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Created October 17, 2011 00:19
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Infinite Jest Visualization
Chapter Scene Page YearName Date CharactersPresent Synopsis
1 1 3 Year of Glad Hal Incandenza Hal narrates, Interview with University of Arizona Deans. Questions regarding Hal's rather stellar record.
1 2 10 (unspecified) Hal Incandenza Hal narrates. Eating the mold.
1 3 11 Year of Glad Hal Incandenza Hal attempts to explain his record to the deans. Is there something wrong with his voice?
1 4 13 Year of Glad Hal Incandenza Hal restrained in a U of AZ men's room
1 5 15 Year of Glad Hal Incandenza Hal is taken away in an ambulance
2 6 17 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Ken Erdedy Ken Erdedy, preparing for a marijuana binge, waits for a woman to deliver the goods.
3 7 27 Year of the Tucks Medicated Pad 4/1 Hal Incandenza;James Orin Incandenza 12-year-old Hal goes to see a"conversation" doctor; it turns out to be his father in disguise.
4 8 32 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 5/9 Hal Incandenza;Orin Incandenza;Mario Incandenza Hal gets phone call from Orin, Mario wakes up
5 9 33 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/1 Medical Attaché The medical attaché comes home to relax and watch some "Entertainment"
5 10 37 Year of the Trial-Size Dove Bar Clenette;Wardine Clenette narrates, tells a tale about her friend Wardine's abusive family
5 11 38 (unspecified) Bruce Green;Mildred Bonk The tale of Bruce Green and Mildred Bonk
6 12 39 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza;Mario Incandenza Hal and Mario in their room at night. They discuss Himself's funeral.
6 13 42 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/1 Medical Attaché medical attaché is still watching...
6 14 42 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 10/? Orin Incandenza Orin wakes up in AZ, wishes last night's"Subject" would leave.
7 15 49 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza 17 yr. old Hal getting high in the basement of Enfield Tennis Academy
7 16 55 Year of Dairy Products from the American Heartland Autumn Don Gately Don Gately's criminal career comes to an end after accidentally murdering a Canadian VIP during a robbery. This VIP has ties to various anti-O.N.A.N. groups
7 17 60 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Description of a state-of-the-art teleputer
7 18 60 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/3 Jim Troeltsch Troelsch sick in bed at ETA
7 19 60 (unspecified) description of 12 yr old's nightmare at E. T. A.
8 20 63 (as of) Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment James Orin Incandenza Brief description and history of ETA and its founder, James O. Incandenza
8 21 65 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/1 Orin Incandenza Orin at football practice
9 22 66 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Michael Pemulis Michael Pemulis, as"Big Buddy," talks about drugs to his younger charges
9 23 67 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza Hal, after a bong hit, relates a tennis dream
10 24 68 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Kate Gompert Kate Gompert explains the extent of her addiction to marijuana ("Bob Hope") to a young doctor
10 25 78 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/2 Medical Attaché the medical attaché's wife returns home...
10 26 79 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Gerhardt Schtitt;Mario Incandenza Gerhardt Schtitt and Mario talk game theory
10 27 85 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Tiny Ewell Tiny Ewell and an unnamed passenger are transported to the Enfiled Marine VA hospital
11 28 87 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/2 Medical Attaché the list of people who have come to the medical attaché's house to look for him...
11 29 87 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/30 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Tuscon, AZ Maranthe and special agent Hugh Steeply (in drag) meet on a hillside to discuss the appearance, earlier that month, of a special form of Entertainment
11 30 93 (unspecified) Description of a herd of feral hamsters in the Great Concavity
11 31 93 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/30 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued
11 32 95 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/3 Jim Troeltsch;Michael Pemulis;John Wayne;Ortho Stice;Jim Struck Jr.;Keith Freer;Hal Incandenza locker room banter at ETA. Troelsch, Pemulis, Wayne, Stice, Struck, Freer and Hal are present
11 33 97 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/30 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued. Sunset.
11 34 97 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/3 Jim Troeltsch;Michael Pemulis;John Wayne;Ortho Stice;Jim Struck Jr.;Keith Freer;Hal Incandenza More banter in the locker room. Complaints about Schtitt's expectations of them
11 35 105 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/30 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued. Talk of love...
