely Functional Data Structures Exercise 2.1 and 2.2
Require Import List.
Check 1::2::nil.
Fixpoint suffixes{A:Set}(xs:list A):list (list A) :=
match xs with
| nil => nil
| _::xs' => xs :: (suffixes xs')
Eval compute in (suffixes (1::2::3::4::nil)).
Fixpoint suffixes' {A:Set}(xs:list A)(c:nat):
(nat * (list (list A)))%type :=
match xs with
| nil => (0,nil)
| _::xs' =>
(* match (suffixes' xs' c) with
| (c',ys) => (c'+1, xs::ys)
end *)
let (c',ys) := (suffixes' xs' c)
in (S c', xs::ys)
Eval compute in (suffixes' (1::2::nil) 0).
Require Import Omega.
Theorem suffixes'_length : forall (A:Set)(xs:list A),
fst(suffixes' xs 0) = length xs.
intros A xs.
induction xs.
simpl. trivial.
simpl. destruct (suffixes' xs 0). simpl.
simpl in IHxs. rewrite <- IHxs. trivial.
Print suffixes'_length.
(* 計算量も空間量もconsを呼んだ回数になってるはず *)
(* Exercise2.2 *)
Module Type SET.
Parameter Elem : Set.
Parameter Set_ : Set.
Parameter empty : Set_.
Parameter insert : Elem -> Set_ -> Set_.
Parameter member : Elem -> Set_ -> bool.
End SET.
Module Type ORDERED.
Parameter T: Set.
Parameter eq_ : T -> T -> bool.
Parameter lt_ : T -> T -> bool.
Parameter leq : T -> T -> bool.
Module Type UnbalancedSet (Element:ORDERED) <: SET.
Definition Elem := Element.T.
Inductive Tree :=
| E : Tree
| T : Tree -> Elem -> Tree -> Tree.
Definition Set_ := Tree.
Definition empty := E.
(*Fixpoint member (x:Elem)(tr:Tree) :=
match tr with
| E => false
| (T a y b) =>
if (Element.lt_ x y)
then (member x a)
else (if (Element.lt_ y x)
then (member x b)
else true)
(* Exercise 2.2 の関数 *)
Fixpoint find_cand (x:Elem)(tr:Tree)(c:Tree) :=
match tr with
| E => c
| T a y b => if (Element.lt_ x y)
then find_cand x a c
else find_cand x b tr
Fixpoint member' (x:Elem)(tr:Tree) :=
match (find_cand x tr E) with
| T a y b => if (Element.eq_ x y) then true else false
| _ => false
Fixpoint member (x:Elem)(tr:Tree) :=
match tr with
| E => false
| (T a y b) =>
if (Element.lt_ x y)
then (member x a)
else (if (Element.lt_ y x)
then (member x b)
else true)
Fixpoint insert (x:Elem)(tr:Tree) :=
match tr with
| E => T E x E
| T a y b =>
if (Element.lt_ x y) then (T (insert x a) y b)
else (if (Element.lt_ y x) then (T a y (insert x b)) else tr)
Fixpoint depth (tr:Tree) :=
match tr with
| E => 0
| T a y b =>
S (MinMax.max (depth a) (depth b))
End UnbalancedSet.
Check beq_nat.
Fixpoint blt_nat (x y:nat):bool :=
match x,y with
| 0,0 => false
| 0,_ => true
| _,0 => false
| S x', S y' => blt_nat x' y'
Eval compute in (blt_nat 2 2).
Eval compute in (blt_nat 2 3).
Eval compute in (blt_nat 3 2).
Eval compute in (blt_nat 0 0).
Fixpoint leq_nat (x y:nat):bool :=
match x,y with
| 0,0 => true
| _,_ => (blt_nat x y)
Module NAT <: ORDERED.
Definition T := nat.
Definition eq_ := beq_nat.
Definition lt_ := blt_nat.
Definition leq := leq_nat.
End NAT.
Print NAT.T.
Module UnbalancedNatSet <: (UnbalancedSet NAT).
Include UnbalancedSet NAT.
End UnbalancedNatSet.
Print UnbalancedNatSet.
Module UNS := UnbalancedNatSet.
Eval compute in (UNS.empty).
Eval compute in (UNS.insert 1 UNS.empty).
Eval compute in (UNS.insert 1 (UNS.insert 4 UNS.empty)).
Definition E := UNS.E.
Definition T := UNS.T.
Eval compute in (UNS.member 0
(UNS.insert 3
(UNS.insert 5
(UNS.insert 1
Print T.
Eval compute in (T E 1 E).
Notation "a << x >> b" := (UNS.T a x b) (at level 60, no associativity).
Eval compute in ((E << 1 >> E) << 2 >> E).
Module ident : module_type と
Module ident <: module_typeの違い
Module A.
Parameter T : Set.
End A.
Coq は型も値も違いはないから、これ(パラメータのみのModule)は許される。
ただし、内容もチェックするなら、 <: を使う。
Eval compute in (UNS.insert 3 (UNS.insert 1 (UNS.insert 2 E))).
Eval compute in (UNS.insert 1 (UNS.insert 3 (UNS.insert 2 E))).
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