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Created September 2, 2024 08:19
dendrite-1 testnet validators onboarding
gh pr list \
--state closed \
--search "label:\"chain: ⛓️ dentrite-1\" label:register-validator sort:created-asc" \
--limit 150 --json "createdAt,mergedAt" \
--template '{{ printf "%s\n" "# date count" }}{{ range . }}{{ if .mergedAt }}{{ printf "%s %d\n" .createdAt 1}}{{ end }}{{ end }}' \
-R axone-protocol/networks \
| gnuplot \
-p \
-e 'set terminal dumb size 150, 30; set autoscale; set xdata time; set timefmt "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"; set title "dendrite-1 Validators onboarding"; set xlabel "Date"; set ylabel "Count"; cumulative_sum(x)=(count=count+x,count); count=0; plot "-" using 1:(cumulative_sum($2)) title "" with lines;'
dendrite-1 Validators onboarding
16 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| + + + + + + + + + + + ******* |
| ************* |
14 |-+ *********** +-|
| ******* |
| **** |
12 |-+ ****** +-|
| ****** |
| ***** |
10 |-+ ****** +-|
| **** |
8 |-+ * +-|
Count | ** |
| **** |
6 |-+ ******* +-|
| ******** |
| ****** |
4 |-+ ****** +-|
| ******* |
| ********** |
2 |-+ ****** +-|
| * |
| * + + + + + + + + + + + |
0 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
08/29 08/29 08/29 08/29 08/30 08/30 08/30 08/30 08/30 08/30 08/31 08/31 08/31
08:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 00:00 04:00 Date0 12:00 16:00 20:00 00:00 04:00 08:00
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