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Created January 15, 2012 03:09
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EAD tag use analysis script sample output

created with using EAD test files in

Data Structure

    # get stats counter for the current element name, or set the default
    element_stats = stats.setdefault(key,  # <-- element name is dict key
             [0,               # <-- count for this element [0]    corpus
                [Counter(),    # <-- parent elements        [1][0] corpus
                 Counter(),    # <-- child elements         [1][1] dtd
                 Counter(),    # <-- child attributes       [1][2] dtd
                 Counter()]]   # <-- PCDATA                 [1][3] corpus
    )                          #               array address-^--^
             # some counters look for everything possible based on dtd
                            # some counters only observe the input corpus

Counter() is a python built in collection type.


inspired by the tag analysis work of Katherine M. Wisser from Simmons.

{ 'abbr': [ 27,
[ Counter({'item': 27}),
Counter({'expan': 0, 'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'id': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 27})]],
'abstract': [ 184,
[ Counter({'did': 184}),
Counter({'title': 6, 'emph': 5, 'lb': 1, 'archref': 0, 'extptr': 0, 'bibref': 0, 'linkgrp': 0, 'expan': 0, 'extref': 0, 'abbr': 0, 'ref': 0, 'ptr': 0}),
Counter({'label': 82, 'encodinganalog': 39, 'id': 26, 'audience': 6, 'langcode': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'type': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 184})]],
'accessrestrict': [ 155,
[ Counter({'archdesc': 62, 'descgrp': 43, 'c03': 27, 'c02': 9, 'c04': 8, 'c': 5, 'c01': 1}),
Counter({'p': 173, 'head': 85, 'legalstatus': 6, 'accessrestrict': 0, 'blockquote': 0, 'chronlist': 0, 'list': 0, 'note': 0, 'address': 0, 'table': 0}),
Counter({'encodinganalog': 65, 'id': 36, 'type': 0, 'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 145, 'no text()': 10})]],
'accruals': [ 17,
[ Counter({'descgrp': 9, 'archdesc': 8}),
Counter({'p': 17, 'head': 9, 'blockquote': 0, 'chronlist': 0, 'list': 0, 'note': 0, 'address': 0, 'table': 0, 'accruals': 0}),
Counter({'encodinganalog': 8, 'id': 1, 'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 17})]],
'acqinfo': [ 83,
[ Counter({'archdesc': 54, 'descgrp': 19, 'custodhist': 6, 'c': 3, 'c01': 1}),
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Counter({'encodinganalog': 42, 'id': 20, 'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 81, 'no text()': 2})]],
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[ Counter({'publicationstmt': 74, 'repository': 43, 'titlepage': 17}),
Counter({'addressline': 563}),
Counter({'altrender': 9, 'audience': 0, 'id': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 130, 'no text()': 4})]],
'addressline': [ 563,
[ Counter({'address': 563}),
Counter({'lb': 96, 'ptr': 32, 'emph': 27, 'extptr': 0}),
Counter({'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'id': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 527, 'no text()': 36})]],
'altformavail': [ 572,
[ Counter({'c03': 452, 'c02': 87, 'c04': 17, 'descgrp': 9, 'archdesc': 3, 'c01': 3, 'c05': 1}),
Counter({'p': 575, 'head': 10, 'list': 1, 'blockquote': 0, 'chronlist': 0, 'altformavail': 0, 'note': 0, 'address': 0, 'table': 0}),
Counter({'id': 10, 'type': 7, 'encodinganalog': 5, 'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0}),
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[ Counter({'archdesc': 10, 'descgrp': 1}),
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[ Counter({'daogrp': 1644}),
Counter({'from': 1644, 'actuate': 1644, 'show': 1644, 'to': 1644, 'linktype': 0, 'arcrole': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'audience': 0, 'title': 0, 'id': 0}),
Counter({'no text()': 1644})]],
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[ Counter({'ead': 110}),
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Counter({'PCDATA': 167, 'no text()': 12})]],
'arrangement': [ 332,
[ Counter({'c01': 109, 'c03': 76, 'archdesc': 74, 'c02': 60, 'c04': 7, 'c': 3, 'c05': 2, 'descgrp': 1}),
Counter({'p': 372, 'head': 62, 'list': 17, 'blockquote': 0, 'chronlist': 0, 'arrangement': 0, 'note': 0, 'address': 0, 'table': 0}),
Counter({'encodinganalog': 112, 'id': 88, 'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 321, 'no text()': 11})]],
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[ Counter({'titlestmt': 90, 'titlepage': 16}),
