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Created December 15, 2011 12:13
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MooTools Analytics Tracker
Monitors link clicks and pushes them to google analytics
It automatically tracks mail links and downloads, and if a link doesn't leed to the same domain it tracks it as an outbound link.
based on the drupalmodule
@author Leon Radley
Custom tracking example:
Tracker.track('download', 'customfile', 'mycustomfile');
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
var Tracker = new Class({
Implements: [Options],
options: {
// track downloads
downloads: true,
// what extensions to track
extensions: '7z|aac|arc|arj|asf|asx|avi|bin|csv|doc|exe|flv|gif|gz|gzip|hqx|jar|jpe?g|js|mp(2|3|4|e?g)|mov(ie)?|msi|msp|pdf|phps|png|ppt|qtm?|ra(m|r)?|sea|sit|tar|tgz|torrent|txt|wav|wma|wmv|wpd|xls|xml|z|zip',
// track mail links
mailto: true,
// track outbound links
outbound: true,
// outbound links show up under exit links
outboundAsPageView: false,
crossDomains: null
initialize: function(options){
this.isInternal = new RegExp('^(https?):\/\/' +, 'i');
this.isDownload = new RegExp('\\.(' + this.options.extensions + ')$', 'i');
this.options.crossDomains = this.options.crossDomains ? this.options.crossDomains.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$#\s]/g, '\\$&') : '';
this.isCrossDomain = new RegExp('^(https?|ftp|news|nntp|telnet|irc|ssh|sftp|webcal):\/\/.*(' + this.options.crossDomains + ')', 'i');
document.addEvent('click:relay(a)', this.track.bind(this));
track: function(event, a){
if( && this.isDownload.test(a.href)){
var extension = this.isDownload.exec(a.href);
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Downloads', extension[1].toLowerCase(), a.href.replace(this.isInternal, '')]);
} else {
if(this.options.mailto && a.href.test(/^mailto:/)){
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Mails', 'Click', a.href.substring(7)]);
} else if(this.options.outbound && a.href){
_gaq.push(["_link", a.href]);
} else if(this.options.outboundAsPageView){
_gaq.push(["_trackPageview", '/outbound/' + a.href.replace(/^(https?|ftp|news|nntp|telnet|irc|ssh|sftp|webcal):\/\//i, '').split('/').join('--')]);
} else {
_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "Outbound links", "Click", a.href]);
pageView: function(url){
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', url]);
track: function(category, name, comment){
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', category, name, comment || '']);
new Tracker();
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