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Created January 23, 2012 15:40
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package com.bazaarvoice.mbogner.utils;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
* @author: Matthew Bogner
* @date: 10/25/11
public class WebPageTestRunner {
public static HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
public static XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
public static Set<String> hostnameFilter = new HashSet<String>();
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
PostMethod post = new PostMethod("");
post.addParameter("url", "");
post.addParameter("runs", "1"); // Only request the page once
post.addParameter("fvonly", "1"); // Only look at the FirstView
post.addParameter("location", "Dulles_IE7.DSL"); // Dulles, VA with IE7 and DSL connection
post.addParameter("f", "xml"); // Respond with XML
post.addParameter("k", args[0]); // API Key from
// Now we need to (optionally) send over a script so that we can
// override the DNS entries for certain hosts that the page will
// attempt to reverence.
// "navigate\n" +
// "setDns 123.456.789.2\n" +
// "setDns 123.456.789.2");
String responseBody = executeHttpMethod(post);
Node statusCodeNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/response/statusCode", getXmlSrc(responseBody), XPathConstants.NODE);
String statusCode = statusCodeNode.getTextContent();
System.out.println("StatusCode = " + statusCode + "\n");
if ("200".equals(statusCode)) {
// Request was successful. Wait for the test to complete.
Node testIdNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/response/data/testId", getXmlSrc(responseBody), XPathConstants.NODE);
private static InputSource getXmlSrc(String content) throws Exception {
return new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes("UTF-8")));
public static String executeHttpMethod(HttpMethod method) throws Exception {
int responseCode;
String responseBody;
try {
responseCode = client.executeMethod(method);
responseBody = IOUtils.toString(method.getResponseBodyAsStream());
} finally {
if (responseCode != 200) {
throw new Exception("Invalid server response. \nResponse code: " + responseCode + "\nResponse body: " + responseBody);
return responseBody;
private static void waitForTestCompletion(String testId) throws Exception {
PostMethod post = new PostMethod("");
post.addParameter("f", "xml"); // Respond with XML
post.addParameter("test", testId);
String responseBody = executeHttpMethod(post);
Node statusCodeNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/response/statusCode", getXmlSrc(responseBody), XPathConstants.NODE);
String statusCode = statusCodeNode.getTextContent();
// 200 indicates test is completed. 1XX means the test is still in progress. And 4XX indicates some error.
if (statusCode.startsWith("4")) {
throw new Exception("Error getting test results.");
} else if (statusCode.startsWith("1")) {
System.out.println("Test not completed. Waiting for 30 seconds and retrying...");
Thread.sleep(30000); // Wait for 30sec
} else if ("200".equals(statusCode)) {
} else {
throw new Exception("Unknown statusCode in response");
private static void obtainTestResults(String testId) throws Exception {
GetMethod get = new GetMethod("" + testId + "/");
String responseBody = executeHttpMethod(get);
Node statusCodeNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/response/statusCode", getXmlSrc(responseBody), XPathConstants.NODE);
String statusCode = statusCodeNode.getTextContent();
if (!"200".equals(statusCode)) {
throw new Exception("Unable to obtain raw test results");
NodeList requestsDataUrlNodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/response/data/run/firstView/rawData/requestsData",
for(int nodeCtr = 0; nodeCtr < requestsDataUrlNodes.getLength(); ++nodeCtr) {
Node requestsDataNode = requestsDataUrlNodes.item(nodeCtr);
String requestsDataUrl = requestsDataNode.getTextContent().trim();
private static void analyzeTestResult(String requestsDataUrl) throws Exception {
System.out.println("\n\nAnalyzing results for " + requestsDataUrl);
Things we want to track for each hostname.
