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Created February 9, 2018 20:56
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calculateMetrics: function(options) {
// TODO: Normalize line lengths so there are no single-word remainders
var text = options.text;
var lines = [];
var words = text.split(' ');
var space = fontMap[' '];
var lineWidth = 0, lineChars = [], maxLineWidth = 0;
for(var w = 0; w < words.length; w++) {
var word = words[w];
if(word == '') continue; // Skip empty words
var wordWidth = 0;
var wordChars = [];
if(lineChars.length > 0) { // Add space before word unless starting a line
wordChars.push({ x: lineWidth, char: space, w: space.w });
wordWidth += space.w;
if(word.length > 1 && fontMap[word]) { // Icon codes
x: lineWidth + wordWidth, char: fontMap[word], w: fontMap[word].w, oy: -2
wordWidth += fontMap[word].w;
} else {
for(var a = 0; a < word.length; a++) {
var ltr = fontMap[word[a]] || space;
x: lineWidth + wordWidth, char: ltr, w: ltr.w, oy: ltr.oy
wordWidth += ltr.w;
if(options.maxWidth && lineWidth + wordWidth > options.maxWidth) {
if(wordWidth > options.maxWidth) { // Word is longer than maxWidth, won't fit any line
if(lineWidth > 0) {
lines.push({ w: lineWidth, chars: lineChars });
maxLineWidth = Math.max(lineWidth, maxLineWidth);
lineWidth = 0; lineChars = [];
wordChars = [];
wordWidth = 0;
for(var b = 0; b < word.length; b++) {
var ltrB = fontMap[word[b]] || space;
if(lineWidth + wordWidth + ltrB.w < options.maxWidth) {
x: lineWidth + wordWidth, char: ltrB, w: ltrB.w, oy: ltrB.oy
wordWidth += ltrB.w;
} else {
var trimWidth = (lineWidth + wordWidth + ltrB.w) - options.maxWidth;
x: lineWidth + wordWidth, char: ltrB, w: ltrB.w - trimWidth, oy: ltrB.oy
wordWidth += ltrB.w - trimWidth;
lineWidth += wordWidth;
lineChars = lineChars.concat(wordChars);
} else { // Word can be pushed to next line
lines.push({ w: lineWidth, chars: lineChars });
maxLineWidth = Math.max(lineWidth, maxLineWidth);
lineWidth = 0; lineChars = [];
} else { // Word fits on line
lineWidth += wordWidth;
lineChars = lineChars.concat(wordChars);
if(w == words.length - 1) {
lines.push({ w: lineWidth, chars: lineChars });
maxLineWidth = Math.max(lineWidth, maxLineWidth);
return { lines: lines, text: text, w: maxLineWidth };
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