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Created December 16, 2011 18:48
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Upgrade of textplot in PerformanceAnalytics and gplot
#' Display text information in a graphics plot.
#' This function displays text output in a graphics window. There is an option to display the text using the largest font that will fit in the plotting region.
#' For matrixes, data.frames and vectors a specialized textplot function is available that plots each of the cells individually in a way that is visually
#' appealing (maintains the table-like/grid-like structure of the data). If present, row and column labels will be displayed in a bold font.
#' This function was modified from the PerformanceAnalytics version by Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson (
#' Assistance was provided by John Colby in this post:
#' \url{}
#' Modifications:
#' \itemize{
#' \item More descriptive variables names, more in-line comments, more detailed/clear parameter documentation, more concise code
# \item This roxygen2 documentation
#' \item Bug fix and easier to use/understand cex parameter. If cex is specified then what you specify is what you get. Previously a specified cex was adjusted by par(cex) by the text() function, which is confusing.
#' \item This function sets par(cex = 1) and then passes the cex parameter (or computed cex in the auto-size case) to text(), so caller simply decides what cex is desired or omits cex to auto-size.
#' \item Bug fix to overlapping text when left aligning matrix/data.frame (see StackOverflow post linked above)
#' \item Eliminate vadj and hadj in favor of vCellAlign and hCellAlign and renamed valign/halign to vPlotAlign and hPlotAlign. Caller decides "center", "left", "right", "top", "bottom" for plot and cells and it all works out.
#' \item Using a small hack, textplot.character will horizontally align text within the plot region and within the plot itself. Previously the text was only aligned within the plot region so it appeared as if the alignment instruction was ignored.
#' }
#' Color has NOT been tested.
#' Don't deal with the TAB character.
#' @param object Object to be displayed. If character of length > 1, then elements are concatenated with a newline delimiter.
#' @param hPlotAlign Character with alignment of the entire object within the plotting region in the x direction, one of "center", "left", or "right". For character \samp{object} with multiple lines of text
#' this parameter is also used to align the text within the plot (i.e. "center" will center the object within the plotting region and also center 2 or more lines of text within the plot itself)
#' @param vPlotAlign Character with alignment of the entire object within the plotting region in the y direction, one of "center", "left", or "right".
#' @param cex Numeric of length 1 with the text character size, see \link{par} for details. If missing, the code will attempt to use the largest value which allows the entire plot region to be filled.
#' @param cmar Numeric with the space between columns, in fractions of the size of the letter 'M'. Typically > 1
#' @param rmar Numeric with the space between columns, in fractions of the size of the letter 'M'. Typically > 1
#' @param showRowNames Logical indicating whether row names will be displayed (for matrix, data.frame, or vector objects)
#' @param showColumnNames Logical indicating whether column names will be displayed (for matrix, data.frame, or vector objects)
#' @param hCellAlign Character with the horizontal location of elements within cell (for matrix, data.frame, or vector objects). One of "center", "left", or "right".
#' @param vCellAlign Character with the vertical location of elements within cell (for matrix, data.frame, or vector objects). One of "center", "top", or "bottom".
#' @param mar Figure margins, see the documentation for \link{par}
#' @param dataColor Colors for data elements. If a single value is provided, all data elements will be the same color. If a matrix matching the dimensions of the data is provided, each data element will receive the specified color.
#' @param rowNameColor Colors for row names. May be specified as a scalar or a vector of the same row length as object.
#' @param columnNameColor Colors for column names. May be specified as a scalar or a vector of the same column length as object.
#' @param ... Optional arguments passed to the text plotting command.
#' @return Numeric with the auto-sized cex value if cex is missing, otherwise the original cex value.
