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Created October 28, 2011 11:50
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guard-jasmine/jasminerice error reproduction
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describe "TestMe", ->
it "should test for guard-jasmine error", ->
document.write "<form id='sheetform'><div id='mygrid'></div></form>"
Run Jasmine suite at http://localhost:3000/jasmine?spec=TestMe
ERROR: Cannot decode JSON from PhantomJS runner: 710: unexpected token at '{"error":"Timeout requesting Jasmine test runner!"}
ERROR: Please report an issue at:
ERROR: JSON response: {
"passed": true,
"stats": {
"specs": 1,
"failures": 0,
"time": 0.02
"suites": [
"description": "TestMe",
"passed": true,
"specs": [
"description": "should test for guard-jasmine error",
"passed": true
"suites": []
{"error":"Timeout requesting Jasmine test runner!"}
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