11 36 109 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/3 Jim Troeltsch;John Wayne;Ortho Stice;Jim Struck Jr.;Hal Incandenza;IA Hal with his"little buddies" (Kent Blott, Idris Arslanian, Ingersol). He convinces them that their resentment of Schtitt is engineered by Schtitt and his staff. Switches to John (NR) Wayne, Troelsch, Struck, and Stice, each with his group of younger students.
11 37 121 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Mid-Oct. Mario Incandenza;USS Millicent Kent "Mario Incandenza's First and Only Even Remotely Romantic Experience, Thus Far." It is indeed only remote, with the"USS" Millicent Kent
11 38 126 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/30 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued.
11 39 127 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/30 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued. (One line.)
12 40 127 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Lyle First description of the ETA's oiled guru, Lyle
12 41 128 (unspecified) Poor Tony Krause "yrstruly" narrates a gruesome story involving C, Poor Tony, and the despicable Dr. Wo in Chinatown. C od's
13 42 135 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/3 Hal Incandenza;Orin Incandenza Hal receives a phone call from Orin O. asks him about Canadian Separatism.
13 43 137 (unspecified) Introduction to the Ennet House Drug and Alcohol Recovery House (sic)
13 44 138 Year of Dairy Products from the American Heartland Excerpt from a letter to State Farm detailing a bricklayer's bizarre accident. This is perhaps Wallace's most obvious example of borrowing from urban myths.
13 45 140 Year of the Perdue Wonderchicken Hal Incandenza Hal's seventh-grade essay comparing"Hawaii-Five-O"'s Steve McGarrett with"Hill Street Blues"'s Frank Furillo. The latter is a post-modern, more complicated, and perhaps too mild hero.
13 46 142 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 8/10 Hugh/Helen Steeply;Poor Tony Krause "Helen" Steeply's Moment article about a woman who carried her artificial heart in her purse. She was mugged... [Poor Tony was the purse snatcher.]
13 47 144 (unspecified) Alphabetic list of anti-ONAN groups.
13 48 144 (unspecified) Why Videophony didn't work
14 49 151 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 10/15 Michael Pemulis Urine tests at ETA, Pemulis sells clean samples
15 50 157 1960 James Orin Incandenza James Incandenza's father narrates, addressing 10 yr old Jim. Discusses Marlon Brando, tennis, and his own father's reaction when he blew out his knee at a match.
15 51 169 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/4 Michael Pemulis Pemulis scores some DMZ (Madame Psychosis).
15 52 172 Year of the Yushityu 2007 Mimetic-Resolution-Cartridge-View-Motherboard-Easy-To-Install-Upgrade For Infernatron/InterLace TP Systems For Home, Office, Or Mobile Hal Incandenza Hal's narration of Tennis and the Feral Prodigy, a film by Mario Incandenza
15 53 176 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/5 Pat Montesian Selected transcripts from Patricia Montesian's Log at Ennet House. Voices of recovering drug and alcohol abusers.
16 54 181 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Late Oct Madame Psychosis;Mario Incandenza;Hal Incandenza at WYYY, Sixty Minutes More or Less with Madame Psychosis, is about to go on. The late shift engineer goes to the roof to drink a Millennial Fizzy and listen top the show. Mario, with Hal at HmH, listens to the show.
16 55 193 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Description of Unit #'s 1-7 of Ennet House
16 56 198 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/6 Keith Freer;Kornspan;Rader;Lyle;Michael Pemulis Freer and Kornspan work out while Rader consults with Lyle. Pemulis eavesdrops.
16 57 200 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Tiny Ewell More detailed introduction to Ennet House and its residents. Tiny Ewell's obsession with tattoos.
16 58 211 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Michael Pemulis Michael Pemulis explains that he has scored some DMZ, the"Yale U. of the Ivy League of Acid" from some Canadian insurgents. The boys decide to plan on taking it the weekend before the WhataBurger Invitational, 11/20-21
17 59 219 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/7 Joelle Van Dyne;MollyN Joelle Van Dyne, star of Jim Incandenza's movies, goes to Molly Notkin's MA thesis party.
