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Created February 19, 2012 02:32
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diff --git a/gemrb/plugins/SDLVideo/SDL20Video.cpp b/gemrb/plugins/SDLVideo/SDL20Video.cpp
index 8f3e014..1f9956a 100644
--- a/gemrb/plugins/SDLVideo/SDL20Video.cpp
+++ b/gemrb/plugins/SDLVideo/SDL20Video.cpp
@@ -273,201 +273,187 @@ int SDL20VideoDriver::PollEvents()
ignoreNextMouseUp = true;
+ return SDLVideo::PollEvents();
while ( SDL_PollEvent(&lastEvent) ) {
- /*
- the digitizer could have a higher resolution then the screen.
- we need to get the scale factor to convert digitizer touch coordinates to screen pixel coordinates
- */
- SDL_Touch *state = SDL_GetTouch(lastEvent.tfinger.touchId);
- float xScaleFactor = 1.0;
- float yScaleFactor = 1.0;
- if(state){
- xScaleFactor = state->xres / window->w;
- yScaleFactor = state->yres / window->h;
- }
- touchHoldTime = 0;
- bool ConsolePopped = core->ConsolePopped;
- int ret = GEM_OK;
- /* Loop until there are no events left on the queue */
- switch (lastEvent.type) {
- //!!!!!!!!!!!!
- // !!!: currently SDL brodcasts both mouse and touch events on touch
- // there is no API to prevent the mouse events so I have hacked the mouse events.
- // watch future SDL 1.3 releases to see if/when disabling mouse events from the touchscreen is available
- //!!!!!!!!!!!!
- if (numFingers > 1) break;
- MouseMovement(lastEvent.motion.x, lastEvent.motion.y);
- break;
- if ((MouseFlags & MOUSE_DISABLED) || !EvntManager)
- break;
- ignoreNextMouseUp = false;
- lastMouseDownTime = EvntManager->GetRKDelay();
- if (lastMouseDownTime != (unsigned long) ~0) {
- lastMouseDownTime += lastMouseDownTime + lastTime;
- }
- if (CursorIndex != VID_CUR_DRAG)
- CursorIndex = VID_CUR_DOWN;
- CursorPos.x = lastEvent.button.x; // - mouseAdjustX[CursorIndex];
- CursorPos.y = lastEvent.button.y; // - mouseAdjustY[CursorIndex];
- if (!ConsolePopped)
- EvntManager->MouseDown( lastEvent.button.x, lastEvent.button.y, 1 << ( lastEvent.button.button - 1 ), GetModState(SDL_GetModState()) );
- break;
- if ((MouseFlags & MOUSE_DISABLED) || !EvntManager || ignoreNextMouseUp)
- break;
- ignoreNextMouseUp = true;
- if (CursorIndex != VID_CUR_DRAG)
- CursorIndex = VID_CUR_UP;
- CursorPos.x = lastEvent.button.x;
- CursorPos.y = lastEvent.button.y;
- if (!ConsolePopped)
- EvntManager->MouseUp( lastEvent.button.x, lastEvent.button.y, 1 << ( lastEvent.button.button - 1 ), GetModState(SDL_GetModState()) );
- break;
- //For swipes. gestures needing pinch or rotate need to use SDL_MULTIGESTURE or SDL_DOLLARGESTURE
- touchHold = false;
- if (EvntManager) {
- if (numFingers == core->NumFingScroll || (numFingers != core->NumFingKboard && EvntManager->GetMouseFocusedControlType() == IE_GUI_TEXTAREA)) {
- //any # of fingers != NumFingKBoard will scroll a text area
- if (EvntManager->GetMouseFocusedControlType() != IE_GUI_TEXTAREA) {
- // if focus is IE_GUI_TEXTAREA we need mouseup to clear scrollbar flags so this scrolling doesnt break after interactind with the slider
- ignoreNextMouseUp = true;
- }else {
- // if we are scrolling a text area we dont want the keyboard in the way
- HideSoftKeyboard();
- }
- //invert the coordinates such that dragging down scrolls up etc.
