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Created November 16, 2011 07:53
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It's all SQF. extension is just for syntax highlight
_handle = armaData; // the name of the pipe handle
//--------------- merged timer
vrema = 0; // initial var
player sidechat "timer started";
player sidechat "Starting buffer RW"; // Buffered Write
//--------------- merged timer
while{true} do { // main loop
_cached_buffer = global_buffer; // grab current buffer state
global_buffer = []; // purge global buffer
{ // here starts foreach lopp for every record in the grabbed buffer
// for debug sometimes I check it with clipboard write to be sure jlib is not freaking out
//copyToClipboard ( str ( format["%1",_x] ) );
//here what makes external app dump it all to a file
[_handle, format["%1",_x]] call jayarma2lib_fnc_writePipe;
sleep fps; // just to debug, but theoretically not needed and must be super fast
//player sidechat format["BW: %1", _x];
} foreach _cached_buffer;
_cached_buffer = []; // purge grabbed buffer
//--------------- merged timer
//titleText [format["%1 (at %2 FPS)",vrema, fps], "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5]; // current timecode in the middle of the screen
//hintSilent format["%1", global_buffer]; // debug to see what's captured to global buffer
if (!aartimer) exitWith {titleText [format["timer stopped at %1, write ended", vrema], "PLAIN DOWN"]; vrema = 0; }; // when global timer condition or stop turns false we exit
vrema = vrema + 1; // increment timestamp by one fps
sleep fps; // main fps for syncing
//--------------- merged timer
if (true) exitWith {player sidechat "END BUFFER FUNCTION"; };
Move = false;
//Here we declare the rate of fps to record at
fps = 0.1;
//Anim = [player, "none"];
//Here come globals
aartimer = true;
playbackMode = false;
recordMode = false;
offlineMode = false;
aarReady = false;
vrema = 0;
global_buffer = [];
[] execVM "f_spect\specta_init.sqf";
//Adding action to launch AAR
recorder addAction ["Launch AAR", "switch.sqf"];
recorder addAction ["SPECTATE", "spect.sqf"];
///AAR_fnc_writePipe = [proc, params] call "fnc_AAR_buffered_write.sqf";
aartimer = true; // global condition for timer working
player sidechat "Let's record!";
player sidechat "Trying to open pipes";
//_counted = count allUnits;
//checking communications with exernal app
if(isNil("delphiData")) then {
player sidechat "NO CLIENT PIPE!!";
if(isNil("armaData")) then {
player sidechat "NO AAR PIPE!!";
player sidechat "Sending RECORDING status";
[armaCom, "RECORDING"] call jayarma2lib_fnc_writePipe; // tell ext app that we are commencing record
player sidechat "Starting while"; // debug
//witing for ping from external app
while{true} do
player sidechat "Waiting for confirmation from client";
if (recordMode) exitWith {player sidechat "Client confirmed record. Proceeding."; }; //script received confirmation from external app
//assign a list of units
recUnits = allUnits; // collect units
recVeh = vehicles; // collect vehicles
_everyone = allUnits + vehicles; // for common EH
//assign event handlers for all vehicles
{ //engine onn off capturing
_x addEventHandler ["Engine", {[armaData, format['["engine", %1, %2]', _this select 0,_this select 1]] spawn AAR_fnc_writePipe; player sidechat "Engine state changed";}];
} forEach recVeh;
{ //register hits
_x addEventHandler ["Hit", {[armaData, format['["hit", %1, %2]', _this select 0,_this select 1]] spawn AAR_fnc_writePipe; player sidechat "Hit recorded";}];
//reproduce damage
_x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {(_this select 0) setDamage (_this select 2); [armaData, format['["damage", %1, "%2", %3, %4, "%5"]', _this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2,_this select 3,_this select 4]] spawn AAR_fnc_writePipe; player sidechat "Damage recorded";}];
// register fire
_x addEventHandler ["Fired", {[armaData, format['["fired", %1, "%2", "%3", "%4", "%5"]', _this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2,_this select 3,_this select 4]] spawn AAR_fnc_writePipe; player sidechat "Shot recorded";}];
} forEach _everyone;
player sidechat "ROGER received, proceeding";
//thisko = [] execVM "timer.sqf";
//--------------- merged timer
thisko = [] execVM "fnc_AAR_buffered_write.sqf"; //merged timer and this script
//--------------- merged timer
_tmr = ( random 1); // dunno what's this, a buddy made timer for me
sleep _tmr;
//////---------MAIN LOOP ================ THAT"S WHERE MAJOR LAGGING STARTS
while{true} do
_frame = vrema; // main timestamp sync
///=============== GATHER DATA FOR UNITS
_write_array = [];
_unit_array = [];
{ //state is dead or not - 1 for dead, 0 for alive
_state = 0;
_vehicle = _x;
_driver = 0;
_gunner = 0;
_commander = 0;
_animate = "0";
_CPos = [0,0,0]; _CDir = 0;
if(!alive _x) then {
_state = 1; // status is checked every frame on playback and kills unit when it reads 1
} else {
//if in vehicle
if(vehicle _x != _x) then {
_state = damage _x;
//vehicle var
_vehicle = vehicle _x;
//what position?
if(gunner _vehicle == _x) then {_gunner = 0;};
if(driver _vehicle == _x) then {_driver = 1;};
if(commander _vehicle == _x) then {_commander = 0;};
} else {
// not in vehicle
_state = damage _x;
_animate = animationState _x; //capture animation
_CPos = getPosATL _x;
_CDir = getDir _x;
_unit_array = [_x,_Cpos,_CDir,_animate,_state, _vehicle, _driver, _gunner,_commander]; // gather data array
_write_array = ["unit", _frame, time, _unit_array]; // extend the data array with data type, time sync and frame info
global_buffer set [count global_buffer, _write_array]; // push the data to global buffer
} forEach recUnits;
///!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UNITS END
_write_array = [];
_unit_array = [];
//_iko = 0;
{ //Now process vehicles
//state is dead or not - 1 for dead, 0 for alive
_state = 0;
_CPos = [0,0,0];
_CDir = 0;
_Vd = [0,0,0];
_Vu = [0,0,0];
_Vdir = [];
if(!alive _x) then {
_state = 1;
//_unit_array = _unit_array + [[_x,_Cpos,_CDir,_animate,_state,_vehicle, _driver, _gunner, _commander]];
} else {
_state = 0;
_engine = 0;
_CPos = getPosATL _x; //_CDir = getDir _x;
_Vd = vectorDir _x;
_Vu = vectorUp _x;
_unit_array = [_x,_Cpos,_Vd, _Vu,_engine,1,_state];
_write_array = ["vehicle", _frame, time, _unit_array];
global_buffer set [count global_buffer, _write_array];
} forEach recVeh;
if (!recordMode) exitWith {player sidechat "Stop received. Reinitiating."; };
sleep fps; // main pause for the loop
//--------------- merged timer
//vrema = 0; // initial var
//player sidechat "timer started";
//player sidechat "Starting buffer RW";
//_nilly = [] execVM "fnc_AAR_buffered_write.sqf"; // activate buffered write to ext app
//While {true} do { // main loop
//titleText [format["%1 (at %2 FPS)",vrema, fps], "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5]; // current timecode in the middle of the screen
//hintSilent format["%1", global_buffer]; // debug to see what's captured to global buffer
// if (!aartimer) exitWith {titleText [format["timer stopped at %1", vrema], "PLAIN DOWN"]; vrema = 0; }; // when global timer condition or stop turns false we exit
// vrema = vrema + 1; // increment timestamp by one fps
// sleep fps; // main fps for syncing
//--------------- merged timer
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