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Created November 1, 2011 08:13
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Haskell IP filter
module Main where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import Data.Array.Base (unsafeAt)
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Monoid
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8
newtype IP = IP { ipValue :: Word32 } deriving (Ord, Eq)
toSplitPoints Nothing [] = []
toSplitPoints (Just e) [] = [e]
toSplitPoints Nothing ((a,b):ps) = a:toSplitPoints (Just b) ps
toSplitPoints (Just e) ((a,b):ps) = if a > e then e:a:toSplitPoints (Just b) ps else toSplitPoints (Just (max e b)) ps
bsearch :: (Int -> Bool) -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe Int
bsearch p (a,b) | a >= b = if p a then Just a else Nothing
| otherwise = let mid = a + (b-a)`div`2 in if p mid then bsearch p (a,mid) else bsearch p (mid+1,b)
parseFilter ips = let ips' = toSplitPoints Nothing (sort ips)
n = length ips'
arr = listArray (0,n-1) (map ipValue ips') :: UArray Int Word32
in \(IP ip) -> maybe False odd $ bsearch (\i -> unsafeAt arr i > ip) (0,n-1)
parseIPPair s = let [a,b] = B.split ',' s in (parseIP a, parseIP b)
parseIP s = IP (((fromIntegral a*256+fromIntegral b)*256+fromIntegral c)*256+fromIntegral d)
where Just (a,_bcd) = B.readInt s
Just (b,_cd) = B.readInt (B.tail _bcd)
Just (c,_d) = B.readInt (B.tail _cd)
Just (d,_) = B.readInt (B.tail _d)
dot = fromChar '.'
putIP (IP abcd) = writeInt a <> dot <> writeInt b <> dot <> writeInt c <> dot <> writeInt d
where (abc,d) = abcd `divMod` 256
(ab,c) = abc `divMod` 256
(a,b) = ab `divMod` 256
writeInt x = fromShow x
(<>) = mappend
main = do
[filterFile, sampleFile] <- getArgs
filterF <- B.readFile filterFile >>= return . parseFilter . map parseIPPair . B.lines
samples <- B.readFile sampleFile >>= return . map parseIP . B.lines
B.putStr . toLazyByteString . mconcat . intersperse (fromChar '\n') . map putIP . filter filterF $ samples
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