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Created August 1, 2020 20:52
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semantic release yaml config
branches: ['master']
ci: true
debug: true
dryRun: false
# repositoryUrl: β€” no need, will use from git origin
tagFormat: '${version}'
# Global plugin options (will be passed to all plugins)
preset: 'conventionalcommits'
gitlabUrl: ''
# it possible to set slack or mattermost incoming-hook-url
slackWebhook: ''
# Setup plugins:
# Responsible for verifying conditions necessary to proceed with the release:
# configuration is correct, authentication token are valid, etc...
- '@semantic-release/changelog'
# Verify the presence and the validity of the configuration
- '@semantic-release/git'
# Verify the presence and the validity of the Git authentication
# and release configuration
- '@semantic-release/gitlab'
# Verify the presence and the validity of the GitLab authentication
# and release configuration
- 'semantic-release-slack-bot'
# Verify that the environment variable SLACK_WEBHOOK has been defined
# Responsible for determining the type of the next release (major, minor or patch).
# If multiple plugins with a analyzeCommits step are defined, the release type will be
# the highest one among plugins output.
# Look details at:
- path: '@semantic-release/commit-analyzer'
# Determine the type of release by analyzing commits with conventional-changelog
- breaking: true
release: major
- type: build # Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
# (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
release: patch
- type: chore # Other changes that don't modify src or test files
release: false
- type: ci # Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
release: false
- type: docs # Documentation only changes
release: patch
- type: feat # A new feature
release: minor
- type: fix # A bug fix
release: patch
- type: perf # A code change that improves performance
release: patch
- type: refactor # A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
release: false
- type: revert # Reverts a previous commit
release: patch
- type: style # Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code
# (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
release: false
- type: test # Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
release: false
# Responsible for generating the content of the release note.
# If multiple plugins with a generateNotes step are defined,
# the release notes will be the result of the concatenation of each plugin output.
- path: '@semantic-release/release-notes-generator'
groupBy: 'type'
commitGroupsSort: 'title'
commitsSort: 'header'
linkCompare: true
linkReferences: true
# detect JIRA issues in merge commits
issuePrefixes: ['DEV-']
mergePattern: "^Merge branch '(.*)' into (.*)$"
mergeCorrespondence: ['branch_src', 'branch_dst']
types: # looks like it only works with 'conventionalcommits' preset
- type: 'build'
section: '🦊 CI/CD'
hidden: false
- type: 'chore'
section: 'Other'
hidden: false
- type: 'ci'
section: '🦊 CI/CD'
hidden: false
- type: 'docs'
section: 'πŸ“” Docs'
hidden: false
- type: 'example'
section: 'πŸ“ Examples'
hidden: false
- type: 'feat'
section: 'πŸš€ Features'
hidden: false
- type: 'fix'
section: 'πŸ›  Fixes'
hidden: false
- type: 'perf'
section: '⏩ Performance'
- type: 'refactor'
section: ':scissors: Refactor'
hidden: false
- type: 'revert'
section: 'πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ Reverts'
- type: 'style'
section: 'πŸ’ˆ Style'
- type: 'test'
section: 'πŸ§ͺ Tests'
hidden: false
# Responsible for preparing the release, for example creating or updating files
# such as package.json,, documentation or compiled assets
# and pushing a commit.
- path: '@semantic-release/exec'
# Execute shell command to set package version
cmd: './deployment/ ${nextRelease.version}'
- path: '@semantic-release/exec'
cmd: './deployment/ ${nextRelease.version} openapi.yaml'
- path: '@semantic-release/changelog'
# Create or update the changelog file in the local project repository
- path: '@semantic-release/exec'
- path: '@semantic-release/git'
# Push a release commit and tag, including configurable files
message: 'RELEASE: ${nextRelease.version}'
assets: ['', 'version', 'openapi.yaml']
# Responsible for publishing the release.
- path: '@semantic-release/gitlab'
# Publish a GitLab release
# (
- path: 'semantic-release-slack-bot'
# Publish a message about the success to a slack channel
notifyOnSuccess: true
markdownReleaseNotes: false
# // example params for mattermost
channel: 'your-channel-name'
text: 'Hello, this is some text :tada:'
- color: '#00c100'
title: '$package_name'
title_link: '$repo_url'
pretext: 'This is optional pretext that shows above the attachment.'
text: '$release_notes'
footer: 'version: $npm_package_version'
# // example blocks for slack
# blocks:
# - type: 'section'
# text:
# type: 'mrkdwn'
# text: '*`$package_name` released!*'
# - type: 'section'
# text:
# type: 'mrkdwn'
# text: '$release_notes'
# - type: 'divider'
# - type: 'context'
# elements:
# - type: 'mrkdwn'
# text: "πŸ“¦ *assets:* <$repo_url/releases/$npm_package_version|$npm_package_version>"
- path: 'semantic-release-slack-bot'
# publish a message about failure to a slack channel
notifyOnFail: true
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pranaymodukuru commented Feb 23, 2023

Can you share a repo where this worked? This is to see how the changelog looks. Thanks!

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