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Created December 20, 2011 14:54
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PHP Obfuscator / Compressor
* Coded by PabloBandin ( )
* @example
* <pre>
$file = file_get_contents("someFile.php");
include "phpLiteObfuscator.php";
$diccionary = array('foo'=>'______foo');
$compressed = phpLiteObfuscator( $file,
array( "query" ),
array( "fetchAssoc","fetchArray","fetchAll","fetchColumn","query"),
$diccionary );
file_put_contents("someFile.compressed.php", $compressed);
* </pre>
* @param string $SourceString -php file string to compress
* @param array $_varsPrivate -Variables to ignore from compressing
* @param array $_funcPrivate -Function names to ignore from compression
* @param array $classPrivate -Class names to ignore from compression
* @param array $dicc -Will be modified! Array of definitions to share, each key is a name and the value is the result of a compresion.
* @return string
function phpLiteObfuscator( $SourceString,
$varsPrivate = array_merge( $_varsPrivate, array( '_SESSION','_GET','_POST','this','_SERVER' ) );
$funcPrivate = array_merge( $_funcPrivate, array( "__construct") );
$ref = phpLiteObfuscatorObscurer( $SourceString,
$ref = phpLiteObfuscatorObscurer( $SourceString,
$ref );
$ref = phpLiteObfuscatorObscurer( $SourceString,
"/(?:class|interface) (\w+)[^\w]/m",
$ref );
##remove comments
$SourceString = preg_replace( "/(\s+)#(.*)\n/","$1\n",$SourceString );
$SourceString = preg_replace( "/(\s+)\/\/(.*)\n/","$1\n",$SourceString );
##remove spaces
$SourceString = preg_replace( "/ +/"," ",$SourceString );
$SourceString = preg_replace( "/\n\s*\n/","\n",$SourceString );
$SourceString = preg_replace( "/\t+/"," ",$SourceString );
$SourceString = preg_replace( "/<\?php\s*/","<?php ",$SourceString );
$SourceString = preg_replace( "/\n/","",$SourceString );
$SourceString = preg_replace( "#/\*(?:(?!\*/).)*\*/#","",$SourceString );
//$dicc = $ref;
$dicc = $ref;
return $SourceString;
function phpLiteObfuscatorObscurer( &$Source, &$privateVars, $ColectorRegexp, $snifferRegexp, $refs = array() )
$find = array();
$replace = array();
$varNum = count($refs);
$diccionary = &$refs;
preg_match_all( $ColectorRegexp ,$Source, $matches );
foreach( $matches[1] as $i=>$varName )
if( in_array( $varName, $privateVars ) || array_key_exists( $varName, $diccionary) ){
if( array_key_exists( $varName, $diccionary) )
$vname = $diccionary[$varName];
$diccionary[$varName] = $vname = "_" . dechex($varNum);
if( is_array( $snifferRegexp ) ){
foreach( $snifferRegexp as $_snifRegexp ){
$find[] = str_replace( "VARNAME",$varName, $_snifRegexp );
$replace[] = "$1". $vname . "$2";
else {
$find[] = str_replace("VARNAME",$varName, $snifferRegexp);
$replace[] = "$1". $vname . "$2";
$Source = preg_replace( $find, $replace, $Source );
return $diccionary;
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