- int scrollX = (lastEvent.tfinger.dx / xScaleFactor) * -1;
- int scrollY = (lastEvent.tfinger.dy / yScaleFactor) * -1;
- EvntManager->MouseWheelScroll( scrollX, scrollY );
- } else if (numFingers == core->NumFingKboard) {
- if ((lastEvent.tfinger.dy / yScaleFactor) * -1 >= MIN_GESTURE_DELTA_PIXELS){
- // if the keyboard is already up interpret this gesture as console pop
- if(softKeyboardShowing && !ConsolePopped && !ignoreNextMouseUp) core->PopupConsole();
- else ShowSoftKeyboard();
- } else if((lastEvent.tfinger.dy / yScaleFactor) * -1 <= -MIN_GESTURE_DELTA_PIXELS){
- HideSoftKeyboard();
- }
- ignoreNextMouseUp = true;
- }
- }
- break;
- case SDL_FINGERDOWN://SDL 1.3+
- touchHold = false;
- if (++numFingers == 1) {
- rightMouseDownEvent.x = lastEvent.tfinger.x / xScaleFactor;
- rightMouseDownEvent.y = lastEvent.tfinger.y / yScaleFactor;
- rightMouseUpEvent.x = lastEvent.tfinger.x / xScaleFactor;
- rightMouseUpEvent.y = lastEvent.tfinger.y / yScaleFactor;
- touchHoldTime = SDL_GetTicks();
- touchHold = true;
- } else if (EvntManager && numFingers == core->NumFingInfo) {
- EvntManager->OnSpecialKeyPress( GEM_TAB );
- EvntManager->OnSpecialKeyPress( GEM_ALT );
- }
- break;
- case SDL_FINGERUP://SDL 1.3+
- touchHold = false;//even if there are still fingers in contact
- if (numFingers) numFingers--;
- if (formationRotation) {
- EvntManager->MouseUp( lastEvent.tfinger.x, lastEvent.tfinger.y, GEM_MB_MENU, GetModState(SDL_GetModState()) );
- formationRotation = false;
- ignoreNextMouseUp = false;
- }
- if (EvntManager && numFingers != core->NumFingInfo) {
- EvntManager->KeyRelease( GEM_ALT, 0 );
- }
- break;
- //multitouch gestures
- // use this for pinch or rotate gestures. see also SDL_DOLLARGESTURE
- numFingers = lastEvent.mgesture.numFingers;
- /*
- // perhaps formation rotation should be implemented here as a rotate gesture.
- if (Evnt->GetMouseFocusedControlType() == IE_GUI_GAMECONTROL && numFingers == 2) {
- }
- */
- break;
- /* not user input events */
- switch (lastEvent.window.event) {
- // We pause the game and audio when the window is minimized.
- // on iOS/Android this happens when leaving the application or when play is interrupted (ex phone call)
- // if win/mac/linux has a problem with this behavior we can work something out.
- core->GetAudioDrv()->Pause();//this is for ANDROID mostly
- core->SetPause(PAUSE_ON);
- break;
- /*
- reset all static variables as if no events have happened yet
- restoring from "minimized state" should be a clean slate.
- */
- numFingers = 0;
- touchHoldTime = 0;
- touchHold = false;
- ignoreNextMouseUp = false;
- // FIXME: this is essentially a hack.
- // I believe there to be a bug in SDL 1.3 that is causeing the surface to be invalidated on a restore event for iOS
- SDL_Window* window;
- window = SDL_GetFocusWindow();
- window->surface_valid = SDL_TRUE;//private attribute!!!
- // FIXME:
- // sleep for a short while to avoid some unknown Apple threading issue with OpenAL threads being suspended
- // even using Apple examples of how to properly suspend an OpenAL context and resume on iOS are falling flat
- // it could be this bug affects only the simulator.