#' @author Suraj Gupta (suraj at
#' @export
Textplot = function( object , ... )
UseMethod( "Textplot" )
#' @rdname Textplot
#' @method Textplot default
#' @S3method Textplot default
Textplot.default = function( object , ... )
if ( is.matrix( object ) || ( is.vector( object ) && ( length( object ) > 1 ) ) )
return( Textplot.matrix( object , ... ) )
return( Textplot.character( as.character( object ) , ... ) )
#' @rdname Textplot
#' @method Textplot matrix
#' @S3method Textplot matrix
Textplot.matrix = function( object , hPlotAlign = c( "center" , "left" , "right" ) , vPlotAlign = c( "center" , "top" , "bottom" ) , cex , mar = c( 1 , 1 , 4 , 1 ) + 0.1 , cmar = 1 , rmar = 1 , showRowNames = TRUE , showColumnNames = TRUE , hCellAlign= c( "center" , "left" , "right" ) , vCellAlign = c( "center" , "top" , "bottom" ) , dataColor = par( "col" ) , rowNameColor = par( "col" ) , columnNameColor = par( "col" ) , ... )
# convert vector to matrix
if ( is.vector( object ) ) { object = t( as.matrix( object ) ) }
else { object = as.matrix( object ) }
# pull alignment parameters
hPlotAlign = match.arg( hPlotAlign )
vPlotAlign = match.arg( vPlotAlign )
hCellAlign = match.arg( hCellAlign )
vCellAlign = match.arg( vCellAlign )
vadj = hadj = NULL
if ( hCellAlign == "center" ) { hadj = .5 }
else if ( hCellAlign == "left" ) { hadj = 0 }
else { hadj = 1 }
if ( vCellAlign == "center" ) { vadj = .5 }
else if ( vCellAlign == "top" ) { vadj = 1 }
else { vadj = 0 }
# check dimensions of dataColor, rowNameColor, columnNameColor
if( length( dataColor ) == 1 ) { dataColor = matrix( dataColor , nrow = nrow( object ) , ncol = ncol( object ) ) }
else { if ( nrow( dataColor ) != nrow( object ) || ncol( dataColor ) != ncol( object ) ) { stop( "Dimensions of 'dataColor' do not match dimensions of 'object'." ) } }
if( length( rowNameColor ) == 1 ) { rowNameColor = rep( rowNameColor , nrow( object ) ) }
else { if ( length( rowNameColor ) != nrow( object ) ) { stop( "Length of 'rowNameColor' do not match number of rows in 'object'." ) } }
if( length( columnNameColor ) == 1 ) { columnNameColor = rep( columnNameColor , ncol( object ) ) }
else { if ( length( columnNameColor ) != ncol( object ) ) { stop( "Length of 'columnNameColor' do not match number of rows in 'object'." ) } }
# save old par settings
opar = par()[ c( "mar" , "xpd" , "cex" ) ]
on.exit( par( opar ) )
# set margins and force plotting to be clipped to plotting region
# here we HAVE to set cex = 1 because text() multiplies the cex parmeter by par( cex ) to get the final cex which is terribly confusing.
par( mar = mar , xpd = FALSE , cex = 1 )
# start the plot and set up the coordinate system which we'll use for alignment
plot.window( xlim = c( 0 , 1 ) , ylim = c( 0 , 1 ) , log = "" , asp = NA )
# add row/column names into the matrix itself as first row/column
# copy the row/column colors into dataColor matrix
if ( showRowNames )
if ( !is.null( rownames( object ) ) )
object = cbind( rownames( object ) , object )
dataColor = cbind( rowNameColor , dataColor )
if ( showColumnNames )
if ( !is.null( colnames( object ) ) )
object = rbind( colnames(object), object )
dataColor = rbind( columnNameColor , dataColor )
# if cex is not provided, then auto-size the text to fill the plot area
if ( missing( cex ) )
cex = 1
for ( i in 1 : 20 )
# get the sum of the widths of each column (take the widest text in each column and sum the widths)
# then pad each column with cmar
width = sum( apply( object, 2 , function( x ) max( strwidth( x , cex = cex ) ) ) ) + strwidth( "M" , cex = cex ) * cmar * ncol( object )
# the height is simply the height of any character times the number of rows * the row margin
height = strheight( 'M' , cex = cex ) * nrow( object ) * rmar
oldcex = cex
cex = cex / max( width , height )
if (abs( oldcex - cex ) < 0.001 ) { break }
# alignment
width = sum( apply( object, 2 , function( x ) max( strwidth( x , cex = cex ) ) ) ) + strwidth( "M" , cex = cex ) * cmar * ncol( object )
