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Created October 20, 2011 08:20
* Class that throttles requests. Ensures that the StartRequest cannot be called
* more than a given amount of time in any given interval.
* StartRequest blocks until this requirement is satisfied.
* TryStartRequest returns 0 if the request was cleared, or a non-0 number of
* millisecond to sleep before the next attempt.
* Simple usage, 10 requests per second:
* Throttler t = new Throttler(10, 1000); ... ServiceRequest(Throtter t, ...) {
* t.StartRequest(); .. do work ..
* @author (Sergey Solyanik)
public class RequestThrottler {
* The interval within we're ensuring max number of calls.
private final long _interval;
* The maximum number of calls that can be made within the interval.
private final int _maxCalls;
* Previous calls within the interval.
private final long[] _ticks;
* Available element at the insertion point (back of the queue).
private int _tickNext;
* Element at the removal point (front of the queue).
private int _tickLast;
* the time when the last expired request occured. might be used to auto
* disable some services all together
private long _lastExpiredMaxWait = 0;
* Constructor.
* @param maxCalls
* Max number of calls that can be made within the interval.
* @param interval
* The interval.
public RequestThrottler(final int maxCalls, final long interval) {
if (maxCalls < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxCalls must be >=1, was " + maxCalls);
if (interval < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("interval must be >=1, was " + interval);
_interval = interval;
_maxCalls = maxCalls + 1;
_ticks = new long[_maxCalls];
_tickLast = _tickNext = 0;
* Returns the next element in the queue.
* @param index
* The element for which to compute the next.
* @return
private int next(int index) {
index += 1;
return index < _maxCalls ? index : 0;
* Attempts to clear the request.
* @return Returns 0 if successful, or a time hint (ms) in which we should
* attempt to clear it again.
public synchronized long tryStartRequest() {
long result = 0;
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (_tickLast != _tickNext) {
if (now - _ticks[_tickLast] < _interval) {
_tickLast = next(_tickLast);
final int next = next(_tickNext);
if (next != _tickLast) {
_ticks[_tickNext] = now;
_tickNext = next;
} else {
result = _interval - (now - _ticks[_tickLast]);
return result;
* Clears the request. Blocks until the request can execute.
public void startRequest() {
* Clears the request. Blocks until the request can execute or until waxWait
* would be exceeded.
* @return true if successful or false if request should not execute
public boolean startRequest(final int maxWait) {
long sleep;
long total = 0;
while ((sleep = tryStartRequest()) > 0) {
if (maxWait > 0 && (total += sleep) > maxWait) {
_lastExpiredMaxWait = System.currentTimeMillis();
return false;
} else {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
return true;
public long getLastExpiredMaxWait() {
return _lastExpiredMaxWait;
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