17 60 223 Year of Glad Chronology of Subsidized Time
17 61 223 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Joelle Van Dyne;Orin Incandenza;James Orin Incandenza Joelle thinks about Orin and his father, the"world's best hailer of Boston cabs."
17 62 227 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hugh/Helen Steeply;Poor Tony Krause Helen P. Steeply's (Putative) Curriculum Vitae
17 63 227 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Joelle Van Dyne;MollyN Joelle attempts to overdose in the bathroom at a party of cinema graduate students
18 64 240 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Geographical description of Enfield, MA
18 65 242 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/5 Hal Incandenza;Orin Incandenza Hal and Orin on the telephone. Now Orin wants to discuss Himself's suicide. (He put his head in a microwave.) Meanwhile, Hal is clipping his toenails and making miraculous shots into the wastepaper basket.
19 66 258 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/6 Hal Incandenza;John Wayne;Michael Pemulis;TS Tennis meet at Port Washington Tennis Academy, Long Island, NY. Descriptions of Hal and John ("No Relation") Wayne playing their respective games. Pemulis gets sick Schacht plays a French-Canadian.
19 67 270 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately;GeoffreyDay;CharlotteTreat;RandyLenz Gately (substance-free for 421 days) is now staff Ennet House. Geoffrey Day, Charlotte Treat, Randy Lenz all appear.
19 68 281 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment ETA returns from Long Island Triumphant
20 69 283 (unspecified) Orin Incandenza;Joelle Van Dyne The story of Orin and Joelle, the Prettiest Girl of All Time (PGOAT). His switch from tennis to football in college.
20 70 299 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/14 Poor Tony Krause Poor Tony goes through withdrawal in the bathroom stall of a Boston public library.
21 71 306 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/6 Hal Incandenza;Jim Troeltsch Mary Esther Thode's"The Personal is the Political is the pathological." Ex. of an exam on psychopathological double-binds. Troelsch's broadcast of the morning's games on WETA (ETA's intercom). Hal is in Theirry Poutrincourt's class on Canadian political history. Some details of anti-ONAN activity (large mirrors across highways)
21 72 312 (unspecified) Mario Incandenza Mario's surprise birth, and a description of some of his deformaties.
21 73 317 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/30-5/1 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued.
22 74 321 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/8 all;tennis Interdependence Day. A game of Eschaton.
22 75 343 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/8 Don Gately;Joelle Van Dyne Boston AA meeting. Description of several speakers, (a"fifty year old immigrant" waxes eloquently about his first solid bowel movement in years) and the"crocodiles." Gately is curious about new girl Joelle.
22 76 367 (unspecified) The Statue of Liberty's product is changed every Jan 1.
22 77 367 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Boston AA meeting. A young girl describes her foster father sexually abusing her paraplegic stepsister...
22 78 375 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/30-5/1 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued.
22 79 375 (unspecified) JI;Lyle James Incandenza's Found Drama came out of a late-night session with Lyle
22 80 376 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/8 Boston AA meeting. Story of baby's death.
22 81 379 (unspecified) JI;Lyle James Incandenza and Lyle in the weight room.
23 82 380 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/8 Mario Incandenza Mario Incandenza's film interpretation of the formation of ONAN
23 83 386 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/8 Lyle;Mario Incandenza;MarlonBain Lyle in the weightroom with sweaty ETA student Marlon and others (Anton"Booger" Douchette...) Return to Mario's film, which is now covering major political events with a montage of newspaper headlines. History of Johnny Genlte's CUSP and the Gre at Concavity.
23 84 394 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/8 Lyle;Ortho Stice Lyle tells Ortho"The Darkness" Stice,"Do not underestimate objects." Stice's bed has been moving at night.
23 85 395 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/8 Hal Incandenza;Mario Incandenza Hal watching Mario's film. Description of Himself's The Medusa vs. the Odalisque and THE JOKE.
23 86 398 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/8 Hal Incandenza;Mario Incandenza;RT Continuation of Mario's film, with more headlines and a puppet show of Gentle and Rodney Tine, Chief, US Office of Unspecified Services. The story of legendary tennis player Eric Clipperton and his Glock 17 semiautomatic.
