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Created November 9, 2011 23:08
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#include < iterator >
#include "afxwin.h"
#include "afxtempl.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
class myCObject : public CObject
myCObject( const std::string& val )
x = val;
std::string x;
// Define BaseMFCIter as a standard input iterator.
// The template arguments are:
// Item: the contained element type
// Cont: the container type
// Key: the access key (defaults to POSITION)
template < typename Item, class Cont, class Key = POSITION >
class BaseMFCIter : public std::iterator < std::input_iterator_tag, Item >
// Define types for the 2 member functions to be used:
typedef Key (Cont::*GetFirstFunctionPtr) () const;
typedef Item (Cont::*GetNextFunctionPtr) (Key&) const;
// Default constructor, makes a null iterator, equal to BaseMFCIter::end()
BaseMFCIter() : m_pCont(0), m_Pos(0), m_GetFirstFunc(0), m_GetNextFunc(0), m_End(true) {}
// Constructor taking pointer to container and the iteration functions
BaseMFCIter(Cont* pCont, GetFirstFunctionPtr pFF, GetNextFunctionPtr pNF)
: m_pCont(pCont), m_Pos(0), m_GetFirstFunc(pFF), m_GetNextFunc(pNF)
{ init(); }
bool operator == (const BaseMFCIter& rhs) const
{ return (m_Pos == rhs.m_Pos && m_End == rhs.m_End); }
bool operator != (const BaseMFCIter& rhs) const
{ return !operator==(rhs); }
BaseMFCIter& operator ++ () { advance(); return *this; }
BaseMFCIter& operator ++ (int) { BaseMFCIter ret(*this); advance(); return ret; }
Item operator * () { return m_Item; }
Item operator -> () { return m_Item; }
static BaseMFCIter end () { return BaseMFCIter(); } // end() returns default null iterator
Item m_Item; // Current item from container
Cont* m_pCont; // Pointer to container
Key m_Pos; // Key to item in container
bool m_End; // Flag to indicate end of container reached
// Pointers to container iteration functions
GetFirstFunctionPtr m_GetFirstFunc;
GetNextFunctionPtr m_GetNextFunc;
// Use container GetFirst & GetNext functions to set to first element, or end() if not found
void init()
m_Pos = 0;
m_End = true;
if (m_pCont && m_GetFirstFunc != 0)
m_Pos = (m_pCont->*m_GetFirstFunc)();
// Use container GetNext function to find next element in container
void advance()
m_End = m_Pos ? false : true;
m_Item = (m_Pos && m_pCont && m_GetNextFunc != 0) ?
(m_pCont->*m_GetNextFunc)(m_Pos) : Item();
struct Container : public CObList
myCObject* GetNext(POSITION& rPosition)
return dynamic_cast<myCObject*>(CObList::GetNext(rPosition));
myCObject const* GetNext(POSITION& rPosition) const
return dynamic_cast<const myCObject*>(CObList::GetNext(rPosition));
class ListIter : public BaseMFCIter < const myCObject*, Container, POSITION >
ListIter( Container* pObj = 0)
: BaseMFCIter< const myCObject*, Container, POSITION >
(pObj, &CObList::GetHeadPosition, &Container::GetNext)
struct Comparator
Comparator(const std::string& compareTo) : stringToCompare(compareTo) {}
bool operator() ( const myCObject* lhs ) const
return (bool) 0 == lhs-> stringToCompare );
const std::string stringToCompare;
void main( )
myCObject* m = new myCObject( "one" );
myCObject* n = new myCObject( "two" );
myCObject* p = new myCObject( "three" );
myCObject* q = new myCObject( "four" );
Container cont;
cont.AddHead( m );
cont.AddHead( n );
cont.AddHead( p );
cont.AddHead( q );
Comparator pred("three");
ListIter iter = ListIter(&cont),
endIter = ListIter( );
ListIter foundIter = std::find_if( iter, endIter, pred );
if (endIter != foundIter)
std::cout << "foundIter x is: " << foundIter->x << std::endl;
std::cout << "not found" << std::endl;
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