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Created December 27, 2011 21:49
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FlxDelay with static dispatcher
* FlxDelay
* -- Part of the Flixel Power Tools set
* v1.4 Modified abort so it no longer runs the stop callback (thanks to Cambrian-Man)
* v1.3 Added secondsElapsed and secondsRemaining and some more documentation
* v1.2 Added callback support
* v1.1 Updated for the Flixel 2.5 Plugin system
* @version 1.4 - July 31st 2011
* @link
* @author Richard Davey / Photon Storm
package org.flixel.plugin.photonstorm
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import org.flixel.*;
* A useful timer that can be used to trigger events after certain amounts of time are up.
* Uses getTimer so is low on resources and avoids using Flash events.
* Also takes into consideration the Pause state of your game.
* If your game pauses, when it starts again the timer notices and adjusts the expires time accordingly.
public class FlxDelay
* Static variable used to prevent FlxDelay from having to extend Sprite in order to pick up the ENTER_FRAME event
public static var dispatcher:IEventDispatcher;
* true if the timer is currently running, otherwise false
public var isRunning:Boolean;
* If you wish to call a function once the timer completes, set it here
public var callback:Function;
* The duration of the Delay in milliseconds
public var duration:int;
private var started:int;
private var expires:int;
private var pauseStarted:int;
private var pausedTimerRunning:Boolean;
private var complete:Boolean;
* Create a new timer which will run for the given amount of ms (1000 = 1 second real time)
* @param runFor The duration of this timer in ms. Call start() to set it going.
public function FlxDelay(runFor:int)
duration = runFor;
* Starts the timer running
public function start():void
started = getTimer();
expires = started + duration;
isRunning = true;
complete = false;
pauseStarted = 0;
pausedTimerRunning = false;
if (!dispatcher) { dispatcher = new Sprite(); }
dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update, false, 0, true);
* Has the timer finished?
public function get hasExpired():Boolean
return complete;
* Restart the timer using the new duration
* @param newDuration The duration of this timer in ms.
public function reset(newDuration:int):void
duration = newDuration;
* The amount of seconds that have elapsed since the timer was started
public function get secondsElapsed():int
return int((getTimer() - started) / 1000);
* The amount of seconds that are remaining until the timer completes
public function get secondsRemaining():int
return int((expires - getTimer()) / 1000);
private function update(event:Event):void
// Has the game been paused?
if (pausedTimerRunning == true && FlxG.paused == false)
pausedTimerRunning = false;
// Add the time the game was paused for onto the expires timer
expires += (getTimer() - pauseStarted);
else if (FlxG.paused == true && pausedTimerRunning == false)
pauseStarted = getTimer();
pausedTimerRunning = true;
if (isRunning && pausedTimerRunning == false && getTimer() > expires)
* Abors a currently active timer without firing any callbacks (if set)
public function abort():void
private function stop(runCallback:Boolean = true):void
dispatcher.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
isRunning = false;
complete = true;
if (callback is Function && runCallback == true)
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