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Created November 13, 2011 09:31
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Stack Exchange deleted post user script
#!/usr/bin/env coffee --compile --bare
`// ==UserScript==
// @name Stack Exchange Deleted Question Viewer (Developer Trunk)
// @version 1.0
// @description (Intended for developer use only.)
// @namespace
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// ==/UserScript==
load = (url, success, failure) ->
# Loads a script specified by a URL into the document.
e = document.createElement "script"
e.setAttribute "src", url
if success? then e.addEventListener "load", success
if failure? then e.addEventListener "error", failure
document.body.appendChild e
return e
inject = (f) ->
# Injects a function into the document and evaluates it.
# It is injected as source code, so it loses its current
# scope and gains a new one under the global scope.
e = document.createElement "script"
e.textContent = "(#{f})();"
document.body.appendChild e
return e
url = ""
load url, null, -> console.error "Unable to load deleted question viewer trunk!"
// ==UserScript==
// @name Stack Exchange Deleted Question Viewer (Developer Trunk)
// @version 1.0
// @description (Intended for developer use only.)
// @namespace
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// ==/UserScript==
;var inject, load, url;
load = function(url, success, failure) {
var e;
e = document.createElement("script");
e.setAttribute("src", url);
if (success != null) {
e.addEventListener("load", success);
if (failure != null) {
e.addEventListener("error", failure);
return e;
inject = function(f) {
var e;
e = document.createElement("script");
e.textContent = "(" + f + ")();";
return e;
url = "";
load(url, null, function() {
return console.error("Unable to load deleted question viewer trunk!");
#!/usr/bin/env coffee --compile --bare
`// ==UserScript==
// @name Stack Exchange Deleted Question Viewer
// @version 1.1
// @description Allows you to view some deleted questions on Stack Exchange.
// @namespace
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// ==/UserScript==
### helpers from ###
load = (url, onLoad, onError) ->
# Loads the script at url into the document. Optionally,
# callbacks may be provided for onLoad and onError.
e = document.createElement "script"
e.setAttribute "src", url
if onLoad? then e.addEventListener "load", onLoad
if onError? then e.addEventListener "error", onError
document.body.appendChild e
return e
execute = (functionOrCode) ->
# Inserts a function or string of code into the document
# and executes it. The functions are converted to source
# code before being inserted, so they lose their current
# scope/closures and are run underneath the global scope
# (window).
if typeof functionOrCode is "function"
code = "(#{functionOrCode})();"
code = functionOrCode
e = document.createElement "script"
e.textContent = code
document.body.appendChild e
return e
loadAndExecute = (url, functionOrCode) ->
# A shortcut; this loads a script from url, then inserts
# and executes functionOrCode if successful.
load url, -> execute functionOrCode
### main script ###
loadAndExecute "//", (->
pathMatch = window.location.pathname.match /\/questions\/(\d+)[\/$]/
onDeletedQuestion = pathMatch and
$("h1").text() is "Page Not Found" and
return if not onDeletedQuestion then
rightCol = $(".rightcol").empty().css
color: "#444"
fontSize: "120%"
background: "#FFE"
leftCol = $(".leftcol")
print = (s) -> rightCol.append $("<p>").css(margin: "1em").text s
print "Deleted post detected. Loading post content..."
questionID = pathMatch[1]
questionTitle = null
questionMD = null
questionHTML = null
questionPoster = null
questionEditor = null
editorURL = "/posts/#{questionID}/edit"
editorRequest = $.ajax editorURL, dataType: "html"
editorLoaded = (data, statusText, request) ->
return editorFailed() if request.status isnt 200
dataDOM = $(data)
questionTitle = dataDOM.find("input[name=title]").val()
questionMD = dataDOM.find("textarea").val()
questionPoster = dataDOM.find("select[name=revisions-list] option:last").text()
questionEditor = dataDOM.find("select[name=revisions-list] option:first").text()
print "Post \"#{questionTitle}\" loaded."
if questionPoster
print "Posted by: #{questionPoster}"
if questionEditor isnt questionPoster
print "Edited by: #{questionEditor}"
$("title").text $("title").text().replace "Page Not Found", questionTitle
$("h1").text questionTitle
$("<pre>").html(questionMD).css(whiteSpace: "pre-wrap")
).animate(width: "+=150")
rightCol.animate width: "-=150"
print "Loading Markdown parser..."
mdRequest = $.getScript "/content/js/wmd.js", dataType: "script"
mdRequest.then mdLoaded, mdFailed
editorFailed = ->
print "Unable to load deleted question."
editorRequest.then editorLoaded, editorFailed
mdLoaded = (data, statusText, request) ->
print "Loaded."
questionHTML = (new Markdown.Converter).makeHtml questionMD
mdFailed = ->
print "Unable to load Markdown parser."
