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Created August 19, 2009 06:36
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Save miyagawa/170208 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Run a tweet as a perl script:
# perl -Mtwitter -e
# See for details.
package twitter;
use JSON;
use LWP::Simple;
my $id;
use overload "/" => sub { $id = $_[1]; $_[0] }, fallback => 1;
sub import {
my $pkg = caller;
*{"$pkg\::com"} = *{"$pkg\::status"} = sub() { bless {}, __PACKAGE__ };
if ($id) {
my $t = JSON::decode_json(LWP::Simple::get("$id.json"));
my $e;
if ($t->{text} =~ /^\#?perl\s/) {
system $t->{text}; $e = $!;
} else {
eval $t->{text}; $e = $@;
die $e if $e;
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