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Created January 31, 2012 22:32
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import collection.immutable.{TreeMap, SortedMap}
import collection.SortedMapLike
import org.specs2.mutable._
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
object Timeline {
def apply[A, B](l: Traversable[(B, A)])(implicit m: Manifest[B]) = m.toString match {
case "Int" => new Timeline( => x._1.asInstanceOf[Int].toLong -> x._2).toMap)
case "Long" => new Timeline( => x._1.asInstanceOf[Long] -> x._2).toMap)
def apply[A](m: Map[Long, A]) = new Timeline(m)
class Timeline[A](t: Map[Long, A]) extends SortedMap[Long, A] /* with SortedMapLike[Long, A, Timeline[A]] */ {
private[this] lazy val iMap = TreeMap(t.toArray: _*)(Ordering.fromLessThan[Long](_ > _))
def -(key: Long) = Timeline(iMap - key)
def get(key: Long) = iMap.get(key)
def rangeImpl(from: Option[Long], until: Option[Long]) = Timeline(iMap.rangeImpl(from, until))
def iterator = iMap.iterator
def ordering = iMap.ordering
override def empty = Timeline[A](Map())
def normalize[B](proj: Long => Long, agg: IndexedSeq[A] => B) =
Timeline(iMap groupBy { _._1 |> proj } mapValues { _.values.toIndexedSeq |> agg })
def eq[B](t: Timeline[B]) = matches(t)(identity, _.head)(_ == _)
def relEq[B](t: Timeline[B]) = relMatches(t)(identity, _.head)(_ == _)
def matches[B, C](t: Timeline[C])(proj: Long => Long, agg: IndexedSeq[A] => B)(f: (B, C) => Boolean) = {
val x = this.normalize(proj, agg)
t.forall(kvp => f(x(kvp._1), kvp._2))
def makeRelativeTo[B](proj: Long => Long, t: Timeline[B]) = {
val timePoint = proj(t.head._1)
Timeline( => timePoint + p._1 -> p._2))
def relMatches[B, C](t: Timeline[C])(proj: Long => Long, agg: IndexedSeq[A] => B)(f: (B, C) => Boolean) =
matches(t.makeRelativeTo(proj, this))(proj, agg)(f)
def intersects[B, C](t: Timeline[C])(proj: Long => Long, agg: IndexedSeq[A] => B)(f: (B, C) => Boolean) = {
val x = this.normalize(proj, agg)
Timeline((proj(last._1) to proj(head._1)) map { tp => tp -> t.forall(kvp => f(x(kvp._1 + tp), kvp._2)) } toMap)
def merge[B](that: Timeline[B]): Timeline[(Option[A], Option[B])] =
Timeline((this.keySet union that.keySet) map { k => k -> (this.get(k), that.get(k)) } toMap)
def keepValuesFor(h: Long) = Timeline(foldRight(TreeMap[Long, A]())((p, agg) => agg ++ ((0L to h) map {_ + p._1 -> p._2}).toMap))
class TimelineSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck {
"A Timeline" should {
val t = Timeline((10, 1) :: (20, 3) :: (1010, 3) :: Nil) // time in milliseconds
"Values can be made valid for a predefined length of time" in {
val tt = t.normalize(_ / 1000, v => v.sum / v.length) // 0 -> 2, 1 -> 3
tt eq Timeline((0, 2) :: (1, 3) :: Nil) must beTrue
tt.keepValuesFor(1) eq Timeline((0, 2) :: (1, 3) :: (2, 3) :: Nil) must beTrue
"Match absolutely" in {
t.matches(Timeline((0, 2.0) :: (1, 3.0) :: Nil))(_ / 1000, v => v.sum / v.length)(_ == _) must beTrue
t.matches(Timeline((0, 2.0) :: (1, 3.0) :: Nil))(_ / 1000, v => v.sum / v.length)(_ != _) must beFalse
"Match relatively" in {
t.relMatches(Timeline((0, 3.0) :: (-1, 2.0) :: Nil))(_ / 1000, v => v.sum / v.length)(_ == _)
"Create virtual timeline of odd numbers" in {
val newT = Timeline((0 to 100).map(v => (v, v)))
val patT = Timeline((0, (_ : Int) % 2 == 0) :: Nil) // This is abuse, since we basically created a pattern over functions :-)
val resT = Timeline((0 to 100).map(v => (v, v % 2 == 0)))
newT.matches(patT)(identity, _.head)(_ |> _) must beTrue
newT.intersects(patT)(identity, _.head)(_ |> _) eq resT must beTrue
"Compose timelines" in {
val tA, tB = Timeline((0 to 100).map(v => (v, v)))
val tC = Timeline((0 to 105).map(v => (v, v)))
val rA = Timeline((0 to 100).map(v => (v, ((Some(v), Some(v))))))
val rB = Timeline((0 to 105).map(v => (v, ((if (v <= 100) Some(v) else None, Some(v))))))
(tA merge tB) eq rA must beTrue
(tA merge tC) eq rB must beTrue
"Match composed timelines" in {
val tA = Timeline((0 to 100).map(v => (v, v)))
val tB = Timeline((1 to 101).map(v => (v, v)))
val patX = Timeline(( 0, ( None, Some(101))) ::
( -1, (Some(100), Some(100))) ::
(-101, (Some( 0), None)) :: Nil)
val patA = Timeline((-1, 100) :: (-101, 0) :: Nil)
val patB = Timeline(( 0, 101) :: (-1, 100) :: Nil)
(tA merge tB) relEq patX must beTrue
(tA merge tB) relEq (patA merge patB) must beTrue
// Takes 1 second on my machine to normalize and match a 100k timeline
// If we store 1 measurement per minute, that would be equivalent to
// match with a pattern that would spawn through 2.5 months of historic data
"Test long timeline performance" in {
val len = 100000
val slice = 10
val newT = Timeline((0 to len).map(v => (v, v)))
val normalizedT = Timeline((0 to len/slice).zip((0 to len).sliding(slice, slice).map(vs => vs.sum / vs.length).toList))
newT.matches(normalizedT)(_ / slice, v => v.sum / v.length)(_ == _)
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