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Created December 31, 2011 06:11
Remove empty elements from an array in Javascript and join it as string
/**This is example works with only jQuery
* @usecase, if you have array with empty values (ex: ["I", "", "want", "", "to", "go", "" ])
* but you want to return this array as a string.
var myRoom = {
myAction: function(array){
garray = $.grep(array,function(n){
//join by ' '
return garray.join(' ');
//Out put is "I want to go"
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nuwansh commented Dec 31, 2011

 * Here is the code sample for writing the same with native filter function in ECMA5 (via : )
var myRoom = {
    myAction: function(array){
       return array.filter(function(el){ return el !== "" }).join(" ");

var string = myRoom.myAction(["I", "", "want", "", "to", "go", "" ]);

//Out put is "I want to go"

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