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Created August 26, 2018 18:22
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diff --git a/nixos/modules/system/boot/loader/grub/ b/nixos/modules/system/boot/loader/grub/
index d1ff6e6bf525..ca901d07ec05 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/system/boot/loader/grub/
+++ b/nixos/modules/system/boot/loader/grub/
@@ -398,6 +398,29 @@ sub addEntry {
$conf .= "$extraEntries\n" unless $extraEntriesBeforeNixOS;
+# Find all the children of the current default configuration
+# Do not search for grand children
+my @links = sort (glob "$defaultConfig/fine-tune/*");
+foreach my $link (@links) {
+ my $entryName = "";
+ my $cfgName = readFile("$link/configuration-name");
+ my $date = strftime("%F", localtime(lstat($link)->mtime));
+ my $version =
+ -e "$link/nixos-version"
+ ? readFile("$link/nixos-version")
+ : basename((glob(dirname(Cwd::abs_path("$link/kernel")) . "/lib/modules/*"))[0]);
+ if ($cfgName) {
+ $entryName = $cfgName;
+ } else {
+ $entryName = "($date - $version)";
+ }
+ addEntry("NixOS - $entryName", $link);
my $grubBootPath = $grubBoot->path;
# extraEntries could refer to @bootRoot@, which we have to substitute
$conf =~ s/\@bootRoot\@/$grubBootPath/g;
diff --git a/nixos/tests/installer-child.nix b/nixos/tests/installer-child.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0542fa52bf47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/installer-child.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+{ system ? builtins.currentSystem }:
+with import ../lib/testing.nix { inherit system; };
+with pkgs.lib;
+ # The configuration to install.
+ makeConfig = { bootLoader, grubVersion, grubDevice, grubIdentifier, grubUseEfi
+ , extraConfig, forceGrubReinstallCount ? 0
+ }:
+ pkgs.writeText "configuration.nix" ''
+ { config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }:
+ { imports =
+ [ ./hardware-configuration.nix
+ <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/testing/test-instrumentation.nix>
+ ];
+ # To ensure that we can rebuild the grub configuration on the nixos-rebuild
+ system.extraDependencies = with pkgs; [ stdenvNoCC ];
+ ${optionalString (bootLoader == "grub") ''
+ boot.loader.grub.version = ${toString grubVersion};
+ ${optionalString (grubVersion == 1) ''
+ boot.loader.grub.splashImage = null;
+ ''}
+ boot.loader.grub.extraConfig = "serial; terminal_output.serial";
+ ${if grubUseEfi then ''
+ boot.loader.grub.device = "nodev";
+ boot.loader.grub.efiSupport = true;
+ boot.loader.grub.efiInstallAsRemovable = true; # XXX: needed for OVMF?
+ '' else ''
+ boot.loader.grub.device = "${grubDevice}";
+ boot.loader.grub.fsIdentifier = "${grubIdentifier}";
+ ''}
+ boot.loader.grub.configurationLimit = 100 + ${toString forceGrubReinstallCount};
+ ''}
+ ${optionalString (bootLoader == "systemd-boot") ''
+ boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
+ ''}
+ users.users.alice = {
+ isNormalUser = true;
+ home = "/home/alice";
+ description = "Alice Foobar";
+ };
+ hardware.enableAllFirmware = lib.mkForce false;
+ services.udisks2.enable = lib.mkDefault false;
+ ${replaceChars ["\n"] ["\n "] extraConfig}
+ }
+ '';
+ # This test is derived from the basic configuration of the installer
+ # test.The test script boots a NixOS VM, installs NixOS on an empty hard
+ # disk. The NixOS configuration has two configurations.
+ #
+ # - Default configuration
+ # - Work configuration - This has an extra "/etc/gitconfig" file.
+ #
+ # Once the VM is setup,
+ # - reboot and verify that it has booted into default configuration.
