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Last active May 11, 2022 14:10
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Save NicoKiaru/142258b2eef49e3bb1bb5b0309c81e00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Takes a bioformats compatible file and batch exports individual series, optionally Z Projected and rescaled #BIOP #Fiji #BigDataViewer
// You need to activate for this script to function
// It takes a file and batch exports individual series, optionally Z Projected and rescaled
// Deals pretty correctly with Big dataset + saves multiresolution OME-TIFFs file, keeping the positional metadata
// Nicolas Chiaruttini, BIOP, EPFL, 2022
#@File(label="Dataset") image_file
#@boolean(label="Show advanced opening parameters") advanced
#@String(label="Give a name to your dataset") dataset_name
#@String( label = "Select a subset of channels (0 based, comma separated). Leave blank for all", value="") range_channels
#@String( label = "Selected slices (0 based, comma separated). Leave blank for all", required = false ) range_slices
#@String( label = "Selected frames (0 based, comma separated). Leave blank for all", required = false ) range_frames
#@Boolean( label = "Perform Z Projection") z_project
#@String(label="Z Projection Method", choices={"Average Intensity", "Max Intensity", "Min Intensity", "Sum Slices", "Standard Deviation", "Median"}) z_project_method
#@Integer(label="Resize in (XY)", value=1) resize
#@File(label="Output directory", style="directory") output_directory
#@Boolean(label = "Show Images", value = false) show_images
#@Integer(label="Number of images processed in parallel", value=2) n_max_threads
#@Integer(label="Number of resolution levels", value=4) nResolutionLevels
#@Integer(label="Downscaling fator", value=2) downscaleFactor
#@String(label="Compression", choices={"LZW","Uncompressed"}) compression
#@SourceAndConverterService sac_service
#@CommandService command
#@ConvertService convert
#@TaskService taskService
def task = taskService.createTask("OME TIFF conversion "+image_file.getName())
task.setStatusMessage("Parsing file metadata...")
sac_service.remove(sac_service.getSourceAndConverters().toArray(new SourceAndConverter[0]))
if (advanced) {,true,
"datasetname", dataset_name,
"files", [image_file] as File[]).get()
} else {,true,
"datasetname", dataset_name,
"files", [image_file] as File[],
"splitrgbchannels", false).get()
def allSources = convert.convert(dataset_name, SourceAndConverter[].class)
IJ.log("Total number of sources="+allSources.length)
* Removing all z offsets to the image
for (source: allSources) {
center = SourceAndConverterHelper.getSourceAndConverterCenterPoint(source)
AffineTransform3D zOffset = new AffineTransform3D()
SourceTransformHelper.append(zOffset.inverse(), new SourceAndConverterAndTimeRange(source,0))
// Uses the Bdv UI to fetch the number of series ( how many nodes are there below dataset>SeriesNumber ?
def datasetPath = sac_service.getUI().getTreePathFromString(dataset_name+">SeriesNumber")
def int number_of_series = datasetPath.getLastPathComponent().getChildCount();
def iImage = new AtomicInteger()
def start =;
task.setStatusMessage("Conversion in progress")
def lock = new Object()
GParsExecutorsPool.withPool(n_max_threads as int) {
(0..number_of_series-1).eachParallel{ series_index -> //
// Converts as virtual image plus
def, false,
"sacs", dataset_name+">Tile>"+series_index,
"level", 0,
"range_frames", range_frames,
"range_channels", range_channels,
"range_slices", range_slices,
"export_mode", "Virtual no-cache", // Because we only read once!
if (ij1_images.size()!=1) IJ.log("ERROR : ONE IMAGE EXPECTED, MULTIPLE ONES FOUND")
def image = ij1_images.get(0)
IJ.log("Processing "+image.getTitle())
// Z Project
if (z_project) {
def iniTitle = image.getTitle();
def cal = image.getCalibration().copy();
ZProjector zp = new ZProjector();
if (image.getNSlices() > 1 || image.getNFrames() > 1) {
def initialBitDepth = image.getBitDepth()
image = zp.getProjection();
cal.zOrigin = 0 // remove z offset when projecting
// Restores bit depth
if (image.getBitDepth() != initialBitDepth) {
def ic = new ImageConverter(image)
switch (initialBitDepth) {
case 8:
case 16:
IJ.log("Conversion from "+image.getBitDepth()+" to "+initialBitDepth+" unsupported")
// Resizes the image if set by the user
if (resize!=1) {
def iniTitle = image.getTitle();
def cal = image.getCalibration().copy()
cal.pixelWidth = cal.pixelWidth * resize as double
cal.pixelHeight = cal.pixelHeight * resize as double
cal.xOrigin = cal.xOrigin / resize as double
cal.yOrigin = cal.yOrigin / resize as double
image = Scaler.resize(
image, image.getWidth()/resize as int,
image.getHeight()/resize as int,
image.getNSlices() as int,
if(show_images) {}
def totalPath = output_directory.getAbsolutePath()+File.separator+image_file.getName()+"_"+image.getTitle()+".ome.tiff"
new Thread(() -> {
ImagePlusToOMETiff.writeToOMETiff(image, new File(totalPath), nResolutionLevels, downscaleFactor, compression);
synchronized (lock) {
printTimingMessage(start, ((double)(iImage.incrementAndGet())/(double)(number_of_series))*100)
long currentProgress = iImage.get();
if (currentProgress==number_of_series) { -> {}) // finished task
return "Done"
void printTimingMessage(Instant start, double percentageCompleteness) {
long s = Duration.between(start,;
String elapsedTime = String.format("%d:%02d:%02d", (s / 3600) as int, ((s % 3600) / 60) as int, (s % 60) as int);
double sPerPC = s / percentageCompleteness;
long sRemaining = (long) ((100 - percentageCompleteness) * sPerPC);
String remainingTime = String.format("%d:%02d:%02d", (sRemaining / 3600) as int, ((sRemaining % 3600) / 60) as int, (sRemaining % 60) as int);
LocalDateTime estimateDoneJob =;
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm");
long nDays = sRemaining / (3600 * 24);
String daysMessage = "";
if (nDays == 1) {
daysMessage += " tomorrow.";
if (nDays == 1) {
daysMessage += " in " + nDays + " days.";
String formatDateTime = estimateDoneJob.format(formatter)
if ((percentageCompleteness as int)== 100) {
String message = ' - Task completed. Elapsed time:' + elapsedTime + '.'
} else {
String message = ' - Task ' + (percentageCompleteness as int) + ' % completed. Elapsed time:' + elapsedTime + '. Estimated remaining time: ' + remainingTime + '. Job done at around ' + formatDateTime + daysMessage
import ch.epfl.biop.scijava.command.source.ExportToMultipleImagePlusCommand
import ch.epfl.biop.bdv.bioformats.command.OpenFilesWithBigdataviewerBioformatsBridgeCommand
import ch.epfl.biop.bdv.bioformats.command.BasicOpenFilesWithBigdataviewerBioformatsBridgeCommand
import sc.fiji.bdvpg.scijava.command.source.BasicTransformerCommand
import bdv.viewer.SourceAndConverter
import sc.fiji.bdvpg.sourceandconverter.SourceAndConverterHelper
import sc.fiji.bdvpg.sourceandconverter.transform.SourceTransformHelper
import sc.fiji.bdvpg.sourceandconverter.SourceAndConverterAndTimeRange
import net.imglib2.realtransform.AffineTransform3D
import ij.plugin.ZProjector
import ij.plugin.Scaler
import groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.*
import groovyx.gpars.*
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import ij.IJ
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import ch.epfl.biop.ImagePlusToOMETiff
import ij.process.ImageConverter
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