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Created October 13, 2011 10:21
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require_once 'extension/api/testsBootstrap.php';
$handler = new \ezp\Persistence\Storage\Legacy\Handler( array( 'dsn' => 'mysql://muser:mpasswd@localhost/mdatabase' ) );
$sc = new ezp\Base\ServiceContainer( \ezp\Base\Configuration::getInstance( 'service' )->getAll(), array( '@persistence_handler' => $handler ) );
$repository = $sc->getRepository();
$converter = $handler->getFieldValueConverterRegistry();
$converter->register( 'ezstring', new \ezp\Persistence\Storage\Legacy\Content\FieldValue\Converter\TextLine() );
$converter->register( 'ezxmltext', new \ezp\Persistence\Storage\Legacy\Content\FieldValue\Converter\XmlText() );
$converter->register( 'ezboolean', new \ezp\Persistence\Storage\Legacy\Content\FieldValue\Converter\Checkbox() );
$converter->register( 'ezinteger', new \ezp\Persistence\Storage\Legacy\Content\FieldValue\Converter\Integer() );
$userService = $repository->getUserService();
$repository->setUser( $userService->load( 14 ) );
$contentService = $repository->getContentService();
$typeService = $repository->getContentTypeService();
$section = $repository->getSectionService()->load( 1 );
$contentType = new \ezp\Content\Type\Concrete();
$contentType->identifier = 'a_date_class';
$contentType->name = array( 'eng-GB' => 'A Date Class' );
$contentType->description = array( 'eng-GB' => 'This is a date class test' );
$contentType->nameSchema = '<name>';
$contentType->urlAliasSchema = '';
$contentType->isContainer = false;
$contentType->initialLanguageId = 2;
$contentType->creatorId = $contentType->modifierId = 14;
$contentType->sortField = \ezp\Content\Location::SORT_FIELD_PATH;
$contentType->sortOrder = \ezp\Content\Location::SORT_ORDER_ASC;
$fields = array(
'name' => array( 'fieldType' => 'ezstring',
'name' => array( 'eng-GB' => 'Name' ),
'description' => array( 'eng-GB' => 'This is a test' ),
'position' => 0,
'fieldGroup' => '',
'isRequired' => false,
'isSearchable' => true,
'isInfoCollector' => false,
'isTranslatable' => true,
'fieldSettings' => array(),
'validator' => array() ),
'date' => array( 'fieldType' => 'ezdatetime',
'name' => array( 'eng-GB' => 'Date' ),
'description' => array( 'eng-GB' => 'This is a Date test' ),
'position' => 1,
'fieldGroup' => 'meta',
'isRequired' => true,
'isSearchable' => true,
'isInfoCollector' => false,
'isTranslatable' => true,
'fieldSettings' => array()//array( 'defaultType' => \ezp\Content\FieldType\DateAndTime\Type::DEFAULT_CURRENT_DATE )
$addFields = array();
foreach ( $fields as $identifier => $data )
$field = new \ezp\Content\Type\FieldDefinition( $contentType, $data['fieldType'] );
$field->identifier = $identifier;
$field->name = $data['name'];
$field->description = $data['description'];
$field->position = $data['position'];
$field->fieldGroup = $data['fieldGroup'];
$field->isRequired = $data['isRequired'];
$field->isSearchable = $data['isSearchable'];
$field->isInfoCollector = $data['isInfoCollector'];
$field->isTranslatable = $data['isTranslatable'];
if ( isset( $data['defaultValue'] ) )
$field->setDefaultValue( $data['defaultValue'] );
foreach ( $data['fieldSettings'] as $fieldSetting => $value )
$field->setFieldSetting( $fieldSetting, $value );
if ( isset( $data['validators'] ) )
foreach ( $data['validators'] as $validatorName => $constraints )
$validator = new $validatorName;
$validator->initializeWithConstraints( $constraints );
$field->addValidator( $validator );
$addFields[] = $field;
$linkGroups = array( $typeService->loadGroup( 1 ) );
$contentType = $typeService->createAndPublish( $contentType, $linkGroups, $addFields );
catch( Exception $e )
$cli->error( 'Exception: ' . get_class( $e ) );
$cli->error( $e->getMessage() );
$cli->error( $e->getTraceAsString() );
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