+ # - Reboot into the "Work" configuration via grub.
+ # - Verify that we have booted into the "Work" configuration and that
+ # the extra config file is present.
+ testScriptFun = { bootLoader, createPartitions, grubVersion, grubDevice, grubUseEfi
+ , grubIdentifier, preBootCommands, extraConfig
+ }:
+ let
+ iface = if grubVersion == 1 then "ide" else "virtio";
+ isEfi = bootLoader == "systemd-boot" || (bootLoader == "grub" && grubUseEfi);
+ # FIXME don't duplicate the -enable-kvm etc. flags here yet again!
+ qemuFlags =
+ (if system == "x86_64-linux" then "-m 768 " else "-m 512 ") +
+ (optionalString (system == "x86_64-linux") "-cpu kvm64 ") +
+ (optionalString (system == "aarch64-linux") "-enable-kvm -machine virt,gic-version=host -cpu host ");
+ hdFlags = ''hda => "vm-state-machine/machine.qcow2", hdaInterface => "${iface}", ''
+ + optionalString isEfi (if pkgs.stdenv.isAarch64
+ then ''bios => "${pkgs.OVMF.fd}/FV/QEMU_EFI.fd", ''
+ else ''bios => "${pkgs.OVMF.fd}/FV/OVMF.fd", '');
+ in if !isEfi && !(pkgs.stdenv.isi686 || pkgs.stdenv.isx86_64) then
+ throw "Non-EFI boot methods are only supported on i686 / x86_64"
+ else ''
+ $machine->start;
+ # Make sure that we get a login prompt etc.
+ $machine->succeed("echo hello");
+ #$machine->waitForUnit('getty@tty2');
+ #$machine->waitForUnit("rogue");
+ $machine->waitForUnit("nixos-manual");
+ # Wait for hard disks to appear in /dev
+ $machine->succeed("udevadm settle");
+ # Partition the disk.
+ ${createPartitions}
+ # Create the NixOS configuration.
+ $machine->succeed("nixos-generate-config --root /mnt");
+ $machine->succeed("cat /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix >&2");
+ $machine->copyFileFromHost(
+ "${ makeConfig { inherit bootLoader grubVersion grubDevice grubIdentifier grubUseEfi extraConfig; } }",
+ "/mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix");
+ # Perform the installation.
+ $machine->succeed("nixos-install < /dev/null >&2");
+ $machine->succeed("umount /mnt/boot || true");
+ $machine->succeed("umount /mnt");
+ $machine->succeed("sync");
+ $machine->shutdown;
+ # Reboot Machine
+ $machine = createMachine({ ${hdFlags} qemuFlags => "${qemuFlags}", name => "boot-after-install" });
+ $machine->waitForUnit("");
+ # Booted configuration name should be Default
+ $machine->succeed("cat /run/booted-system/configuration-name >&2");
+ $machine->succeed("cat /run/booted-system/configuration-name | grep Default");
+ # We should find **not** a file named /etc/gitconfig
+ $machine->fail("test -e /etc/gitconfig");
+ # Set grub to boot the second configuration
+ $machine->succeed("sudo grub-reboot 1");
+ $machine->shutdown;
+ # Reboot Machine
+ $machine = createMachine({ ${hdFlags} qemuFlags => "${qemuFlags}", name => "boot-after-install" });
+ $machine->waitForUnit("");
+ # Booted configuration name should be Work
+ $machine->succeed("cat /run/booted-system/configuration-name >&2");
+ $machine->succeed("cat /run/booted-system/configuration-name | grep Work");
+ # We should find a file named /etc/gitconfig
+ $machine->succeed("test -e /etc/gitconfig");
+ $machine->shutdown;
+ '';
+ makeInstallerTest = name:
+ { createPartitions, preBootCommands ? "", extraConfig ? ""
+ , extraInstallerConfig ? {}
+ , bootLoader ? "grub" # either "grub" or "systemd-boot"
+ , grubVersion ? 2, grubDevice ? "/dev/vda", grubIdentifier ? "uuid", grubUseEfi ? false
+ , enableOCR ? false, meta ? {}
+ }:
+ makeTest {
+ inherit enableOCR;
+ name = "installer-" + name;
+ meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; {
+ # put global maintainers here, individuals go into makeInstallerTest fkt call
+ maintainers = [ wkennington ] ++ (meta.maintainers or []);
+ };
+ nodes = {
+ # The configuration of the machine used to run "nixos-install".
