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Created December 23, 2011 04:21
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SOPA template
To whom it may concern,
My name is <name> and I've noticed that there is a lack of media coverage regarding bill known as SOPA, or the E-PARASITE act. SOPA, which stands for "Stop Online Piracy Act" would allow corporations, and the US government to seize a domain name which they think is violating copyright, or trademark laws. While this sounds good in theory, in practice it would destroy the Internet as we know it today.
SOPA could cause many popular websites, such as Wikipedia, YouTube, and even Facebook to be shut down. The bill could also prevent Internet start-ups from growing and thriving as they can today. Some representatives in congress say this SOPA will create jobs, by stopping Internet piracy, but in reality it may do the opposite by making it harder for start-ups to grow. Stanford Law has even found parts of SOPA to be unconstitutional, as it could be abridging the freedom of speech.
Many companies including Google, Yahoo!, Mozilla, LinkedIn, Twitter, and online communities such as Reddit oppose SOPA, because of the harm it could cause to the Internet.
As you read this email, companies are losing money not only because of piracy, but because of SOPA. GoDaddy is currently the target of a boycott, potentially involving tens of thousands of domain names, and thousands of customers. The owner of the Cheezburger network, well known for their sites such as "Fail Blog", and "LOLCats" has pledged to transfer over 1000 of his domains to another registrar if they continue to support SOPA.
Please, help me and fellow Internet users save the Web. The adverse affects of SOPA could be disastrous if the bill passes into law. Feel free to respond at (email address) if you have further questions.
Thank you very much for your time.
(Your name)
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