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Created February 16, 2012 04:49
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# MacPorts version of python
# Luke Thomas Mergner February 10, 2012
from __future__ import division
import random, math, sys, os
def deal():
"""deal a card from 1 to 52 and return it's points"""
return getValue(int(math.floor(random.uniform(1, 52))))
def hitMe(hand):
"""Appends another card to the hand list"""
return hand.append(deal())
def showHand(h):
"""Takes a list of cards and prints them."""
print "\nYour cards are: ",
for i in iter(h):
print i,
if score(h) == 21:
print "\nBlackjack!"
return False
elif score(h) < 22:
print "\nYour score is: %s " % score(h)
return True
print "\nYour score of %s is over 21!" % score(h)
return False
def showDealer(h):
print "\nThe dealer is showing: %s" % h[0] #Show only the first dealer card
def getValue(card):
"""Converts the values 1 - 52 into a 1 - 13 and returns the correct blackjack score based on remainder."""
if (card % 13 == 0 or card % 13 == 11 or card % 13 == 12):
#Face Cards are 10 points
return 10
elif (card % 13 == 1):
return 11
#Regular cards, return their value
return card % 13
def again(string):
'''Return True for 'y'; False for all other cases.'''
answer = raw_input(string).lower()
#print "answer is " + answer
if answer[:1] == "y":
#print "Control question is True."
return True
#print "Control question is False."
return False
def score(h):
return sum(checkForAces(h))
def checkForAces(h):
for i in h:
if i is 11 and sum(h) > 21:
ace = raw_input("Is your ace worth 1 or 11? ")
h[i] = int(ace)
print "Cannot convert ace input into an integer."
return h
def ante(bank):
bet = None
while not checkAnte(bet, bank):
bet = float(raw_input("What would you like to bet? Please enter a number. "))
print "Cannot convert bet into a floating decimal."
return bet
def checkAnte(b, bank):
#Make sure raw input is correct type and within our range
if bank > b > 0:
return True
return False
def payout(h,d,bet):
if score(h) < 21 and score(d) > 21 or score(d) < score(h):
print "\nYou beat the house: %s to %s" % (score(h), score(d))
return 3 * bet / 2
print "\nThe House always wins."
return -bet
def main():
#Define our initial bankroll
bankroll = float(100)
while True:
print "=" * 27
print ' ' * 9,
print '=' * 27
if bankroll <= 0:
print "You are out of money. Please open a line of credit at our window."
print "\nThis table is $5 per hand and pays 3:2. Your current bankroll is %.2f." % bankroll
bet = ante(bankroll)
#Deal the initial hand
hand = [deal(), deal()]
dealer = [deal(), deal()]
#Show me my hand once
#Deal more cards
while again("\nHit or Stand? ") and showHand(hand):
#Dealer control
while score(dealer) < 17:
print score(dealer)
bankroll = bankroll + payout(hand, dealer, bet)
#Control loop variable for game.
if again("\nDo you want to play again?"):
print "That's it!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
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