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[ Counter({'archdesc': 12, 'bibliography': 6, 'c03': 1, 'c02': 1, 'descgrp': 1}),
Counter({'bibref': 57, 'head': 14, 'p': 9, 'bibliography': 6, 'note': 3, 'archref': 0, 'blockquote': 0, 'chronlist': 0, 'title': 0, 'list': 0, 'linkgrp': 0, 'extref': 0, 'address': 0, 'table': 0, 'ref': 0}),
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Counter({'PCDATA': 21})]],
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Counter({'PCDATA': 151})]],
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[ Counter({'archdesc': 94, 'c02': 35, 'c01': 24, 'bioghist': 24, 'c03': 12, 'descgrp': 10, 'c04': 1}),
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[ Counter({'bioghist': 2, 'p': 1}),
Counter({'list': 2, 'p': 2, 'chronlist': 0, 'note': 0, 'address': 0, 'table': 0}),
Counter({'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'id': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 2, 'no text()': 1})]],
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[ Counter({'c': 4781, 'dsc': 927}),
Counter({'did': 5708, 'c': 4781, 'scopecontent': 234, 'note': 32, 'otherfindaid': 6, 'accessrestrict': 5, 'daogrp': 3, 'arrangement': 3, 'acqinfo': 3, 'custodhist': 1, 'descgrp': 0, 'controlaccess': 0, 'separatedmaterial': 0, 'odd': 0, 'accruals': 0, 'index': 0, 'bibliography': 0, 'prefercite': 0, 'fileplan': 0, 'phystech': 0, 'userestrict': 0, 'bioghist': 0, 'thead': 0, 'head': 0, 'relatedmaterial': 0, 'dao': 0, 'processinfo': 0, 'originalsloc': 0, 'dsc': 0, 'altformavail': 0, 'appraisal': 0}),
Counter({'level': 4854, 'id': 192, 'tpattern': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'audience': 0, 'otherlevel': 0, 'encodinganalog': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 5643, 'no text()': 65})]],
'c01': [ 1418,
[ Counter({'dsc': 1418}),
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Counter({'level': 1403, 'id': 151, 'tpattern': 9, 'otherlevel': 4, 'altrender': 0, 'audience': 0, 'encodinganalog': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 1418})]],
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[ Counter({'c01': 7248}),
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Counter({'level': 5378, 'id': 837, 'otherlevel': 17, 'tpattern': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'audience': 0, 'encodinganalog': 0}),
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[ Counter({'c02': 7295}),
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Counter({'level': 5083, 'id': 1509, 'otherlevel': 37, 'tpattern': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'audience': 0, 'encodinganalog': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 6808, 'no text()': 487})]],
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[ Counter({'c03': 3581}),
Counter({'did': 3581, 'scopecontent': 2158, 'c05': 1200, 'controlaccess': 232, 'note': 197, 'daogrp': 28, 'odd': 17, 'altformavail': 17, 'accessrestrict': 8, 'arrangement': 7, 'originalsloc': 5, 'phystech': 2, 'bioghist': 1, 'dao': 1, 'descgrp': 0, 'separatedmaterial': 0, 'accruals': 0, 'index': 0, 'bibliography': 0, 'prefercite': 0, 'fileplan': 0, 'userestrict': 0, 'thead': 0, 'head': 0, 'relatedmaterial': 0, 'otherfindaid': 0, 'processinfo': 0, 'acqinfo': 0, 'custodhist': 0, 'dsc': 0, 'appraisal': 0}),
Counter({'level': 3160, 'id': 480, 'otherlevel': 21, 'tpattern': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'audience': 0, 'encodinganalog': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 3424, 'no text()': 157})]],
'c05': [ 1200,
[ Counter({'c04': 1200}),
Counter({'did': 1200, 'scopecontent': 442, 'c06': 412, 'controlaccess': 35, 'custodhist': 35, 'note': 14, 'odd': 2, 'arrangement': 2, 'originalsloc': 1, 'altformavail': 1, 'descgrp': 0, 'separatedmaterial': 0, 'daogrp': 0, 'accruals': 0, 'index': 0, 'bibliography': 0, 'prefercite': 0, 'accessrestrict': 0, 'fileplan': 0, 'phystech': 0, 'userestrict': 0, 'bioghist': 0, 'thead': 0, 'head': 0, 'relatedmaterial': 0, 'dao': 0, 'otherfindaid': 0, 'processinfo': 0, 'acqinfo': 0, 'dsc': 0, 'appraisal': 0}),
Counter({'level': 1019, 'id': 139, 'tpattern': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'audience': 0, 'otherlevel': 0, 'encodinganalog': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 1187, 'no text()': 13})]],
'c06': [ 412,
[ Counter({'c05': 412}),