Total # requests
Total # of requests for each content type
Total # of bytes for each content type
Total Time to First Byte
Total DNS Time
Total bytes
Total connection time
HashMap<String, Integer> numRequestsPerHost = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>> numRequestsPerHostPerContentType = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>>();
HashMap<String, Integer> totalTTFBPerHost = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
HashMap<String, Integer> totalDNSLookupPerHost = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
HashMap<String, Integer> totalInitialCnxnTimePerHost = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>> totalBytesPerHostPerContentType = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>>();
HashMap<String, Integer> totalBytesPerHost = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
String responseBody = executeHttpMethod(new GetMethod(requestsDataUrl)); // Unlike the rest, this response will be tab-delimited
String[] lines = StringUtils.split(responseBody, "\n");
for (int lineCtr = 1; lineCtr < lines.length; ++lineCtr) {
String line = lines[lineCtr];
String[] columns = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(line, "\t");
String hostname = columns[5];
String contentType = columns[18];
String ttfb = StringUtils.isBlank(columns[9]) ? "0" : columns[9];
String dns = StringUtils.isBlank(columns[47]) ? "0" : columns[47];
String cnxn = StringUtils.isBlank(columns[48]) ? "0" : columns[48];
String bytes = StringUtils.isBlank(columns[13]) ? "0" : columns[13];
if ("0".equals(bytes) || (!hostnameFilter.isEmpty() && !hostnameFilter.contains(hostname))) {
// Track total # requests per host
if (!numRequestsPerHost.containsKey(hostname)) {
numRequestsPerHost.put(hostname, new Integer(1));
} else {
numRequestsPerHost.put(hostname, numRequestsPerHost.get(hostname) + 1);
// Track total # requests per host per content-type
if (!numRequestsPerHostPerContentType.containsKey(hostname)) {
HashMap<String, Integer> tmp = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
tmp.put(contentType, new Integer(1));
numRequestsPerHostPerContentType.put(hostname, tmp);
} else if (!numRequestsPerHostPerContentType.get(hostname).containsKey(contentType)) {
numRequestsPerHostPerContentType.get(hostname).put(contentType, new Integer(1));
} else {
numRequestsPerHostPerContentType.get(hostname).put(contentType, numRequestsPerHostPerContentType.get(hostname).get(contentType) + 1);
// Track total # bytes per host per content-type
if (!totalBytesPerHostPerContentType.containsKey(hostname)) {
HashMap<String, Integer> tmp = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
tmp.put(contentType, Integer.valueOf(bytes));
totalBytesPerHostPerContentType.put(hostname, tmp);
} else if (!totalBytesPerHostPerContentType.get(hostname).containsKey(contentType)) {
totalBytesPerHostPerContentType.get(hostname).put(contentType, Integer.valueOf(bytes));
} else {
totalBytesPerHostPerContentType.get(hostname).put(contentType, totalBytesPerHostPerContentType.get(hostname).get(contentType) + Integer.valueOf(bytes));
// Track total TTFB for host
if (!totalTTFBPerHost.containsKey(hostname)) {
totalTTFBPerHost.put(hostname, Integer.valueOf(ttfb));
} else {
totalTTFBPerHost.put(hostname, totalTTFBPerHost.get(hostname) + Integer.valueOf(ttfb));
// Track total DNS lookup time for host
if (!totalDNSLookupPerHost.containsKey(hostname)) {
totalDNSLookupPerHost.put(hostname, Integer.valueOf(dns));
} else {
totalDNSLookupPerHost.put(hostname, totalDNSLookupPerHost.get(hostname) + Integer.valueOf(dns));
// Track total initial connection time for host
if (!totalInitialCnxnTimePerHost.containsKey(hostname)) {
totalInitialCnxnTimePerHost.put(hostname, Integer.valueOf(cnxn));
} else {
totalInitialCnxnTimePerHost.put(hostname, totalInitialCnxnTimePerHost.get(hostname) + Integer.valueOf(cnxn));
// Track total bytes for host
if (!totalBytesPerHost.containsKey(hostname)) {
totalBytesPerHost.put(hostname, Integer.valueOf(bytes));
} else {
totalBytesPerHost.put(hostname, totalBytesPerHost.get(hostname) + Integer.valueOf(bytes));
printMap("Total # requests per host", numRequestsPerHost);
printMap("Total # requests per host per content-type", numRequestsPerHostPerContentType);
printMap("Total # bytes per host per content-type", totalBytesPerHostPerContentType);
printMap("Total TTFB per host", totalTTFBPerHost);
printMap("Total DNS lookup per host", totalDNSLookupPerHost);
printMap("Total Initial Connection Time per host", totalInitialCnxnTimePerHost);
printMap("Total Bytes per host", totalBytesPerHost);
private static void printMap(String title, HashMap stats) {
System.out.println("\t" + title);
Iterator keyItr = stats.keySet().iterator();
while (keyItr.hasNext()) {
Object key =;
Object value = stats.get(key);
System.out.println("\t\t" + key.toString() + ": " + value.toString());
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