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Created December 26, 2011 16:07
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Simple script for converting a set of PNGs into a PDF
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A simple tool for converting batches of PNG pages into a PDF file.
1. Drop into the folder with the PNGs.
2. chmod +x
3. Double-click it.
- PyPDF 1.13+
- ImageMagick (in the PATH)
__appname__ = "png2pdf"
__author__ = "Stephan Sokolow (deitarion/SSokolow)"
__version__ = "0.3"
__license__ = "GNU GPL 3.0 or later"
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import os, pyPdf, subprocess, sys
class Empty(object):
job = Empty()
job.terminal = Empty()
job.terminal.feed = sys.stderr.write
job.feed_status = lambda x: job.terminal.feed('\r\n%s\r\n' % x)
def magick_pngs_to_pdfs(job, data):
# TODO: Decide how to handle removing PDFs for which the PNGs have been
# deleted.
dirn = os.path.split(data[0])[0]
outdir = os.path.join(dirn, '_build')
#TODO: What if it's not a dir?
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
outpaths = []
for path in data:
outname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(path)[1])[0] + '.pdf'
outpath = os.path.join(outdir, outname)
in_stat = os.stat(path)
out_stat = os.stat(outpath)
except OSError:
out_stat = None
if not (out_stat and in_stat.st_mtime == out_stat.st_mtime):
subprocess.check_call(['convert', '-monitor', path, outpath])
os.utime(outpath, (getattr(out_stat, 'st_atime', in_stat.st_atime), in_stat.st_mtime))
else:"Generated PDF already up to date: %s", outpath)
return outpaths
def reduce_pdfs_to_pdf(job, data, outpath):
"""Bundle many PDFs into one without altering page dimensions.
Resources in case this approach fails:
dimensions, failed = None, []
pieces, pdf_out, handles = len(data), pyPdf.PdfFileWriter(), []
for idx, path in enumerate(data):
#TODO: Probably a good idea to have another wrapper for status
# outputs which self-overwrite using \r
job.feed_status("Queueing operations for final PDF: Piece %d of %d" % (idx, pieces))
file_in = file(path, 'rb')
pdf_in = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file_in)
for pidx, page in enumerate(pdf_in.pages):
if dimensions:
assert page.mediaBox == dimensions
dimensions = page.mediaBox
#TODO: Need to make the task progress bar definite.
except AssertionError:
failed.append((pidx, path))
if failed:
raise AssertionError("Page sizes don't match first page:\n\t%s" %
'\n\t'.join(['page %d of file %s' % x for x in failed]))
with file(outpath, 'wb') as file_out:
job.terminal.feed("\r\nBuilding %s (%d pages from %d source files)\r\n" %
(outpath, pdf_out.getNumPages(), pieces))
for fh in handles:
def bundle_pngs(args, outpath):
pdf_args = magick_pngs_to_pdfs(job, args)
reduce_pdfs_to_pdf(job, pdf_args, outpath)
return outpath
if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(version="%%prog v%s" % __version__,
usage="%prog [options] <argument> ...",
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action="count", dest="verbose",
default=3, help="Increase the verbosity.")
parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action="count", dest="quiet",
default=0, help="Decrease the verbosity. Can be used thrice for extra effect.")
parser.add_option('--go', action="store_true", dest="go",
default=False, help="Used for two-stage startup with no arguments")
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
# Set up clean logging to stderr
log_levels = [logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR, logging.WARNING,
logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG]
opts.verbose = min(opts.verbose - opts.quiet, len(log_levels) - 1)
opts.verbose = max(opts.verbose, 0)
format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
if not args:
if not opts.go:
os.execlp('xterm', 'xterm', '-hold', '-e', sys.argv[0], '--go')"No files specified. Using all PNGs in the current directory")
args = [x for x in os.listdir('.') if x.lower().endswith('.png')]
#TODO: Use a more natural sorting algorithm.
if args:
#TODO: Add a -d/--directories option so I can easily batch-convert multiple books.
bundle_pngs(args, 'book.pdf')
print "Done."
print "No files found."
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