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Created December 19, 2011 16:36
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Bitwise operations for fractions in Python.
"""This module defines bitwise operations for fractions.
In the same way that rational numbers have repeating decimal expansions ie. 1/3 = 0.333...
they also have repeating binary expansions: 1/3 = 0.010101...
Bitwise operators can be extended to such expansions and then converted back to rational numbers.
Just like we usually don't write 1 as 0.999... this module follows the convention that
1 = 1.000... even when expanded in binary.
The inversion operator '~' is not defined as ~1 = ...1110.111... would violate this convention.
For the same reason bitwise operations between negative numbers result in undefined behaviour.
The option to use one's complement for negative numbers ie. -1 = ...1110.111... = ~1
is not pursued here because fractions don't have a signed zero.
The inverse of zero ~0 = ...111.111... could not be converted back to a fraction.
from fractions import *
__author__ = "Pyry Pakkanen"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2011"
__credits__ = ["Pyry Pakkanen"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Pyry Pakkanen"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "initial release"
def fraction_decompose(x):
"""Decompose a rational number to an "integer" part and a repeating binary expansion.
x = 2^n ( a + b/(2^m - 1) )
The returned coefficients n, a, b, m are integers that are as small
as possible in absolute value with b < 2^m - 1.
a is the "integer" part of x
b is the repeating fraction
m is the period of the repetition
n indicates the scale by moving the fraction point.
x = Fraction(x)
p = x.numerator
q = x.denominator
n = 0
#Get rid of factors of 2.
while p%2 == 0:
p //= 2
n += 1
while q%2 == 0:
q //= 2
n -= 1
a = p//q
p = p%q
l = []
b = []
#Find the period and store the bits of the fractional part.
while p not in l:
b.append(2*p > q)
p = (2*p)%q
return n, a, sum(bit*2**i for i, bit in enumerate(b[::-1])), len(l)
def expand(x, y):
"""Expands x, y so that they have common decompositions.
x = 2^n ( a_x + b_x/(2^m 1) ),
y = 2^n ( a_y + b_y/(2^m-1) ),
with common n and m.
returns n, a_x, b_x, a_y, b_y, m
nx, ax, bx, mx = fraction_decompose(x)
ny, ay, by, my = fraction_decompose(y)
nr = min(nx, ny)
ax = ax*2**(nx-nr)
ay = ay*2**(ny-nr)
bx = bx*2**(nx-nr)
by = by*2**(ny-nr)
ax += bx//(2**mx-1)
bx = bx%(2**mx-1)
ay += by//(2**my-1)
by = by%(2**my-1)
mr = mx*my//gcd(mx, my)
bx = sum(bx*2**(mx*i) for i in range(mr//mx))
by = sum(by*2**(my*i) for i in range(mr//my))
return nr, ax, bx, ay, by, mr
#Unfortunately the not operator cannot be defined unambiguously.
#def fraction_not(x):
# nx, ax, bx, mx = fraction_decompose(x)
# return Fraction(2)**nx*((~ax) + Fraction((~bx)&(2**mx-1),2**mx-1))
def fraction_and(x,y):
nr, ax, bx, ay, by, mr = expand(x, y)
return Fraction(2)**nr*((ax&ay) + Fraction(bx&by,2**mr-1))
def fraction_or(x,y):
nr, ax, bx, ay, by, mr = expand(x, y)
return Fraction(2)**nr*((ax|ay) + Fraction(bx|by,2**mr-1))
def fraction_xor(x,y):
nr, ax, bx, ay, by, mr = expand(x, y)
return Fraction(2)**nr*((ax^ay) + Fraction(bx^by,2**mr-1))
class BitFraction(Fraction):
"""Utility class such that &, |, ^ work as expected.
The operators << and >> work reasonably with integer shifts but may
produce unexpected results otherwise due to conversion to float and back.
def __and__(self,other):
return BitFraction(fraction_and(self,other))
def __rand__(self,other):
return self&other
def __or__(self,other):
return BitFraction(fraction_or(self,other))
def __ror__(self,other):
return self|other
def __xor__(self,other):
return BitFraction(fraction_xor(self,other))
def __rxor__(self,other):
return self^other
def __lshift__(self,other):
return BitFraction(self*BitFraction(2)**other)
def __rlshift__(self,other):
return BitFraction(other*BitFraction(2)**self)
def __rshift__(self,other):
return BitFraction(self*BitFraction(1,2)**other)
def __rrshift__(self,other):
return BitFraction(other*BitFraction(1,2)**self)
def __repr__(self):
return ('BitFraction(%s, %s)' % (self._numerator, self._denominator))
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