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Created November 26, 2011 16:03
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Save maul-esel/1395905 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
files to dynamically generate a CHM for ahkbook
; requires latest AHK_L
#SingleInstance force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
; ============= config =============
build_dir := A_ScriptDir "\build"
user := "maul-esel"
; ==================================
PrepareBuildDir() ; prepare build dir
src := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.DOMDocument") ; represents the html source
src.Load(download("http://" . user . "", build_dir)) ; download index + load
src_index := src.selectNodes("//ul").item(1) ; get language list (2nd <ul>)
dest := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.DOMDocument") ; represents the hhc destination
dest.LoadXML(template()) ; load template
dest_index := dest.selectSingleNode("//ul") ; get item list (1st <ul>)
src_list := src_index.selectNodes("li") ; get list of languages
Loop % src_list.length
AddLanguage(src_list.item(A_Index - 1), dest_index) ; add languages to dest_index
} "\contents.hhc") ; save hhc
retransform(A_ScriptDir "\contents.hhc") ; add HTML header (would break XML)
Run %Comspec% /c "cd "%A_ScriptDir%" && "C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe" "%A_ScriptDir%\ahkbook.hhp" > log.txt", %A_ScriptDir%, Hide ; compile
MsgBox finished!
Run log.txt ; show log to user
FileRemoveDir %build_dir%, 1 ; clean build dir
; ======================================= end of auto-execute section ===============================================
Prepares the build dir:
* empty it
* create empty.html
global build_dir
IfExist %build_dir%
FileRemoveDir, %build_dir%, 1
FileCreateDir, %build_dir%
FileAppend <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>ahkbook - page missing</title></head><body></body></head>, %build_dir%\empty.html
Adds a language and all its topics
src_item - the XmlDomElement representing the language in index.html
dest_parent - the XmlDomElement the language should be appended to (the HHC index)
AddLanguage(src_item, dest_parent)
global user, build_dir
dest_item := AddItem(src_item, dest_parent) ; add the language itself to the hhc index
link := src_item.selectSingleNode(".//a/@href").value ; get the link to the language's introduction
lang_folder := SubStr(link, 1, InStr(link, "/") - 1) ; get the language's subfolder
lang := ComObjCreate("MSXML2.DOMDocument") ; represents the language's introduction document
lang.Load(download("http://" . user . "" link, build_dir))
lang_index := lang.selectSingleNode("//ol").selectNodes("li") ; get the source index list of the language's topics
if (lang_index.length > 0) ; if topics exist:
dest_list := dest_item.appendChild(dest_item.ownerDocument.createElement("ul")) ; prepare the destination item
Loop % lang_index.length
AddItem(lang_index.item(A_Index - 1), dest_list, lang_folder) ; add all topics for this language
Adds a topic to the HHC index
src_item - the XmlDomElement representing the language in index.html or the language's index
dest_parent - the XmlDomElement the language should be appended to (in the HHC index)
lang - the language subfolder the topic belongs to
AddItem(src_item, dest_parent, lang = "")
global user, build_dir
link := src_item.selectSingleNode(".//a/@href").Value ; get the relative topic link
name := src_item.selectSingleNode(".//a").text ; get the topic title
link := link ? ("http://" . user . "" . (lang ? lang . "/" : "") . link) : "" ; if the link is not empty: make absolute, else set to ""
dest_item := dest_parent.appendChild(getElement(dest_parent.ownerDocument, name, download(link, build_dir, false, lang))) ; append a new item to the dest_parent item
sub := src_item.selectNodes("ul/li") ; get a list of subtopics
if (sub.length > 0) ; if subtopics exist:
dest_sub := dest_item.appendChild(dest_item.ownerDocument.createElement("ul")) ; prepare the destination item
Loop % sub.length
AddItem(sub.item(A_Index - 1), dest_sub, lang) ; add all subtopics
return dest_item
creates a list item
doc - the XmlDomDocument to use
name - the item's topic name
path - the local path to the topic
getElement(doc, name, path)
item := doc.createElement("li")
obj := item.appendChild(doc.createElement("object"))
obj.setAttribute("type", "text/sitemap")
param1 := obj.appendChild(doc.createElement("param"))
param1.setAttribute("name", "Name")
param1.setAttribute("value", name)
param2 := obj.appendChild(doc.createElement("param"))
param2.setAttribute("name", "Local")
param2.setAttribute("value", path)
return item
; removes the <!DOCTYPE ...> from a file
FileRead t, %file%
FileDelete %file%
FileAppend, % RegExReplace(t, "Ui)^\s*<!DOCTYPE (.*)>\s*\r?\n"), %file%
FileRead t, %file%
FileDelete %file%
FileAppend, <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN">`n%t%, %file%
download(url, prefix = "", transform = true, lang = "")
global build_dir
if (url)
path := prefix . "\" . SubStr(url, 8, StrLen(url))
StringReplace path, path, /, \, 1
SplitPath path,, dir
if (!FileExist(dir))
FileCreateDir %dir%
UrlDownloadToFile %url%, %path%
path := build_dir "\empty.html"
if (transform)
return path
gets a template for the HHC file
global build_dir, user
return "<html>"
. "<head><meta name='GENERATOR' content='maul.esel; ahkbook generator script'/></head>"
. "<body>"
. "<object type='text/site properties'><param name='ImageType' value='Folder'/></object>"
. "<ul><li><object type='text/sitemap'><param name='Name' value='ahkbook'/><param name='Local' value='" build_dir . "\" . user . "\ahkbook\index.html'/></object></li></ul>"
. "</body>"
. "</html>"
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