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Last active January 18, 2018 18:55
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s2 python
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# coding: utf-8
# In[1]:
import folium
import pywraps2 as s2
# In[2]:
# create a rect in s2
region_rect = s2.S2LatLngRect(
s2.S2LatLng.FromDegrees(48.831776, 2.222639),
s2.S2LatLng.FromDegrees(48.902839, 2.406))
# In[3]:
# ask s2 to create a cover of this rect
coverer = s2.S2RegionCoverer()
covering = coverer.GetCovering(region_rect)
print([c.ToToken() for c in covering])
# In[4]:
# create a map
map_osm = folium.Map(location=[48.86, 2.3],zoom_start=12, tiles='Stamen Toner')
# get vertices from rect to draw them on map
rect_vertices = []
for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 0]:
vertex = region_rect.GetVertex(i)
rect_vertices.append([, vertex.lng().degrees()])
# draw the cells
style_function = lambda x: {'weight': 1, 'fillColor':'#eea500'}
for cellid in covering:
cell = s2.S2Cell(cellid)
vertices = []
for i in range(0, 4):
vertex = cell.GetVertex(i)
latlng = s2.S2LatLng(vertex)
gj = folium.GeoJson({ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [vertices]}, style_function=style_function)
# warning PolyLine is lat,lng based while GeoJSON is not
ls = folium.PolyLine(rect_vertices, color='red', weight=2)
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