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Created February 7, 2012 03:22
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# Palpitations
# Copyright (C) 2012 <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# To play this song you need rmidi (
# General info and installation instructions here:
# Once you have your environment set up with R, rmidi and a MIDI device,
# from the R command line, execute the play() function.
ppq <- midi.get.ppq()
get.real.durs <- function(durs) {
(durs / 8) * ppq
get.starts <- function(durs) {
real.durs <- get.real.durs(durs)
cumsum(c(0, real.durs[1:(length(real.durs) - 1)]))
get.real.pitches <- function(pitches) {
pitches + 63
steep.slope <- function(n) {
n ^ .1
make.sparkle <- function(scale1, scale2) {
notes <- c()
starts <- c()
channels <- c()
n <- 5 * spark.amount
distr <- dnorm((0:n - (n / 2)) / (n / spark.belliness))
distr <- distr * (1 / max(distr)) / 1.3 + .05
i8 <- 0:9 * (n / 10) + 1
distr[i8] <- distr[i8] + .6
distr <- pmin(distr, 1)
pan.d <- dnorm((0:n - (n / 2)) / (n / 10))
pan.d <- pan.d * (1 / max(pan.d))
for(i in 0:(n - 1)) {
rnd <- runif(1, 0, 1)
d <- distr[i + 1]
if(rnd < d) {
octave <- floor(rnd * spark.octaves) - floor(spark.octaves / 2)
if(i / n <= 3/5)
scale <- scale1
scale <- scale2 <- 1 - (1 - d) * 1:length(scale) / length(scale) <- / sum(
note <- sample(scale, 1, FALSE, + octave * 12
notes <- c(notes, note)
starts <- c(starts, floor((i / n) * 5 * ppq / 4))
if( > 1) { <- 1 - (1 - pan.d[i + 1]) * steep.slope(0:( - 1) / ( - 1)) <- / sum(
channels <- c(channels, sample(, 1, FALSE,
else {
channels <- c(channels, 1)
midi.note(starts, ppq / 8, get.real.pitches(notes), runif(length(starts), 100, 127), channels)
delay <- function(m, notes) {
m[,1] <- m[,1] + ppq / 4 * notes
repf <- function(f, times) {
if(times == 0)
c(f(), repf(f, times - 1))
pitch1 <- c(Cs,E,Fs,E,Ds, Fs,Cs, Bs-12,A,Gs, E,Cs, B-12,Fs,Gs,Fs,Ds, E, Fs, Gs,B, A,Gs,Fs, Gs)
dur1 <- c(1, 1,1, 1,2, 2, 4, 2, 2,2, 2,4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2/3,2/3,2/3, 4, 2, 3,1, 2, 6 )
root1 <- c(Fs, E, D, Cs, B-12, As-12, A-12, Gs-12)
mode1 <- c(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 )
pitch2 <- c(A,Fs,E,Ds,E, Fs,Gs,E,Ds,Cs, D,A,D,Gs,Fs, E,Fs,Gs,E,Cs)
dur2 <- c(2,2, 2,2, 2, 1, 1, 2,2, 4, 2,2,2,2, 2, 1,1, 2, 2,4 )
scales2 <- list(c(Fs, A, E, Cs, Gs), c(B, Ds, A, Fs, Gs), c(E, Gs, Ds, B, Fs), c(A, Cs, Gs, E, Fs),
c(A, C, G, E), c(Gs, B, Fs, Ds), c(Cs, B, Fs), c(G, B, F))
mel1 <- midi.note(get.starts(dur1), get.real.durs(dur1), get.real.pitches(pitch1), 127, 0)
bass1.1.pch <- c(0, 3, 2, 1) * 12 + Fs - 12
bass1.1 <- midi.note(get.real.durs(0:15 * 3), get.real.durs(3), get.real.pitches(bass1.1.pch), 127, 1)
bass1.2.pch <- c(0, 3, 2, 1) * 12 - 24 + rep(root1, each = 2)
bass1.2 <- midi.note(get.real.durs(0:15 * 3), get.real.durs(3), get.real.pitches(bass1.2.pch), 127, 1)