23 87 410 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/8 Hal Incandenza;Mario Incandenza Hal watching Mario's film. History of Interlace, proliferation of advertising, and garbage in space.
23 88 418 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 4/30-5/1 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued.
23 89 430 (unspecified) Eric Clipperton's death.
23 90 434 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately Gately's other job, cleaning bathrooms.
23 91 436 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza;Mario Incandenza Mario's film continued. More headlines and puppet's. The origin of subsidized time.
24 92 442 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Gately's relationship with the crocodiles. He remembers the death of his mother.
24 93 449 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Very late Oct JI;Lyle Hal's bad dream.
24 94 450 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/9 Morning drills at ETA.
24 95 461 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately Don Gately's responsibilities at Ennet House. His boss, Pat Montesian.
24 96 470 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Pre-dawn 5/1 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued. Discussion of BS gov't experiments on human subjects...
24 97 475 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately;Pat Montesian Gately out in Pat M.'s car . Interesting shift, via a piece of garbage, to Lucien and Bertraud Anitoi's store. Arrival of and interrogation by the dreaded ATF
25 98 490 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Pre-dawn 5/1 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued.
25 99 491 1963 James Orin Incandenza Jim Incandenza helps his father fix a mattress...
25 100 503 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment KE At a NA meeting, Ken Erdedy gets a hug.
25 101 507 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued.
25 102 508 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza;CT;LAM;AI Hal anticipate an official scolding from Charles Tavis for the Eschaton game. He waits in"Lateral" Alice Moore's office, overhears Avril counseling the pre-teen female ETAs.
25 103 528 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Pre-dawn and 5/1 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued.
25 104 531 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/11 Don Gately;Joelle Van Dyne Discussion between Gately and Joelle. The latter explains her membership in UHID
26 105 538 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment RL Randy Lenz discovers his penchant for killing animals.
26 106 548 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment No door at Ennet House...
26 107 548 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Early Nov RodneyTine Rodney Tine and his special metric ruler.
26 108 550 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Michael Pemulis;John Wayne;AI Pemulis interrupts John Wayne and Avril Incandenza in a game of sexual football.
26 109 553 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment RL;BruceGreen Randy Lenz and Bruce Green walking Boston at night.
26 110 560 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza;John Wayne Hal in bed after lunch. John Wayne stops by.
26 111 560 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment RL;BruceGreen Randy Lenz and Bruce Green walking Boston at night.
26 112 563 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/11 Don Gately Selected snippets of Gately's interactions with Ennet House residents.
26 113 565 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Orin Incandenza Orin and a Swiss hand model in a motel room.
26 114 567 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment IA;TS;Michael Pemulis Idris Arslanian, in a blindfold, runs into first Ted Schacht, then Mike Pemulis.
26 115 574 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Orin Incandenza Orin at motel door with a man in a wheelchair.
26 116 575 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment RL;BruceGreen Bruce Green and Randy Lenz. Green remembers the death of his mother (coiled toy snake in a can). Lenz separates, kills a dog tied up in yard of a house having a Hawaiian party.
26 117 589 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Mario Incandenza Mario, who can't sleep, walks outside.
26 118 593 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately More of Gately's responsibilities at Ennet House.
26 119 596 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Orin Incandenza Still at the motel door, Orin answers the man in the wheelchair's"survey."
26 120 601 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately Gately's showdown with the Canadians. Gately seriously wounded.
27 121 620 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment "The new millennium's passion for standing live witness to things." Grad student engineer for WYYY is kidnapped by a man in a wheelchair.
27 122 627 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/11 Jim Troeltsch Suppertime at ETA. Troelsch's conspiracy theory that the milk is powdered.
27 123 638 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 5/1 Remy Marathe;Hugh/Helen Steeply Maranthe and Steeply continued. Steeply's father's addiction to BS-era show"M*A*S*H."
27 124 648 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/13 Kate Gompert;GD;BruceGreen Kate Gompert, Geoffrey Day, and Bruce Green late-night rap session. Day describes the"large, dark, billowing, black shape" he's felt twice in his life.
