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Created February 17, 2012 09:47
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Akka 2.0 unfiltered RESTful sample
package akka.unfiltered
import akka.dispatch.Future
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.duration._
import akka.util.Timeout
import unfiltered.Async
import unfiltered.request._
import unfiltered.response._
import unfiltered.netty._
object AkkaUnfilteredSample extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("sample")
val accountActor = system.actorOf(Props[AccountActor])
implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 second)
object Route extends async.Plan with ServerErrorResponse {
def textResponse(content: String) = PlainTextContent ~> ResponseString(content + "\r\n")
def actorResponse[A](body: => Future[ResponseFunction[A]])(implicit responder: Async.Responder[A]) {
body onComplete {
case Right(rf) => responder.respond(rf)
case _ =>
// You should do something about the error here, but this is just a simple example ;)
def intent = {
case req =>
implicit val responder = req
req match {
case GET(Path("/ping")) =>
responder.respond(textResponse("Pong @ " + System.currentTimeMillis))
case GET(Path(Seg("account" :: "statement" :: accountId :: Nil))) =>
actorResponse {
(accountActor ask Status(accountId)).mapTo[Int].map { r =>
if (r > 0) textResponse("Account total: " + r)
else BadRequest ~> textResponse("Unknown account: " + accountId)
case POST(Path("/account/deposit")) & Params(params) =>
bindParams(params) { (accountId, amount) =>
actorResponse {
(accountActor ask Deposit(accountId, amount)).mapTo[Int].map { r =>
textResponse("Updated account total: " + r)
case POST(Path("/account/withdraw")) & Params(params) =>
bindParams(params) { (accountId, amount) =>
actorResponse {
(accountActor ask Withdraw(accountId, amount)).mapTo[Int].map { r =>
if (r > 0) textResponse("Updated account total: " + r)
else BadRequest ~> textResponse("Insufficient funds. Get your act together.")
case _ => Pass
def bindParams[A](params: Params.Map)(success: (String, Int) => Unit)(implicit responder: Async.Responder[A]) {
import QParams._
val expected = for {
accountId <- lookup("accountId") is
required("accountId is missing") is
trimmed is
nonempty("accountId is empty")
amount <- lookup("amount") is
required("amount is missing") is
int(s => "'%s' is not an integer".format(s)) is
pred(a => a >= 1, _ => "amount must be >= 1")
} yield accountId.get -> amount.get
expected(params) match {
case Right((accountId, amount)) => success(accountId, amount)
case Left(log) =>
val err = => "%s %s".format(, f.error)).mkString("", ", ", "\r\n")
responder.respond(BadRequest ~> PlainTextContent ~> ResponseString(err))
case class Status(accountId: String)
case class Deposit(accountId: String, amount: Int)
case class Withdraw(accountId: String, amount: Int)
class AccountActor extends Actor {
var accounts = Map.empty[String, Int]
def receive = {
case Status(accountId) =>
sender ! accounts.getOrElse(accountId, -1)
case Deposit(accountId, amount) =>
sender ! deposit(accountId, amount)
case Withdraw(accountId, amount) =>
sender ! withdraw(accountId, amount)
def deposit(accountId: String, amount: Int): Int = {
accounts.get(accountId) match {
case Some(value) =>
val newValue = value + amount
accounts += accountId -> newValue
case _ =>
accounts += accountId -> amount
def withdraw(accountId: String, amount: Int): Int = {
accounts.get(accountId) match {
case Some(value) =>
if (value < amount) -1 else {
val newValue = value - amount
accounts += accountId -> newValue
case _ => -1
val http = Http(9000).plan(Route).start()
println("Server listening on port: 9000. Press any key to exit...")
name := "akka-unfiltered-sample"
version := "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-encoding", "UTF-8", "-deprecation", "-unchecked")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"net.databinder" %% "unfiltered-netty-server" % "0.5.3",
"com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-actor" % "2.0-RC1"
mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some("akka.unfiltered.AkkaUnfilteredSample")
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chrsan commented Feb 17, 2012

See this which this sample is based on and for info on running tests via curl etc.

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The link is broken.

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chrsan commented Jun 13, 2012

Yes, and I can't find the sample in the latest Akka documentation.

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