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Created October 13, 2011 14:01
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Simulates models used to test the PGLMM models
# library(plotrix)
# library(ape)
# PGLMM_model_simulations.m
# Simulates models used to test the PGLMM models
# 23 June 2010 MATLAB CODE
# 6 September 2011 R CODE TRANSLATION - HELMUS
#Function Definition
PGLMM.sim <- function(tree,nsites=30,modelflag=1,figs=TRUE,second.env=TRUE,compscale = 1)
if (!require(ape)) {stop("The 'ape' package is required")}
if (!require(plotrix)) {stop("The 'ape' package is required")}
bspp2 <- NULL
Vcomp <- NULL
envirogradflag2 <- 0
if (is(tree)[1] == "phylo")
if (is.null(tree$edge.length))
tree <- compute.brlen(tree, 1)
V <- vcv.phylo(tree, cor = TRUE)
} else {
V <- tree
# parameter values for each model
if(modelflag==1 | modelflag==2)
Xscale <- 1
Mscale <- .5
Vscale1 <- 1
Vscale2 <- 1
b0scale <- .5
envirogradflag1 <- 1
if(second.env){envirogradflag2 <- 1} #envirogradflag2 <- 1
elimsitesflag <- 1
repulseflag <- 0
Xscale <- 1
Mscale <- 0
Vscale1 <- 1
Vscale2 <- 1
compscale <- compscale
b0scale <- 0
# repulsion matrix
Vcomp <- solve(V,diag(nspp))
Vcomp <- Vcomp/max(Vcomp)
Vcomp <- compscale*Vcomp
iDcomp <- t(chol(Vcomp))
envirogradflag1 <- 1
if(second.env){envirogradflag2 <- 1} # envirogradflag2=0;
elimsitesflag <- 0
repulseflag <- 1
Xscale <- 1
Mscale <- .5
Vscale1 <- .05
Vscale2 <- 1
b0scale <- .5
envirogradflag1 <- 1
if(second.env){envirogradflag2 <- 1} # envirogradflag2=0;
elimsitesflag <- 1
repulseflag <- 0
Xscale <- 1
Mscale <- .5
Vscale1 <- 1
Vscale2 <- 1
b0scale <- .5
envirogradflag1 <- 1
if(second.env){envirogradflag2 <- 1} #envirogradflag2=1
elimsitesflag <- 1
repulseflag <- 0
Vforsim <- V
iD <- t(chol(Vforsim))
# set up environmental gradient among sites
mx <- t(as.matrix((-(nsites)/2):(nsites/2)))
# number of sites
m <- length(mx)
#% set up independent variables
#% environmental gradient 1
if(envirogradflag1 == 1)
e <- iD %*% rnorm(nspp)
e <- Vscale1*(e-mean(e))/sd(e)
bspp1 <- e
X <- 1/(1+exp(-(b0scale*array(1,c(m,1)) %*% rnorm(nspp) + t(mx) %*% t(e))))
X <- Xscale*X
Xsmooth <- X
X1 <- diag(1-Mscale*runif(m)) %*% X
# environmental gradient 2
if(envirogradflag2 == 1)
e <- iD %*% rnorm(nspp)
e <- Vscale2*(e-mean(e))/sd(e)
bspp2 <- e
mx2 <- as.matrix(mx[sample(m)])
X <- 1/(1+exp(-(b0scale*array(1,c(m,1)) %*% rnorm(nspp) + mx2 %*% t(e))))
X <- Xscale*X
Xsmooth <- Xsmooth*X
X2 <- diag(1-Mscale*runif(m)) %*% X
X <- X1*X2
} else {
X <- X1
# phylogenetic repulsion
if(repulseflag == 1)
bcomp <- NULL
for(i in 1:m)
bcomp <- cbind(bcomp, iDcomp %*% rnorm(nspp))
bcomp0 <- 0
Xcomp <- exp(bcomp0+bcomp)/(1+exp(bcomp0+bcomp))
X <- X*t(Xcomp)
#% simulate data
#% convert distribution to presence/absence
Y <- matrix(0,ncol=nspp,nrow=m)
Y[matrix(runif(nspp*m),ncol=nspp) < X] <- 1
# eliminate sites with 0 spp
pick <- (rowSums(Y)>0)
Y <- Y[pick,]
mx <- mx[pick]
m <- length(mx)
# eliminate sites with 1 spp
if(elimsitesflag == 1){
pick <- (rowSums(Y)>1)
Y <- Y[pick,]
mx <- mx[pick]
m <- length(mx)
if (!require(plotrix))
stop("The 'plotrix' package is required to plot images from this function")
if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") quartz() else windows()
par(mfrow=c(5,1),las=1,mar=c(2, 4, 2, 2) - 0.1)
hist(colSums(Y),main="spp per site")
hist(rowSums(Y),main="sites per spp")
plot(x=mx,y=rowSums(Y),main="SR across gradient",type="l")
if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") quartz() else windows()
if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") quartz() else windows()
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