27 125 651 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/11 Ortho Stice;Hal Incandenza;Don Gately;Poor Tony Krause;Michael Pemulis;JS;Hugh/Helen Steeply;CT;Orin Incandenza;AdeL The match between Stice and Hal. Narrrative"clicks" to scan Gatley, Poor Tony, Pemulis and Struck, Steeply's sedan, CT, and even Orin in AZ. Steeply chats with Aubrey deLint as they watch the match.
27 126 663 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hugh/Helen Steeply;Mildred Bonk Epistolary exchange between Steeply and Marlon Bain, friend of Orin's during adolescence.
27 127 666 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/11 sub-14 males in ETA's tunnels on clean-up detail. There are rumors of feral hamsters, but instead they find a refrigerator full of rotting food.
27 128 673 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/11 Hugh/Helen Steeply Steeply speaks, in French, to female prorector Thierry Poutrincourt.
27 129 682 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/11 MattyPemulis Matty Pemulis, male prostitute, eats in a diner. Memories of sexual abuse from his father.
27 130 686 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/11 MattyPemulis after supper, Hal decides to watch some of Himself's films. Description of Wave Bye-Bye to the Bureaucrat.
27 131 689 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/14 Poor Tony Krause Poor Tony contemplates a purse snatching before he heads to the Antitois.'
27 132 692 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment GD;RL Geoffrey Day: almost misses Lenz"brandishing the Hog" in the 3-man room.
27 133 692 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Kate Gompert On Kate Gompert's depression and depression in general. Himself's The American Century as Seen Through a Brick described.
27 134 698 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/14 Kate Gompert;RvC;Poor Tony Krause Kate Gompert and Ruth van Cleve on the street, followed by Poor Tony Krause.
27 135 700 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Jim Troeltsch Troelsch puts in a pro-wrestling cartridge.
27 136 700 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Michael Pemulis Pemulis adjusts a ceiling tile in Subdorm B.
27 137 700 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Lyle Lyle sitting.
27 138 701 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Mario Incandenza;Gerhardt Schtitt Coach Schtitt with Mario in his BMW
27 139 701 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment AI Avril calling Arizona.
27 140 701 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza;Joelle Van Dyne Hal watches Blood Sister: One Tough Nun. The plot of this film in detail. Hal thinks about another of his father's films, Low-Temperature Civics. Switch to Joelle at a Cocaine Anon meeting, listening to a speaker describe his lowest moment (walking out on his wife and child.)
27 141 711 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza The end of Blood Sister: One Tough Nun.
27 142 714 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Kate Gompert;Poor Tony Krause Kate Gompert right after Poor Tony snatched her purse.
27 143 716 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment RL Lenz, high on coke, plans to rob the"Oriental women."
27 144 719 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment The plan of Les Assassins des Fauteuil Rollents
27 145 719 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Poor Tony Krause;RvC Poor Tony running from Ruth van Cleve.
27 146 721 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Fortier AFR's USA cell's leader, Fortier: how the AFR found the Entertainment at the Antitois'.
27 147 723 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Fortier Fortier enjoys the USA's condescension toward the wheelchaired.
27 148 723 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Joelle Van Dyne;MollyN Joelle worries about her teeth.
27 149 724 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment The Wheelchair Assassins discover the samizdat Entertainment.
27 150 728 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment RL Lenz in a back alley after robbing the Asian women.
27 151 729 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Remy Marathe Maranthe at Ennet House.
27 152 736 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Joelle Van Dyne Joelle cleaning her room. How Joelle and Himself became close. Descriptions of Prenuptual Agreement of Heaven and Hell and The Medusa v. The Odalisque. Thanksgiving dinner at the Incandenza house.
27 153 747 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Remy Marathe Maranthe's entry interview (with Pat M.) at Ennet House.
27 154 751 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Joelle Van Dyne Joelle cleaning
27 155 752 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Remy Marathe;Pat Montesian Maranthe's entry interview (with Pat M.) at Ennet House continued.
27 156 755 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/11 Mario Incandenza;AI Mario filming for his documentary. Interviews Felicity Zweig, LaMont Chu, and then the Moms. He asks her,"How can tell if somebody's sad?"
