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Created November 7, 2011 19:23
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Mini parser with parser combinators of scala.
package miniparser
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val expr = """
val a = 3;
def f(x) ={
a * x
def g() = {
val a = 10;
val parser = new MiniParser
val ast = parser.parse(expr).get
val visitor = new ExprVisitor
var result = visitor.eval(new Environment(None), ast);
class Environment(parent:Option[Environment]){
val variables = Map[String, Any]()
def get(key:String):Any = {
parent match{
case Some(p) => p.get(key)
case None => throw new Exception("symbol'%s' not found".format(key))
def set(key:String, value:Any){
variables(key) = value
class ExprVisitor{
def eval(env:Environment, ast:AST):Any = {
def visit(ast:AST):Any = {
ast match{
case Lines(exprs) =>{
val local = new Environment(Some(env))
exprs.foldLeft(Unit:Any){(result, x) => eval(local, x)}
case IfExpr(cond, pos, neg) =>{
visit(cond) match{
case true => visit(pos)
case false => visit(neg)
case LessOp(left, right) =>{
(visit(left), visit(right)) match{
case (lval:Int, rval:Int) => lval < rval
case AddOp(left, right) =>{
(visit(left), visit(right)) match{
case (lval:Int, rval:Int) => lval + rval
case (lval:String, rval) => lval + rval
case (lval, rval:String) => lval + rval
case SubOp(left, right) =>{
(visit(left), visit(right)) match{
case (lval:Int, rval:Int) => lval - rval
case MulOp(left, right) =>{
(visit(left), visit(right)) match{
case (lval:Int, rval:Int) => lval * rval
case IntVal(value) => value
case StringVal(value) => value
case PrintLine(value) => {
val v = visit(value);
case Ident(name) => {
case Assignment(vr, value) =>{
val v = visit(value)
env.set(vr, v)
case FuncDef(name, func) =>{
env.set(name, Closure(env, func))
case FuncCall(func, params) =>{
visit(func) match{
case f:Closure => {
val local = new Environment(Some(f.env))
(f.func.params zip params).foreach{case(pn, a) =>
local.set(pn, visit(a))
eval(local, f.func.proc)
trait AST
case class Lines(exprs:List[AST]) extends AST
case class IfExpr(cond:AST, pos:AST, neg:AST) extends AST
case class LessOp(left: AST, right:AST) extends AST
case class AddOp(left: AST, right:AST) extends AST
case class SubOp(left: AST, right:AST) extends AST
case class MulOp(left: AST, right:AST) extends AST
case class StringVal(value: String) extends AST
case class PrintLine(value: AST) extends AST
case class IntVal(value: Int) extends AST
case class Ident(name: String) extends AST
case class Assignment(variable: String, value: AST) extends AST
case class Func(params:List[String], proc:AST) extends AST
case class FuncDef(name: String, func: Func) extends AST
case class FuncCall(func:AST, params:List[AST]) extends AST
case class Closure(env: Environment, func: Func)
class MiniParser extends RegexParsers{
//lines ::= expr {";" expr} [";"]
def lines: Parser[AST] = repsep(line, ";")<~opt(";")^^Lines
def line: Parser[AST] = expr | assignment | funcDef
//expr ::= cond | if | printLine
def expr: Parser[AST] = condOp|ifExpr|printLine
//if ::= "if" "(" expr ")" expr "else" expr
def ifExpr: Parser[AST] = "if"~"("~>expr~")"~expr~"else"~expr^^{
case cond~_~pos~_~neg => IfExpr(cond, pos, neg)
//cond ::= add {"<" add}
def condOp: Parser[AST] = chainl1(add,
"<"^^{op => (left:AST, right:AST) => LessOp(left, right)})
//add ::= term {"+" term | "-" term}.
def add: Parser[AST] = chainl1(term,
"+"^^{op => (left:AST, right:AST) => AddOp(left, right)}|
"-"^^{op => (left:AST, right:AST) => SubOp(left, right)})
//term ::= factor {"*" factor}
def term : Parser[AST] = chainl1(funcCall,
"*"^^{op => (left:AST, right:AST) => MulOp(left, right)})
def funcCall: Parser[AST] = factor~opt("("~>repsep(expr, ",")<~")")^^{
case fac~param =>{
param match{
case Some(p) => FuncCall(fac, p)
case None => fac
//factor ::= intLiteral | stringLiteral | "(" expr ")" | "{" lines "}"
def factor: Parser[AST] = intLiteral | stringLiteral | ident |
"("~>expr<~")" | "{"~>lines<~"}"
//intLiteral ::= ["1"-"9"] {"0"-"9"}
def intLiteral : Parser[AST] = """[1-9][0-9]*|0""".r^^{
value => IntVal(value.toInt)}
//stringLiteral ::= "\"" {"a-zA-Z0-9.."} "\""
def stringLiteral : Parser[AST] = "\""~>"""[a-zA-Z0-9:*/+\- ]*""".r<~"\""^^StringVal
def ident :Parser[Ident] = """[A-Za-z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*""".r^?{
case n if n != "if" && n!= "val" && n!= "println" && n != "def" => n}^^Ident
def assignment:Parser[Assignment] = "val"~>ident~"="~expr^^{
case v~_~value => Assignment(, value)
// printLine ::= "printLn" "(" expr ")"
def printLine: Parser[AST] = "println"~"("~>expr<~")"^^PrintLine
def funcDef:Parser[FuncDef] = "def"~>ident~opt("("~>repsep(ident, ",")<~")")~"="~expr^^{
case v~params~_~proc => {
val p = params match{
case Some(pr) => pr
case None => Nil
FuncDef(, Func(, proc))
def parse(str:String) = parseAll(lines, str)
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