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Created October 13, 2011 14:31
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simple persistence through journaled refs
(import '( File
BufferedWriter FileWriter
PushbackReader BufferedReader FileReader))
(defn apply-code
[x code]
(apply (eval (first code))
(rest (map eval code))))
(defn form-seq
"Return lazy seq of forms in file at path. Closes reader only after
all forms are read."
(let [reader (-> file FileReader. BufferedReader. PushbackReader.)
eof (Object.)
next-form (fn next-form []
(let [form (read reader false eof)]
(if (= eof form)
(println "Closing reader")
(.close reader)
(cons form (lazy-seq (next-form))))))]
(defn read-journal
"Return value obtained by applying all code in journal."
[val file]
(reduce apply-code val (form-seq file)))
(defn journaled-ref
"Initialize a ref by setting up the journal file writer"
[value path]
(let [r (ref value)
file (File. path)]
(when (.exists file)
(alter r read-journal file)))
(let [writer (BufferedWriter. (FileWriter. file true))]
(alter-meta! r assoc :writer-agent (agent writer)))
(defn journal
"Write code to journal associated with ref r (async, journal may
take time to catch up with ref state...)"
[r command args]
(send-off (:writer-agent (meta r))
(fn [writer]
(doto writer
(.write (pr-str (apply list command args)))
(defn command!*
"Apply a simple command to journaled ref r
command should be a symbol naming a function to be applied
args are the actual values used by the command"
[r command & args]
(dosync (alter r (fn [state] (apply (eval command) state args))))
(journal r command args)
(defmacro command!
[r command-name & args]
`(command!* ~r '~command-name ~@args))
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