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Created October 15, 2011 10:09
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Save retronym/1289361 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Outline of a OSGi BND plugin for SBT 0.11
import sbt._
import Keys._
import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name._
import sbt.Defaults._
import sbt.Package.ManifestAttributes
import sbt.Fork.ForkJava
object Bundle extends Plugin {
val bundle = TaskKey[File]("bundle", "Create a OSGi Bundle artifact in addition to the regular artifact")
val BundleTool = config("bundle-tool").hide
// The settings for the plugin. Add `seq(bundleSettings: _*)` to build.sbt
lazy val bundleSettings = Seq[Project.Setting[_]](
// Register an ivy configuration to download the BND tool.
ivyConfigurations += BundleTool,
// Depend on the BND tool
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"biz.aQute" % "bnd" % "0.0.384" % "bundle-tool"
// A temp directory to use in the up-to-date checking, that
// avoids running BND unless the main artifact has changed.
cacheDirectory in bundle <<= cacheDirectory / bundle.key.label,
// Naming convention for the extra artifact
artifact in bundle <<= moduleName(Artifact(_, "bnd")),
// The file where we will create the addition artfiactl
artifactPath in bundle <<= artifactPathSetting(artifact in bundle),
// Publish the extra artifact
publishArtifact in bundle <<= publishMavenStyle,
// The main task that depends on the main artifact `pacakgeBin in Compile`, and
// runs the main class `aQute.bnd.main.bnd` in a forked process.
bundle <<= (packageBin in Compile,
artifactPath in bundle,
cacheDirectory in bundle,
streams) map {
(jarFile, output, cacheDir, updateReport,
resolvedScoped, javaHome, classpathTypes, s) =>
import s.log
def runBnd: File = {
val jvmOptions: Seq[String] = {
// Extract the classpath for the BND tool from the update report
val toolClasspath: Seq[File] = Classpaths.managedJars(BundleTool, classpathTypes, updateReport).map(
val jvmCpOptions = Seq("-classpath", toolClasspath.mkString(
val mainClass = "aQute.bnd.main.bnd"
jvmCpOptions ++ Seq(mainClass, "wrap", output.getAbsolutePath)
}"Running bndlib over %s in %s".format(jarFile.getAbsolutePath, Project.displayFull(resolvedScoped)))
log.debug("bndlib java command line: " + jvmOptions.mkString("\n"))
IO.copyFile(jarFile, output)
val returnCode = (new ForkJava("java")).apply(javaHome, jvmOptions, log)
if (returnCode != 0)
sys.error("Non zero return code from bndlib [%d]".format(returnCode))
else"Created %s".format(output.getAbsolutePath))
// Only run if inputs have changed.
val cachedFun = FileFunction.cached(cacheDir, FilesInfo.lastModified, FilesInfo.exists) {
(in: Set[File]) => Set(runBnd)
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