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Created October 25, 2011 17:40
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Setup RVM, install ruby 1.9.2, setup default gemset and install Rails 3.1.1 and Bundler
# This script is for settingup a usable rvm environment for ruby development
# Enables user to manage versions of ruby and sets of Gems in a clean manner
# Information on rvm is available at
if [[ -d "${rvmdir}" ]]; then
read -p "WARNING: Removing any current ~/.rvm Okay? (y/n): "
[ "$REPLY" == "y" ] && echo "Continuing..." || { echo "Okay, exitting then..."; exit 1; }
rm -rf ~/.rvm
echo ""
command -v $git >/dev/null && echo "$git found, good to go" || { echo "$git not found, required to continue. \n Please install $git"; exit 1; }
bash < <(curl -s )
# ATTENTION if your .bash_profile is not sourced by default on new bash session either change file or make sure its loaded
echo "Adding rvm command to your bash_profile"
type -P $rvm &>/dev/null && echo "rvm already found in PATH moving on..." || { echo '[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM function' >> ~/.bashrc; echo "Added to your bashrc" }
echo ""
echo "Attempting to source our new command (rvm)"
source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm
# Should output => rvm is a function
# If there is an issue here its likely there was an issue loading our command
# otherwise check that ~/.rvm was successfully created
# May want to follow this script by hand if having issues down here
type -P $rvm &>/dev/null && echo "New $rvm command found! Moving on..." || { echo "Can't access $rvm command"; exit 1; }
# TODO Want to check `rvm requirements` - will need to see if there is much in the way
# of exit statuses for the command before attempting
#rvm requirements #To ensure dependencies are met
# Install a Ruby version
echo "Attempting to install Ruby 1.9.2 and our default gem..."
rvm install 1.9.2
# Set as the version we're using
echo ""
echo "Setting 1.9.2 as default..."
rvm use 1.9.2 --default
# Create a sandbox for Gems
echo ""
echo "Creating default gemset (rails31)"
rvm gemset create rails31
# Add our Ruby version to the gemset
echo ""
echo "Adding to a new default gemset (rails31)"
rvm 1.9.2@rails31 --default
# Install two important, common gems
echo ""
echo "Installing Rails 3.1.1 and Bundler to our gemset"
gem install rails -v 3.1.1
# Top it off
echo "That should do it, now you can:"
echo -e "\t* Download a project and run 'bundle install' and start working with it"
echo -e "\t* Run 'rails new [appname]; cd [appname]; bundle install' and experiment"
echo -e "\t* Checkout if you need to learn Ruby first"
echo "You'll likely want to either run 'source ~/.bashrc' now or exit your terminal and open it again"
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