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Last active May 24, 2016 04:28
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#include <SDL2/SDL_net.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
struct UDPConnection
UDPConnection( )
quit = false;
~UDPConnection( )
bool Init( const std::string &ip, int32_t remotePort, int32_t localPort )
std::cout << "Connecting to \n\tIP : " << ip << "\n\tPort : " << remotePort << std::endl;
std::cout << "Local port : " << localPort << "\n\n";
// Initialize SDL_net
if ( !InitSDL_Net() )
return false;
if ( !OpenPort( localPort ) )
return false;
if ( !SetIPAndPort( ip, remotePort ) )
return false;
if ( !CreatePacket( 512 ) )
return false;
return true;
bool InitSDL_Net()
std::cout << "Initializing SDL_net...\n";
if ( SDLNet_Init() == -1 )
std::cout << "\tSDLNet_Init failed : " << SDLNet_GetError() << std::endl;
return false;
std::cout << "\tSuccess!\n\n";
return true;
bool CreatePacket( int32_t packetSize )
std::cout << "Creating packet with size " << packetSize << "...\n";
// Allocate memory for the packet
packet = SDLNet_AllocPacket( packetSize );
if ( packet == nullptr )
std::cout << "\tSDLNet_AllocPacket failed : " << SDLNet_GetError() << std::endl;
return false;
// Set the destination host and port
// We got these from calling SetIPAndPort()
packet-> =;
packet->address.port = serverIP.port;
std::cout << "\tSuccess!\n\n";
return true;
bool OpenPort( int32_t port )
std::cout << "Opening port " << port << "...\n";
// Sets our sovket with our local port
ourSocket = SDLNet_UDP_Open( port );
if ( ourSocket == nullptr )
std::cout << "\tSDLNet_UDP_Open failed : " << SDLNet_GetError() << std::endl;
return false;
std::cout << "\tSuccess!\n\n";
return true;
bool SetIPAndPort( const std::string &ip, uint16_t port )
std::cout << "Setting IP ( " << ip << " ) " << "and port ( " << port << " )\n";
// Set IP and port number with correct endianess
if ( SDLNet_ResolveHost( &serverIP, ip.c_str(), port ) == -1 )
std::cout << "\tSDLNet_ResolveHost failed : " << SDLNet_GetError() << std::endl;
return false;
std::cout << "\tSuccess!\n\n";
return true;
// Send data.
bool Send( const std::string &str )
// Set the data
// UDPPacket::data is an Uint8, which is similar to char*
// This means we can't set it directly.
// std::stringstreams let us add any data to it using << ( like std::cout )
// We can extract any data from a std::stringstream using >> ( like std::cin )
std::cout << "Type a message and hit enter\n";
std::string msg = "";
std::getline(std::cin, msg );
memcpy(packet->data, msg.c_str(), msg.length() );
packet->len = msg.length();
<< "==========================================================================================================\n"
<< "Sending : \'" << str << "\', Length : " << packet->len << "\n";
// Send
// SDLNet_UDP_Send returns number of packets sent. 0 means error
if ( SDLNet_UDP_Send(ourSocket, -1, packet) == 0 )
std::cout << "\tSDLNet_UDP_Send failed : " << SDLNet_GetError() << "\n"
<< "==========================================================================================================\n";
return false;
std::cout << "\tSuccess!\n"
<< "==========================================================================================================\n";
if ( str == "quit" )
quit = true;
return true;
void CheckForData()
<< "==========================================================================================================\n"
<< "Check for data...\n";
// Check t see if there is a packet wauting for us...
if ( SDLNet_UDP_Recv(ourSocket, packet))
std::cout << "\tData received : " << packet->data << "\n";
// If the data is "quit"
if ( strcmp((char *)packet->data, "quit") == 0)
quit = true;
std::cout << "\tNo data received!\n";
std::cout << "==========================================================================================================\n";
bool WasQuit()
return quit;
bool quit;
UDPsocket ourSocket;
IPaddress serverIP;
UDPpacket *packet;
UDPConnection udpConnection;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::string IP;
int32_t localPort = 0;
int32_t remotePort = 0;
<< "\n==========================================================================================================\n"
<< "UDP connection - A simple test for UDP connections using SDL_Net!"
<< "\n==========================================================================================================\n"
<< "You'll be asked to enter the following :"
<< "\n\tRemote IP : The IP you want to connect to"
<< "\n\tRemote Port : The port you want to connect to"
<< "\n\tLocal port : Uour port"
<< "\nLocal port should be the same as remote port on the other instance of the application"
<< "\n==========================================================================================================\n\n";
std::cout << "Enter remote IP ( for local connections ) : ";
std::cin >> IP;
std::cout << "...and remote port : ";
std::cin >> remotePort;
std::cout << "Enter local port : ";
std::cin >> localPort;
udpConnection.Init( IP, remotePort, localPort );
uint8_t command = 0;
while ( !udpConnection.WasQuit() )
<< "Your command : "
<< "\n\t0 : Send a message"
<< "\n\t1 : Quit"
<< "\n\t2 : Check for data"
<< std::endl;
std::cin >> command;
if ( command == '0' )
udpConnection.Send( "This is a test" );
else if ( command == '1' )
udpConnection.Send( "quit" );
else if ( command == '2' )
std::cout << "Illegal command\n";
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