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Created October 20, 2011 14:29
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-{ extension "match" }
local M = { traverse = { }; tags = { }; debug = false }
-- Standard tags: can be used to guess the type of an AST, or to check
-- that the type of an AST is respected.
M.tags.stat = table.transpose{
'Do', 'Set', 'While', 'Repeat', 'Local', 'Localrec', 'Return',
'Fornum', 'Forin', 'If', 'Break', 'Goto', 'Label',
'Call', 'Invoke' }
M.tags.expr = table.transpose{
'Paren', 'Call', 'Invoke', 'Index', 'Op', 'Function', 'Stat',
'Table', 'Nil', 'Dots', 'True', 'False', 'Number', 'String', 'Id' }
-- These [] functions are in charge of actually going through
-- ASTs. At each node, they make sure to call the appropriate walker.
function M.traverse.stat (cfg, x, ...)
if M.debug then printf("traverse stat %s", table.tostring(x)) end
local ancestors = {...}
local B = |y| M.block (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Block
local S = |y| M.stat (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Statement
local E = |y| M.expr (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Expression
local EL = |y| M.expr_list (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Expression List
local IL = |y| M.binder_list (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Id binders List
local OS = |y| cfg.scope :save() -- Open scope
local CS = |y| cfg.scope :restore() -- Close scope
local function BS(y) OS(); B(y); CS() end -- Block with Scope
match x with
| {...} if x.tag == nil -> for y in ivalues(x) do M.stat(cfg, y, ...) end
-- no tag --> node not inserted in the history ancestors
| `Do{...} -> BS(x)
| `Set{ lhs, rhs } -> EL(lhs); EL(rhs)
| `While{ cond, body } -> E(cond); BS(body)
| `Repeat{ body, cond } -> OS(body); B(body); E(cond); CS(body)
| `Local{ lhs } -> IL(lhs)
| `Local{ lhs, rhs } -> EL(rhs); IL(lhs)
| `Localrec{ lhs, rhs } -> IL(lhs); EL(rhs)
| `Fornum{ i, a, b, body } -> E(a); E(b); IL{i}; BS(body)
| `Fornum{ i, a, b, c, body } -> E(a); E(b); E(c); IL{i}; BS(body)
| `Forin{ i, rhs, body } -> EL(rhs); IL(i); BS(body)
| `If{...} -> for i=1, #x-1, 2 do E(x[i]); BS(x[i+1]) end
if #x%2 == 1 then BS(x[#x]) end
| `Call{...}|`Invoke{...}|`Return{...} -> EL(x)
| `Break | `Goto{ _ } | `Label{ _ } -> -- nothing
| { tag=tag, ...} if M.tags.stat[tag]->
M.malformed (cfg, x, unpack (ancestors))
| _ ->
M.unknown (cfg, x, unpack (ancestors))
function M.traverse.expr (cfg, x, ...)
if M.debug then printf("traverse expr %s", table.tostring(x)) end
local ancestors = {...}
local B = |y| M.block (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Block
local S = |y| M.stat (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Statement
local E = |y| M.expr (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Expression
local EL = |y| M.expr_list (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Expression List
local IL = |y| M.binder_list (cfg, y, x, unpack(ancestors)) -- Id binders list
local OS = |y| cfg.scope :save() -- Open scope
local CS = |y| cfg.scope :restore() -- Close scope
local function BS(y) OS(); B(y); CS() end -- Block with Scope
match x with
| `Paren{ e } -> E(e)
| `Call{...} | `Invoke{...} -> EL(x)
| `Index{ a, b } -> E(a); E(b)
| `Op{ opid, ... } -> E(x[2]); if #x==3 then E(x[3]) end
| `Function{ params, body } -> OS(body); IL(params); B(body); CS(body)
| `Stat{ b, e } -> OS(body); B(b); E(e); CS(body)
| `Id{ name } -> M.occurrence(cfg, x, unpack(ancestors))
| `Table{ ... } ->
for i = 1, #x do match x[i] with
| `Pair{ k, v } -> E(k); E(v)
| v -> E(v)
end end
| `Nil|`Dots|`True|`False|`Number{_}|`String{_} -> -- terminal node
| { tag=tag, ...} if M.tags.expr[tag]-> M.malformed (cfg, x, unpack (ancestors))
| _ -> M.unknown (cfg, x, unpack (ancestors))
function M.traverse.block (cfg, x, ...)
assert(type(x)=='table', "traverse.block() expects a table")
for y in ivalues(x) do M.stat(cfg, y, x, ...) end
function M.traverse.expr_list (cfg, x, ...)
assert(type(x)=='table', "traverse.expr_list() expects a table")
-- x doesn't appear in the ancestors
for y in ivalues(x) do M.expr(cfg, y, ...) end
function M.malformed(cfg, x, ...)
error ("Malformed node of tag "..(x.tag or '(nil)'))
function M.unknown(cfg, x, ...)
error ("Unknown node tag "..(x.tag or '(nil)'))
function M.occurrence(cfg, x, ...)
if cfg.occurrence then cfg.occurrence(cfg.scope :get(x[1]), x, ...) end
function M.binder_list (cfg, id_list, ...)
local f = cfg.binder
for i, id_node in ipairs(id_list) do
if id_node.tag == 'Id' then
cfg.scope :set (id_node[1], { id_node, ... })
if f then f(id_node, ...) end
else assert (i==#id_list and id_node.tag=='Dots', "Invalid binders list") end
-- Generic walker generator.
-- * if `cfg' has an entry matching the tree name, use this entry
-- * if not, try to use the entry whose name matched the ast kind
-- * if an entry is a table, look for 'up' and 'down' entries
-- * if it is a function, consider it as a `down' traverser.
local walker_builder = |traverse| function (cfg, ...)
if not cfg.scope then cfg.scope = M.newscope() end
local down, up = cfg.down, cfg.up
local broken = down and down(...)
if broken ~= 'break' then M.traverse[traverse] (cfg, ...) end
if up then up(...) end
-- Declare [M.stat], [M.expr], [M.block] and [M.expr_list]
for w in values{ "stat", "expr", "block", "malformed", "unknown" } do
M[w] = walker_builder (w, M.traverse[w])
-- Don't call up/down callbacks on expr lists
M.expr_list = M.traverse.expr_list
-- Try to guess the type of the AST then choose the right walkker.
function M.guess (cfg, x, ...)
assert(type(x)=='table', "arg #2 in a walker must be an AST")
if M.tags.expr[x.tag] then return M.expr(cfg, x, ...) end
if M.tags.stat[x.tag] then return M.stat(cfg, x, ...) end
if not x.tag then return M.block(cfg, x, ...) end
error ("Can't guess the AST type from tag "..(x.tag or '<none>'))
local S = { }; S.__index = S
function M.newscope()
local instance = { current = { } }
instance.stack = { instance.current }
setmetatable (instance, S)
return instance
function S :save(...)
table.insert (self.stack, table.shallow_copy (self.current))
if ... then return self :add(...) end
function S :restore() self.current = table.remove (self.stack) end
function S :get (var_name) return self.current[var_name] end
function S :set (key, val) self.current[key] = val end
return M
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