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Created December 19, 2011 00:02
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A nicer PS1
# A More Awesome PS1
# - only show username if its not the usual one
# - only show hostname if its not my local box (checks SSH_CONNECTION)
# - show root username in red
# - show current path, and smart truncate longer ones (>35 chars)
# - show git branch in brackets
# - show a red star for uncommitted git changes
# - show local hostname in green (192.*,10.*,::1)
# - show other hostnames in white
# - use nice colors overall
# Define Colors
txtblk="\e[0;30m" # Black - Regular
txtred="\e[0;31m" # Red
txtgrn="\e[0;32m" # Green
txtylw="\e[0;33m" # Yellow
txtblu="\e[0;34m" # Blue
txtpur="\e[0;35m" # Purple
txtcyn="\e[0;36m" # Cyan
txtwht="\e[0;37m" # White
bldblk="\e[1;30m" # Black - Bold
bldred="\e[1;31m" # Red
bldgrn="\e[1;32m" # Green
bldylw="\e[1;33m" # Yellow
bldblu="\e[1;34m" # Blue
bldpur="\e[1;35m" # Purple
bldcyn="\e[1;36m" # Cyan
bldwht="\e[1;37m" # White
unkblk="\e[4;30m" # Black - Underline
undred="\e[4;31m" # Red
undgrn="\e[4;32m" # Green
undylw="\e[4;33m" # Yellow
undblu="\e[4;34m" # Blue
undpur="\e[4;35m" # Purple
undcyn="\e[4;36m" # Cyan
undwht="\e[4;37m" # White
bakblk="\e[40m" # Black - Background
bakred="\e[41m" # Red
badgrn="\e[42m" # Green
bakylw="\e[43m" # Yellow
bakblu="\e[44m" # Blue
bakpur="\e[45m" # Purple
bakcyn="\e[46m" # Cyan
bakwht="\e[47m" # White
txtrst="\e[0m" # Text Reset
# test for local hostname preference
if test -z "$SERVERNAME"; then
SERVERNAME=`hostname -s`
parse_git_branch() {
# get current branch name
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/[\1]/' -e 's/ *//'
# show * when there are uncommited changes
git st -s 2>/dev/null|wc -l|sed -e 's/0//' -e 's/[0-9][0-9]*/*/' -e 's/ *//'
# only display username if it's different than my usual one
if [[ -z $DEFAULT_USERNAME && $USER != $DEFAULT_USERNAME ]]; then echo -n $USER; fi
if [ $USER = 'root' ]; then echo "$txtred"; else echo "$txtylw"; fi
# only display hostname if on a remote box via ssh
if [ -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]; then echo -n "$SERVERNAME"; fi
if [[ $SSH_CLIENT =~ ^(192\.168\.|\:\:1 |10\.) ]]; then echo "$txtgrn"; else echo "$txtwht"; fi
# 1) replace $HOME with ~
# 2) replace ~/Sites with //
# 3) truncate paths using two methods:
# - split on '/', or
# - use first/last chars
# ...and use whatever ends up being shortest
ruby -e 'd=ENV["PWD"].gsub(%r{^#{ENV["HOME"]}},"~").gsub(%r{^~/Sites/},"//").gsub(%r{^/var/www/vhosts/},"//");p1=d[0,25]+"…"+d[-15,15].to_s;a=d.split("/");p2=a.first(4)+["…"]+a.last(2);p2=p2.join("/");puts (d.size>[p1.size,p2.size].min)?((p1.size<p2.size)?p1:p2):d'
# set term title bar without colors or git branch
if [ "$TERM" = "xterm-color" -o "$TERM" = "xterm" ]; then
TITLE_BAR="\[\e]1;\$(parse_user)@\$(parse_host) \$(parse_pwd)\[\a\]"
# set PS1 with everything
export PS1=$"$TITLE_BAR\[$(user_color)\]$(parse_user)\[$bldgrn\]@\[$(host_color)\]$(parse_host) \[$undpur\]\$(parse_pwd)\[$txtrst\]\[$bldblk\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[$bldred\]\$(parse_git_status)\[$txtrst\] \$ "
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