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Created October 29, 2011 14:33
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generate_data = function(
n # number of units
, k # number of trials within each condition within each unit
, noise # measurement noise variance
, I # population intercept
, vI # across-units variance of intercepts
, A # population A effect
, vA # across-units variance of A effects
, rIA # across-units correlation between intercepts and A effects
Sigma = c(
vI , sqrt(vI*vA)*rIA
, sqrt(vI*vA)*rIA , vA
Sigma = matrix(Sigma,2,2)
means = mvrnorm(n,c(I,A),Sigma)
temp = expand.grid(A=c('a1','a2'),value=0)
temp$A = factor(temp$A)
contrasts(temp$A) = contr.sum
from_terms = terms(value~A)
mm = model.matrix(from_terms,temp)
data = expand.grid(A=c('a1','a2'),unit=1:n,trial=1:k)
for(i in 1:n){
data$value[data$unit==i] = as.numeric(mm %*% means[i,]) + rnorm(k*2,0,sqrt(noise))
data$unit = factor(data$unit)
data$A = factor(data$A)
# contrasts(data$A) = contr.sum
data$A = as.numeric(data$A)-1.5
grid = expand.grid(
iterations = 1:1e3
, N = c(10,100)
, k = c(10,100)
, A = c(0,1)
, vA = c(0,1)
, rIA = c(0,.9)
grid = grid[grid$A!=0 | (grid$vA==0 & grid$rIA==0),]
grid = grid[grid$vA!=0 | (grid$rIA==0),]
grid = ddply(
.data = grid
, .variables = .(iterations,N,k,A,vA,rIA)
, .fun = function(x){
data = generate_data(
n = x$N # number of units
, k = x$k # number of trials within each condition within each unit
, noise = 1 # measrurement noise variance
, I = 0 # population intercept
, vI = 1 # across-units variance of intercepts
, A = x$A # population A effect
, vA = x$vA # across-units variance of A effects
, rIA = x$rIA # across-units correlation between intercepts and A effects
m0 = log2(exp(1))*AIC(lmer(
data = data
, formula = value ~ (1|unit)
, REML = F
m1 = log2(exp(1))*AIC(lmer(
data = data
, formula = value ~ (1|unit) + A
, REML = F
m2 = log2(exp(1))*AIC(lmer(
data = data
, formula = value ~ (1|unit) + A + (0+A|unit)
, REML = F
m3 = log2(exp(1))*AIC(lmer(
data = data
, formula = value ~ (A|unit) + A
, REML = F
to_return = data.frame(
m0 = m0
, type = c('m1','m2','m3')
, value = c(m0-m1,m0-m2,m0-m3)
, .progress = 'text'
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