+ machine =
+ { pkgs, ... }:
+ { imports =
+ [ ../modules/profiles/installation-device.nix
+ ../modules/profiles/base.nix
+ extraInstallerConfig
+ ];
+ virtualisation.diskSize = 8 * 1024;
+ virtualisation.memorySize = 1024;
+ # Use a small /dev/vdb as the root disk for the
+ # installer. This ensures the target disk (/dev/vda) is
+ # the same during and after installation.
+ virtualisation.emptyDiskImages = [ 512 ];
+ virtualisation.bootDevice =
+ if grubVersion == 1 then "/dev/sdb" else "/dev/vdb";
+ virtualisation.qemu.diskInterface =
+ if grubVersion == 1 then "scsi" else "virtio";
+ boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = mkIf (bootLoader == "systemd-boot") true;
+ hardware.enableAllFirmware = mkForce false;
+ # The test cannot access the network, so any packages we
+ # need must be included in the VM.
+ system.extraDependencies = with pkgs;
+ [ sudo
+ libxml2.bin
+ libxslt.bin
+ docbook5
+ docbook_xsl_ns
+ unionfs-fuse
+ ntp
+ nixos-artwork.wallpapers.gnome-dark
+ perlPackages.XMLLibXML
+ perlPackages.ListCompare
+ xorg.lndir
+ # add curl so that rather than seeing the test attempt to download
+ # curl's tarball, we see what it's trying to download
+ curl
+ ]
+ ++ optional (bootLoader == "grub" && grubVersion == 1) pkgs.grub
+ ++ optionals (bootLoader == "grub" && grubVersion == 2) [ pkgs.grub2 pkgs.grub2_efi ];
+ services.udisks2.enable = mkDefault false;
+ nix.binaryCaches = mkForce [ ];
+ nix.extraOptions =
+ ''
+ hashed-mirrors =
+ connect-timeout = 1
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ testScript = testScriptFun {
+ inherit bootLoader createPartitions preBootCommands
+ grubVersion grubDevice grubIdentifier grubUseEfi extraConfig;
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ # !!! `parted mkpart' seems to silently create overlapping partitions.
+ # The (almost) simplest partitioning scheme: a swap partition and
+ # one big filesystem partition.
+ simple = makeInstallerTest "simple"
+ { createPartitions =
+ ''
+ $machine->succeed(
+ "parted --script /dev/vda mklabel msdos",
+ "parted --script /dev/vda -- mkpart primary linux-swap 1M 1024M",
+ "parted --script /dev/vda -- mkpart primary ext2 1024M -1s",
+ "udevadm settle",
+ "mkswap /dev/vda1 -L swap",
+ "swapon -L swap",
+ "mkfs.ext3 -L nixos /dev/vda2",
+ "mount LABEL=nixos /mnt",
+ );
+ '';
+ bootLoader = "grub";
+ grubVersion = 2;
+ # Set unique configuration names for the two configurations.
+ # Create an extra file for the "Work" configuration
+ extraConfig =
+ ''
+ boot.loader.grub.configurationName = "Default";
+ nesting.clone = [
+ {
+ boot.loader.grub.configurationName = lib.mkForce "Work";
+ environment.etc = {
+ "gitconfig".text = "
+ [core]
+ gitproxy = none for
+ ";
+ };
+ }
+ ];
+ '';
+ };
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