bass1.2.end <- midi.note(get.real.durs(0:14 * 3), get.real.durs(3), get.real.pitches(c(bass1.2.pch[1:14], Gs)), 127, 1)
bass1.3.pch <- c(0, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1) * 12 - 24 + rep(root1, each = 3)
bass1.3.dur <- rep(c(1, 2, 3), times = 8)
bass1.3 <- midi.note(get.starts(bass1.3.dur), get.real.durs(bass1.3.dur), get.real.pitches(bass1.3.pch), 127, 1)
third1.1.pch <- rep(0:2 * 12, length.out = 16) + rep(root1 + mode1 + 3, each = 2) - 24
third1.1.durs <- rep(c(2, 4), times = 8)
third1.1 <- midi.note(get.starts(third1.1.durs) + ppq / 8 + runif(16, -5, 5), get.real.durs(1), get.real.pitches(third1.1.pch), 127, 1)
third1.2.pch <- rep(0:3 * 12, length.out = 24) + rep(root1 + mode1 + 3, each = 3) - 24
third1.2.durs <- rep(c(2, 2, 2), times = 8)
third1.2 <- midi.note(get.starts(third1.2.durs) + ppq / 8 + runif(24, -5, 5), get.real.durs(1), get.real.pitches(third1.2.pch), 127, 1)
third1.3.pch <- rep(0:3 * 12, length.out = 24) + rep(root1 + mode1 + 3, each = 3) - 24
third1.3.durs <- rep(c(1, 3, 2), times = 8)
third1.3 <- midi.note(get.starts(third1.3.durs) + ppq / 8 + runif(24, -5, 5), get.real.durs(1), get.real.pitches(third1.3.pch), 127, 1)
mel2 <- midi.note(get.starts(dur2), get.real.durs(dur2), get.real.pitches(pitch2), 127, 0)
over2 <- midi.note(get.starts(dur2), get.real.durs(dur2), get.real.pitches(pitch2) + 12, 127, 6)
make.sparkles <- function(amount = 16, octaves = 7, = 5, bell = 6) {
spark.amount <<- amount
spark.octaves <<- octaves <<-
spark.belliness <<- bell
make.sparkle(scales2[[1]], scales2[[2]]),
delay(make.sparkle(scales2[[3]], scales2[[4]]), 5),
delay(make.sparkle(scales2[[5]], scales2[[6]]), 10),
delay(make.sparkle(scales2[[7]], scales2[[8]]), 15)
arr1 <- rbind(mel1, bass1.1)
arr2 <- rbind(mel1, bass1.2)
arr3 <- rbind(mel2, make.sparkles(4, 3, 1, 7))
arr4 <- rbind(mel2, make.sparkles(8, 4, 3, 6))
arr5 <- rbind(mel1, bass1.2, third1.1)
arr6 <- rbind(mel1, bass1.2, third1.2)
arr7 <- rbind(mel2, over2, make.sparkles(12, 5, 5, 10))
arr8 <- rbind(mel2, over2, make.sparkles(16, 5, 5, 6))
arr9 <- rbind(mel1, bass1.3, third1.3)
arr10 <- rbind(mel1, bass1.2.end)
arr <- rbind(
delay(arr2, 24),
delay(arr3, 48),
delay(arr4, 68),
delay(arr5, 88),
delay(arr6, 112),
delay(arr7, 136),
delay(arr8, 156),
delay(arr9, 176),
delay(arr10, 200))
play <- function() {
midi.attach.notes <- function()
attach(list(Cb = midi.notes.cb,
C = midi.notes.c,
Cs = midi.notes.cs,
Db = midi.notes.db,
D = midi.notes.d,
Ds = midi.notes.ds,
Eb = midi.notes.eb,
E = midi.notes.e,
Es =,
Fb = midi.notes.fb,
"F" = midi.notes.f,
Fs = midi.notes.fs,
Gb =,
G = midi.notes.g,
Gs =,
Ab = midi.notes.ab,
A = midi.notes.a,
As =,
Bb =,
B = midi.notes.b,
Bs =, name="midi.notes")
# F = FALSE is in .GlobalEnv
F <<- midi.notes.f
midi.detach.notes <- function()
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