Counter({'did': 412, 'scopecontent': 296, 'c07': 246, 'custodhist': 71, 'note': 8, 'dao': 1, 'descgrp': 0, 'controlaccess': 0, 'separatedmaterial': 0, 'daogrp': 0, 'odd': 0, 'accruals': 0, 'index': 0, 'bibliography': 0, 'prefercite': 0, 'arrangement': 0, 'accessrestrict': 0, 'fileplan': 0, 'phystech': 0, 'userestrict': 0, 'bioghist': 0, 'thead': 0, 'head': 0, 'relatedmaterial': 0, 'otherfindaid': 0, 'processinfo': 0, 'acqinfo': 0, 'originalsloc': 0, 'dsc': 0, 'altformavail': 0, 'appraisal': 0}),
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[ Counter({'c06': 246}),
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[ Counter({'c07': 33}),
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Counter({'level': 31, 'tpattern': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'id': 0, 'audience': 0, 'otherlevel': 0, 'encodinganalog': 0}),
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[ Counter({'revisiondesc': 66}),
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Counter({'encodinganalog': 1, 'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'id': 0}),
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[ Counter({'chronlist': 135}),
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Counter({'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'id': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 131, 'no text()': 4})]],
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[ Counter({'bioghist': 5, 'p': 1}),
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Counter({'PCDATA': 6})]],
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[ Counter({'tgroup': 32}),
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[ Counter({'did': 30793}),
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[ Counter({'c03': 948, 'c02': 312, 'c04': 232, 'controlaccess': 92, 'archdesc': 91, 'c01': 62, 'c05': 35, 'descgrp': 13}),
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[ Counter({'controlaccess': 249, 'repository': 60, 'origination': 35, 'unittitle': 30, 'p': 24}),
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[ Counter({'profiledesc': 109}),
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Counter({'PCDATA': 109})]],
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[ Counter({'c06': 71, 'c07': 44, 'c03': 42, 'c05': 35, 'c01': 32, 'archdesc': 16, 'descgrp': 12, 'c08': 12, 'custodhist': 4, 'c02': 4, 'c': 1}),
Counter({'p': 296, 'head': 16, 'acqinfo': 6, 'custodhist': 4, 'note': 1, 'blockquote': 0, 'chronlist': 0, 'list': 0, 'address': 0, 'table': 0}),
Counter({'id': 13, 'encodinganalog': 10, 'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0}),
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'dao': [ 598,
[ Counter({'c02': 420, 'did': 104, 'c03': 71, 'c01': 1, 'c04': 1, 'c06': 1}),
Counter({'daodesc': 47}),
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Counter({'no text()': 550, 'PCDATA': 48})]],
'daodesc': [ 1310,
[ Counter({'daoloc': 860, 'daogrp': 403, 'dao': 47}),
Counter({'p': 1309, 'head': 0, 'blockquote': 0, 'chronlist': 0, 'list': 0, 'note': 0, 'address': 0, 'table': 0}),
Counter({'audience': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'id': 0}),
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[ Counter({'did': 847, 'c02': 199, 'c03': 171, 'c04': 28, 'c': 3, 'c01': 1}),
Counter({'daoloc': 1672, 'arc': 1644, 'resource': 1245, 'daodesc': 403, 'ptrloc': 0, 'refloc': 0, 'extrefloc': 0, 'extptrloc': 0}),
Counter({'linktype': 0, 'title': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'audience': 0, 'role': 0, 'id': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 1247, 'no text()': 2})]],
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[ Counter({'daogrp': 1672}),
Counter({'daodesc': 860}),
Counter({'href': 1672, 'label': 1668, 'role': 1662, 'title': 798, 'linktype': 0, 'altrender': 0, 'audience': 0, 'entityref': 0, 'xpointer': 0, 'id': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 860, 'no text()': 812})]],
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[ Counter({'p': 313, 'chronitem': 135, 'creation': 88, 'titleproper': 72, 'change': 66, 'publicationstmt': 64, 'item': 18, 'titlepage': 9, 'ref': 9, 'imprint': 5, 'unittitle': 3}),
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[ Counter({'profiledesc': 25}),
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Counter({'audience': 6, 'altrender': 0, 'encodinganalog': 0, 'id': 0}),
Counter({'PCDATA': 23, 'no text()': 2})]],
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[ Counter({'c03': 7295, 'c02': 7248, 'c': 5708, 'c04': 3581, 'c01': 1418, 'c05': 1200, 'c06': 412, 'c07': 246, 'archdesc': 110, 'c08': 33}),
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