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Created November 28, 2011 10:43
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Nyan Cat TAP Formatter
1. Save this file into your PERL5LIB
2. Run prove with option like following:
$ prove --formatter NyanCat
package NyanCat;
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw(TAP::Formatter::Console);
sub open_test {
my ($self, $test, $parser) = @_;
my $session = NyanCat::Session->new( {
name => $test,
formatter => $self,
parser => $parser,
} );
package NyanCat::Session;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep time);
use parent qw(TAP::Formatter::Console::Session);
use POSIX qw(floor);
my $size = (split /\s+/, `stty size`)[-1];
my $colors = do {
my $pi_3 = atan2(1, 1) * 4 / 3;
map {
my $n = $_ * 1 / 6;
my $r = floor(3 * sin($n ) + 3);
my $g = floor(3 * sin($n + 2 * $pi_3) + 3);
my $b = floor(3 * sin($n + 4 * $pi_3) + 3);
36 * $r + 6 * $g + $b + 16;
(6..((6 * 7) + 1))
my %statistics;
my $code = ' ' x $size;
my $prev = 0;
my $rainbowify = 0;
sub rainbowify ($) {
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s{(.)}{
my $color = $colors->[$rainbowify++ % @$colors];
sprintf("\e[38;5;%dm%s\e[0m", $color, $1);
sub cat ($$) {
my ($eye, $n) = @_;
($n % 2 == 0) ?
[ "_,------, ",
"_| /\\_/\\ ",
"~|_( $eye .$eye) ",
" \"\" \"\" "
[ "_,------, ",
"_| /\\_/\\",
"^|__( $eye .$eye) ",
" \"\" \"\" "
sub result {
my ($self, $result) = @_;
if ($result->is_test) {
my $type = $result->{directive} || $result->{ok};
$code .= {
'ok' => (length($code) % 2 == 0) ? '-' : '_',
'not ok' => '*',
'TODO' => '!',
'SKIP' => '=',
print "\e[2J";
printf "\e[%d;%dH", 0, 0;
my $length = $size - 30;
my $x = rainbowify substr($code, -$length);
my $c = cat('^', length $code);
print color 'green';
printf("% 8d: %s%s\n", $statistics{'ok'} || 0, $x, $c->[0]);
print color 'red';
printf("% 8d: %s%s\n", $statistics{'not ok'} || 0, $x, $c->[1]);
print color 'yellow';
printf("% 8d: %s%s\n", $statistics{'TODO'} || 0, $x, $c->[2]);
print color 'yellow';
printf("% 8d: %s%s\n", $statistics{'SKIP'} || 0, $x, $c->[3]);
print color 'reset';
my $sleep = time - $prev;
my $interval = 0.1;
sleep $interval - $sleep if $sleep < $interval;
$prev = time;
sub close_test {
my $self = shift;
my $parser = $self->parser;
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