27 157 769 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Mario Incandenza;Hal Incandenza Mario and Hal talk in their room. Hal describes how Pemulis talked his way out of the urine test.
27 158 775 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Remy Marathe;Kate Gompert Maranthe and Kate Gompert meet in a bar
27 159 782 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Remy Marathe;Hal Incandenza Mario tells Hal that he seems sad.
27 160 785 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/17 Hal Incandenza Johnette lets an upscale kid (Hal) into Ennet House.
27 162 787 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment MollyNotkin;RT Results of Rodney Tine Jr.'s interrogation of Molly Notkin. Description of Thanksgiving dinner at Joelle's parents house, YTMP.
27 164 795 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza Hal at what he thinks is a meeting for Narcotics Anonymous. Turns out the meeting focuses on the Inner Infant, and one of the speakers is Kevin Bain, Orin's friend Marlon's brother.
28 165 809 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately;Tiny Ewell;Joelle Van Dyne;Pat Montesian Gately in the hospital. Interactions with Tiny Ewell, Joelle, Pat M., Calvin Thrust.
28 166 827 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately Gately in the hospital. The wraith. Gately remembers the MP that used to live with his mother.
28 167 845 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/16 The AFR's plan to replace the Quebecois tennis players en route to ETA
28 168 846 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately Gately in the hospital: His memories of Mrs. Waite and his vision of Joelle as death.
28 169 851 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/20 Hal Incandenza Hal narrates. He wakes up after a bad dream.
28 170 854 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately;Joelle Van Dyne Gately in the hospital. Joelle visits him.
28 171 864 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Ortho Stice Hal narrates: Ortho"The Darkness" Stice with his forehead stuck to a window in the dorm's hallway. Late introduction of Kenkle and Brandt, ETA janitorial staff.
28 172 876 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/20 RT Meeting between Rodney Tine, Sr. (and staff) with Glad regarding Year of Glad and"Fully Functional Phil," the prancing ass.
28 173 883 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately Gately in the hospital. Memories of"Nom" from"Cheers!" Ferocious Francis visits. More about Gatley's past: how he started crewing.
28 174 896 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza Hal narrates: in his room, he lies down and is unable to get up.
28 175 902 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately Gately in the hospital. The history of his substance abuse.
28 176 906 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza;Michael Pemulis Hal narrates: he talks with Pemulis then watches part of his father's film Good-Looking Men in Small Clever Rooms That Utilize Every Centimeter of Available Space with Mind-Boggling Efficiency.
28 177 911 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately Gately in the hospital. Remembers working for Willie Sorkin with Gene Fackelmann.
28 178 916 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Michael Pemulis Pemulis finds several drop-ceiling panels on the floor of Subdormitory B. He's looking for an old sneaker behind the relevant panel.
28 179 916 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately Gately in the hospital. Memories of. More on Gene Fackelmann. His ex-girlfriend Pamela Hoffman-Jeep. His dream about a kid and Joelle in a graveyard…"Too Late."
28 180 934 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Joelle Van Dyne Joelle is apprehended.
28 181 934 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately Gately in the hospital. Remember getting high with Gene on the drug Gene bought with stolen money.
28 182 938 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Joelle Van Dyne;Hugh/Helen Steeply Joelle being interviewed by Helen Steeply.
28 183 941 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Hal Incandenza;Mario Incandenza Hal narrates: Mario and Kyle Dempy Coyle are also watching one of Himself's films. Explanation of what happened to Stice. Description of Accomplice!
28 184 958 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Joelle Van Dyne Joelle returns to Ennett House, sees a police car stationed outside
28 185 958 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Mikey, a"sick fuck," tells his story at an AA meeting
28 186 960 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Pat Montesian An ADA talks with Pat M. about the Ninth Step. He needs to Gately to forgive him.
28 187 964 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 11/20 Immediately Pre-Fundraiser Exhibition Fête. Narrated by an unnamed ETA student.
28 188 971 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Orin Incandenza Orin in a huge inverted glass, interrogation by Luria P------
28 189 972 Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment Don Gately Gately in the hospital: After the drug binge, Bobby C arrives to punish Gene Fackelman.
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