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Joe Clay 17cupsofcoffee

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open System.Net
open Akka.FSharp
open Akka.IO
open Akka.Actor
let system = System.create "system" (Configuration.defaultConfig())
type GreeterMsg =
| Hello of string
| Goodbye of string
open System.Net
open Akka.FSharp
open Akka.IO
open Akka.Actor
let system = System.create "system" (Configuration.defaultConfig())
type GreeterMsg =
| Hello of string
| Goodbye of string
open Akka.FSharp
open Akka.Actor
let system = System.create "system" (Configuration.defaultConfig())
type GreeterMsg =
| Hello of string
| Goodbye of string
let greeter = spawn system "greeter" <| fun mailbox ->

Configuring OERealm Authentication for REST Services

Setting Up The Pacific Application Server

The following steps only have to be carried out once per PASOE instance - however, the settings used will be required whenever you are configuring a new REST project, so keep note of them.

  • In <OpenEdge Work Folder>/<Server Name>/conf/, add or modify the following setting:
  • Open a Proenv command prompt as administrator and run cd <OpenEdge Work Folder>/<Server Name>/common/lib.
  • Generate a Client-Principal file using the genspacp.bat utility - this will be used to secure the HybridRealm class from being called by other PASOE clients.