) # end injected code
// ==UserScript==
// @name Stack Exchange Deleted Question Viewer
// @version 1.1
// @description Allows you to view some deleted questions on Stack Exchange.
// @namespace
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// ==/UserScript==
/* helpers from */var execute, load, loadAndExecute;
load = function(url, onLoad, onError) {
var e;
e = document.createElement("script");
e.setAttribute("src", url);
if (onLoad != null) {
e.addEventListener("load", onLoad);
if (onError != null) {
e.addEventListener("error", onError);
return e;
execute = function(functionOrCode) {
var code, e;
if (typeof functionOrCode === "function") {
code = "(" + functionOrCode + ")();";
} else {
code = functionOrCode;
e = document.createElement("script");
e.textContent = code;
return e;
loadAndExecute = function(url, functionOrCode) {
return load(url, function() {
return execute(functionOrCode);
/* main script */
loadAndExecute("//", (function() {
var editorFailed, editorLoaded, editorRequest, editorURL, leftCol, mdFailed, mdLoaded, onDeletedQuestion, pathMatch, print, questionEditor, questionHTML, questionID, questionMD, questionPoster, questionTitle, rightCol;
pathMatch = window.location.pathname.match(/\/questions\/(\d+)[\/$]/);
onDeletedQuestion = pathMatch && $("h1").text() === "Page Not Found" && $(".revision-comment").length;
if (!onDeletedQuestion) {
rightCol = $(".rightcol").empty().css({
color: "#444",
fontSize: "120%",
background: "#FFE"
leftCol = $(".leftcol");
print = function(s) {
return rightCol.append($("<p>").css({
margin: "1em"
print("Deleted post detected. Loading post content...");
questionID = pathMatch[1];
questionTitle = null;
questionMD = null;
questionHTML = null;
questionPoster = null;
questionEditor = null;
editorURL = "/posts/" + questionID + "/edit";
editorRequest = $.ajax(editorURL, {
dataType: "html"
editorLoaded = function(data, statusText, request) {
var dataDOM, mdRequest;
if (request.status !== 200) {
return editorFailed();
dataDOM = $(data);
questionTitle = dataDOM.find("input[name=title]").val();
questionMD = dataDOM.find("textarea").val();
questionPoster = dataDOM.find("select[name=revisions-list] option:last").text();
questionEditor = dataDOM.find("select[name=revisions-list] option:first").text();
print("Post \"" + questionTitle + "\" loaded.");
if (questionPoster) {
print("Posted by: " + questionPoster);
if (questionEditor !== questionPoster) {
print("Edited by: " + questionEditor);
$("title").text($("title").text().replace("Page Not Found", questionTitle));
whiteSpace: "pre-wrap"
width: "+=150"
width: "-=150"
print("Loading Markdown parser...");
mdRequest = $.getScript("/content/js/wmd.js", {
dataType: "script"
return mdRequest.then(mdLoaded, mdFailed);
editorFailed = function() {
return print("Unable to load deleted question.");
editorRequest.then(editorLoaded, editorFailed);
mdLoaded = function(data, statusText, request) {
questionHTML = (new Markdown.Converter).makeHtml(questionMD);
return leftCol.html(questionHTML);
return mdFailed = function() {
return print("Unable to load Markdown parser.");
coffee --compile --bare .
What I should end up doing is finding every feature that
isn't locked down and using it.
Add the normal footer to posts:
link | edit | open | flag edited.... asked...
don't require markdown for that.
Remove the sidebar and add header bar including the deletion message.
$("<div>").addClass("module system-alert")
.append $("revision-comment").parent().detach()
class DeletedPostLoader
Copy link

This doesn't seem to be working. It looks like the /posts/ URLs for deleted questions now return short "The post has been deleted and you can't..." documents.

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