height = strheight( 'M' , cex = cex ) * nrow( object ) * rmar
if ( hPlotAlign == "left" ) { xpos = 0 }
else if ( hPlotAlign == "center" ) { xpos = 0 + ( 1 - width ) / 2 }
else { xpos = 0 + ( 1 - width ) }
if ( vPlotAlign == "top" ) { ypos = 1 }
else if ( vPlotAlign == "center" ) { ypos = 1 - ( 1 - height ) / 2 }
else { ypos = 1 - ( 1 - height ) }
# iterate across elements, plotting them
y = ypos
colWidths = apply( object, 2 , function( x ) max( strwidth( x , cex = cex ) ) ) + strwidth( "M" ) * cmar
rowHeight = strheight( "W" , cex = cex ) * rmar
for ( i in 1 : ncol( object ) )
xpos = xpos + hadj * colWidths[ i ]
for( j in 1 : nrow( object ) )
ypos = y - ( j - 1 ) * rowHeight
if ( ( showRowNames && i == 1 ) || ( showColumnNames && j == 1 ) )
text( xpos , ypos , object[ j , i ] , adj = c( hadj , vadj ) , cex = cex , font = 2 , col = dataColor[ j , i ] , ... )
text( xpos , ypos , object[ j , i ] , adj = c( hadj , vadj ) , cex = cex , font = 1 , col = dataColor[ j , i ] , ... )
xpos = xpos + ( 1 - hadj ) * colWidths[ i ]
# return resulting cex
invisible( cex )
#' @rdname Textplot
#' @method Textplot data.frame
#' @S3method Textplot data.frame = function( object , ... )
return( Textplot.matrix( object , ... ) )
#' @rdname Textplot
#' @method Textplot character
#' @S3method Textplot character
Textplot.character = function( object , hPlotAlign = c( "center" , "left" , "right" ) , vPlotAlign = c( "center" , "top" , "bottom" ) , cex , mar = c( 0 , 0 , 3 , 0 ) + 0.1 , ... )
# if length > 1, then combine with new line
object = paste( object , collapse = "\n" , sep = "" )
# TODO: took out the code to handle TAB characters
# pull hPlotAlign, vPlotAlign
hPlotAlign = match.arg( hPlotAlign )
vPlotAlign = match.arg( vPlotAlign )
# start the plot
# save old par settings
opar = par()[ c( "mar" , "xpd" , "cex" ) ]
on.exit( par( opar ) )
# set margins and force plotting to be clipped to plotting region
# here we HAVE to set cex = 1 because text() multiplies the cex parmeter by par( cex ) to get the final cex which is terribly confusing.
par( mar = mar , xpd = FALSE , cex = 1 )
# set up the coordinate system which we'll use for alignment
plot.window( xlim = c( 0 , 1 ) , ylim = c( 0 , 1 ) , log = "" , asp = NA )
# if cex is missing then auto-size
lastloop = FALSE
if ( missing( cex ) )
cex = 1
for ( i in 1 : 20 )
width = strwidth( object , cex = cex )
height = strheight( object , cex = cex )
oldcex = cex
cex = cex / max( width , height )
if ( abs( oldcex - cex ) < 0.001 ) { break }
# alignment
width = strwidth( object , cex = cex )
height = strheight( object , cex = cex )
if ( hPlotAlign == "left" ) { xpos = 0 }
else if ( hPlotAlign == "center" ) { xpos = 0 + ( 1 - width ) / 2 }
else { xpos = 0 + ( 1 - width ) }
if ( vPlotAlign == "top" ) { ypos = 1 }
else if ( vPlotAlign == "center" ) { ypos = 1 - ( 1 - height ) / 2 }
else { ypos = 1 - ( 1 - height ) }
# horizonal alignment doesn't work as-is for multi-line text. that's because the entire text region is being aligned
# and not the text itself. A bit of a hack, but we simply pad the shorter lines of text with spaces to achieve the
# effect of left and right justification
if ( ( hPlotAlign == "right" ) || ( hPlotAlign == "center" ) )
textByLine = unlist( lapply( object , function( x ) strsplit( x , "\n" ) ) )
for ( i in 1 : length( textByLine ) )
oneLineText = textByLine[ i ]
while ( strwidth( oneLineText , cex = cex ) <= width )
if ( hPlotAlign == "right" ) { oneLineText = paste( " " , oneLineText , sep = "" ) }
else { oneLineText = paste( " " , oneLineText , " " , sep = "" ) }
textByLine[ i ] = oneLineText
object = paste( textByLine , collapse = "\n" )
# plot the text
text( x = xpos , y = ypos , labels = object , adj = c( 0 , 1 ) , cex = cex , ... )
# return resulting cex
invisible( cex )
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