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Created January 10, 2012 22:58
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Jison EBNF->BNF JSON translater
var EBNF = (function(){
var grammar = {
"lex": {
"rules": [
["\\s+", "/* skip whitespace */"],
["[A-Za-z_]+", "return 'symbol';"],
["'[^']*'", "return 'symbol';"],
["\\\\.", "return 'symbol';"],
["bar", "return 'bar';"],
["\\(", "return '(';"],
["\\)", "return ')';"],
["\\*", "return '*';"],
["\\?", "return '?';"],
["\\|", "return '|';"],
["$", "return 'EOF';"]
"start": "production",
"bnf": {
"production": [
["handle EOF", "return $handle;"],
"handle_list": [
["handle", "$$ = [$handle];"],
["handle_list | handle", "$handle_list.push($handle);"]
"handle": [
["", "$$ = [];"],
["handle expression_suffix", "$handle.push($expression_suffix);"]
"expression_suffix": [
["expression suffix", "if ($suffix) $$ = [$suffix, $expression]; else $$ = $expression;"]
"expression": [
["symbol", "$$ = ['symbol', $symbol];"],
["( handle_list )", "$$ = ['()', $handle_list];"]
"suffix": ["", "*", "?"]
var parser = new require('jison').Parser(grammar);
var transformExpression = function(e, opts, emit) {
var type = e[0], value = e[1];
if (type === 'symbol') {
if (e[1][0] === '\\') emit (e[1][1])
else if (e[1][0] === '\'') emit (e[1].substring(1, e[1].length-1))
else emit (e[1])
} else if (type === "*") {
var name = opts.production + "_repetition" + opts.repid++;
opts = optsForProduction(name, opts.grammar)
var production = opts.grammar[name] = [
["", "$$ = [];"],
name + " " + transformExpressionList([value], opts),
} else if (type ==="?") {
var name = opts.production + "_option" + opts.optid++;
opts = optsForProduction(name, opts.grammar);
var production = opts.grammar[name] = [
"", transformExpressionList([value], opts)
} else if (type === "()") {
if (value.length == 1) {
emit(transformExpressionList(value[0], opts))
} else {
var name = opts.production + "_group" + opts.groupid++;
opts = optsForProduction(name, opts.grammar)
var production = opts.grammar[name] = {
return transformExpressionList(handle, opts)
var transformExpressionList = function(list, opts) {
return list.reduce (function (tot, e) {
transformExpression (e, opts, function (i) { tot.push(i) })
return tot;
}, []).
join(" ")
var optsForProduction = function(id, grammar) {
return {
production: id,
repid: 0,
groupid: 0,
optid: 0,
grammar: grammar
var transformProduction = function(id, production, grammar) {
var transform_opts = optsForProduction(id, grammar)
return (handle) {
var action = null, opts = null
if (!(typeof(handle) === 'string'))
action = handle[1],
opts = handle[2],
handle = handle[0];
var expressions = parser.parse(handle)
handle = transformExpressionList(expressions, transform_opts)
var ret = [handle]
if (action) ret.push(action)
if (opts) ret.push(opts)
if (ret.length == 1) return ret[0]
else return ret
var transformGrammar = function(grammar) {
Object.keys(grammar).forEach(function(id) {
grammar[id] = transformProduction(id, grammar[id], grammar)
return {
transform: function (ebnf) {
return ebnf;
var Parser = require('jison').Parser;
var assert = require('assert');
function testParse(top, strings) {
return function() {
var grammar = {
"lex": {
"rules": [
["\\s+", ''],
["[A-Za-z]+", "return 'word';"],
[",", "return ',';"],
["$", "return 'EOF';"]
"start": "top",
"bnf": EBNF.transform({"top": [top]})
strings = (typeof(strings) === 'string' ? [strings] : strings)
strings.forEach(function(string) {
assert.ok(new Parser(grammar).parse(string))
"test idempotent transform": function() {
var first = {
"nodelist": [["", "$$ = [];"], ["nodelist node", "$1.push($2);"]]
var second = EBNF.transform(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(first)))
assert.deepEqual(second, first)
"test repeat (*) on empty string": testParse("word* EOF", ""),
"test repeat (*) on single word": testParse("word* EOF", "oneword"),
"test repeat (*) on multiple words": testParse("word* EOF", "multiple words"),
"test option (?) on empty string": testParse("word? EOF", ""),
"test option (?) on single word": testParse("word? EOF", "oneword"),
"test group () on simple phrase": testParse("(word word) EOF", "two words"),
"test group () with multiple options on first option": testParse("((word word) | word) EOF", "hi there"),
"test group () with multiple options on second option": testParse("((word word) | word) EOF", "hi"),
"test complex expression ( *, ?, () )": testParse("(word (',' word)*)? EOF ", ["", "hi", "hi, there"])
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