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Created December 10, 2011 17:36
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Configuring EC2 RHEL4 with Chef
which ruby
ruby -version
port list | grep ruby
sudo gem update --system
gem -v
mkdir -p ~/chef-repo/.chef/
mv ~/Downloads/<chef-hosted-account-username>.pem ~/chef-repo/.chef/
mv ~/Downloads/knife.rb ~/chef-repo/.chef/
mv ~/Downloads/<chef-hosted-organization-name>-validator.pem ~/chef-repo/.chef/
sudo gem install chef --no-ri --no-rdoc
git clone git:// ~/chef-repo
chef-client -v
knife client list
knife cookbook site install getting-started
knife cookbook upload getting-started
knife cookbook list
knife configure client ./client-config
ls -l client-config/
gem search -r knife
sudo gem install knife-ec2
find ./ -name knife.rb
vi ./.chef/knife.rb
13 ######
14 ##EC2#
15 ######
16 #
17 ## Platform access info
18 knife[:aws_access_key_id] = "xxx"
19 knife[:aws_secret_access_key] = "xxx"
20 #
21 ## Smallest possible free machine possible
22 knife[:flavor] = "t1.micro"
23 #
24 ## RHEL 4 Basic 64-bit Amazon Linux AMI 2011.09 (GOOD!)
25 knife[:image] = "ami-1b814f72"
26 #
27 ## RHEL 6.1 x86_64 (NO SSH!)
28 #knife[:image] = "ami-31d41658"
29 #
30 ## RHEL-5.6-Starter-EBS-x86_64-11-Hourly2 (NO SSH!)
31 #knife[:image] = "ami-8f4083e6"
32 #
33 ## Keypair id in cloud to assign to the provisioned instance
34 knife[:aws_ssh_key_id] = "xxx"
35 #
36 ## Keypair local location to access the provisioned instance (not picked up from here!)
37 #knife[:identity_file] = "/Users/xxx/.ec2/ec2.pem"
38 #config[:ssh_user] = "ec2-user"
cd ~/chef-repo/
knife cookbook upload yum erlang couchdb
cd ~/chef-repo/
knife bootstrap -x ec2-user -i /Users/xxx/.ec2/ec2.pem
ls ~/.ec2/ec2.pem
chmod 400 /Users/xxx/.ec2/ec2.pem
ls -alrt ~/.ec2/ec2.pem
telnet 22
vi ./.chef/knife.rb
cd ~/chef-repo/
gem contents chef | grep linux
cat /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/chef-0.10.4/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/archlinux-gems.erb
knife bootstrap -x ec2-user -i /Users/xxx/.ec2/ec2.pem --sudo --template-file /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/chef-0.10.4/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/archlinux-gems.erb
ssh -i /Users/xxx/.ec2/ec2.pem
cd ~/chef-repo/
gem contents chef | grep cent
cat /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/chef-0.10.4/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/centos5-gems.erb
mkdir ~/chef-repo/.chef/bootstrap/
cp /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/chef-0.10.4/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/centos5-gems.erb ~/chef-repo/.chef/bootstrap/centos5-gems-modified.erb
vi ~/chef-repo/.chef/bootstrap/centos5-gems-modified.erb
1 bash -c '
2 <%= "export http_proxy=\"#{knife_config[:bootstrap_proxy]}\"" if knife_config[:bootstrap_proxy] -%>
4 if [ ! -f /usr/bin/chef-client ]; then
5 yum install -y ruby ruby-devel gcc gcc-c++ automake autoconf make
6 yum install -y rubygems
7 fi
9 gem update --system
10 gem update
11 gem install ohai --no-rdoc --no-ri --verbose
12 gem install chef --no-rdoc --no-ri --verbose <%= bootstrap_version_string %>
14 mkdir -p /etc/chef
16 (
17 cat <<'EOP'
18 <%= validation_key %>
19 EOP
20 ) > /tmp/validation.pem
21 awk NF /tmp/validation.pem > /etc/chef/validation.pem
22 rm /tmp/validation.pem
24 (
25 cat <<'EOP'
26 <%= config_content %>
27 EOP
28 ) > /etc/chef/client.rb
30 (
31 cat <<'EOP'
32 <%= { "run_list" => @run_list }.to_json %>
33 EOP
34 ) > /etc/chef/first-boot.json
36 <%= start_chef %>'
cd ~/chef-repo/
knife ec2 server create --help
knife ec2 server create -x ec2-user -i /Users/xxx/.ec2/ec2.pem --template-file ~/chef-repo/.chef/bootstrap/centos5-gems-modified.erb --verbose
knife ec2 server list
knife client list
$ knife node run_list add i-17a4bf74 "recipe[getting-started]"
run_list: recipe[getting-started]
$ sudo find / -name cookbooks
$ sudo find / -name chef-getting-started.txt
$ sudo cat /root/chef-getting-started.txt
Welcome to Chef!
This is Chef version 0.10.4.
Running on amazon.
Version 2011.09.
$ knife node run_list remove i-17a4bf74 "recipe[getting-started]"
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