- sleep(1);
- core->GetAudioDrv()->Resume();//this is for ANDROID mostly
- break;
- // this event exists in SDL 1.2, but this handler is only getting compiled under 1.3+
- printMessage("SDLVideo", "Window resized so your window surface is now invalid.\n", LIGHT_RED);
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- ret = ProcessEvent(lastEvent);
- }
int x, y;
- bool eventWasMouseEvent = (lastEvent.type & (SDL_MOUSEMOTION | SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN));
- if (EvntManager && !(MouseFlags & (MOUSE_DISABLED | MOUSE_GRAYED))
- && eventWasMouseEvent && lastTime > lastMouseDownTime
- && SDL_GetMouseState(&x,&y)==SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) {
- lastMouseDownTime = lastTime + EvntManager->GetRKDelay();
- if (!ConsolePopped)
- EvntManager->MouseUp( x, y, 1 << ( 0 ), GetModState(SDL_GetModState()) );
- }
- return ret;
int SDL20VideoDriver::ProcessEvent(const SDL_Event & event)
- switch (event.type) {
+ /*
+ the digitizer could have a higher resolution then the screen.
+ we need to get the scale factor to convert digitizer touch coordinates to screen pixel coordinates
+ */
+ SDL_Touch *state = SDL_GetTouch(lastEvent.tfinger.touchId);
+ float xScaleFactor = 1.0;
+ float yScaleFactor = 1.0;
+ if(state){
+ xScaleFactor = state->xres / window->w;
+ yScaleFactor = state->yres / window->h;
+ }
+ touchHoldTime = 0;
+ bool ConsolePopped = core->ConsolePopped;
+ int ret = GEM_OK;
+ /* Loop until there are no events left on the queue */
+ switch (lastEvent.type) {
+ //!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ // !!!: currently SDL brodcasts both mouse and touch events on touch
+ // there is no API to prevent the mouse events so I have hacked the mouse events.
+ // watch future SDL 1.3 releases to see if/when disabling mouse events from the touchscreen is available
+ //!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ if (numFingers > 1) break;
+ MouseMovement(lastEvent.motion.x, lastEvent.motion.y);
+ break;
+ if ((MouseFlags & MOUSE_DISABLED) || !EvntManager)
+ break;
+ ignoreNextMouseUp = false;
+ lastMouseDownTime = EvntManager->GetRKDelay();
+ if (lastMouseDownTime != (unsigned long) ~0) {
+ lastMouseDownTime += lastMouseDownTime + lastTime;
+ }
+ if (CursorIndex != VID_CUR_DRAG)
+ CursorIndex = VID_CUR_DOWN;
+ CursorPos.x = lastEvent.button.x; // - mouseAdjustX[CursorIndex];
+ CursorPos.y = lastEvent.button.y; // - mouseAdjustY[CursorIndex];
+ if (!ConsolePopped)
+ EvntManager->MouseDown( lastEvent.button.x, lastEvent.button.y, 1 << ( lastEvent.button.button - 1 ), GetModState(SDL_GetModState()) );
+ break;
+ if ((MouseFlags & MOUSE_DISABLED) || !EvntManager || ignoreNextMouseUp)
+ break;
+ ignoreNextMouseUp = true;
+ if (CursorIndex != VID_CUR_DRAG)
+ CursorIndex = VID_CUR_UP;
+ CursorPos.x = lastEvent.button.x;
+ CursorPos.y = lastEvent.button.y;
+ if (!ConsolePopped)
+ EvntManager->MouseUp( lastEvent.button.x, lastEvent.button.y, 1 << ( lastEvent.button.button - 1 ), GetModState(SDL_GetModState()) );
+ break;
+ //For swipes. gestures needing pinch or rotate need to use SDL_MULTIGESTURE or SDL_DOLLARGESTURE
+ touchHold = false;
+ if (EvntManager) {
+ if (numFingers == core->NumFingScroll || (numFingers != core->NumFingKboard && EvntManager->GetMouseFocusedControlType() == IE_GUI_TEXTAREA)) {
+ //any # of fingers != NumFingKBoard will scroll a text area
+ if (EvntManager->GetMouseFocusedControlType() != IE_GUI_TEXTAREA) {
+ // if focus is IE_GUI_TEXTAREA we need mouseup to clear scrollbar flags so this scrolling doesnt break after interactind with the slider
+ ignoreNextMouseUp = true;
+ }else {
+ // if we are scrolling a text area we dont want the keyboard in the way
+ HideSoftKeyboard();
+ }
+ //invert the coordinates such that dragging down scrolls up etc.
+ int scrollX = (lastEvent.tfinger.dx / xScaleFactor) * -1;
+ int scrollY = (lastEvent.tfinger.dy / yScaleFactor) * -1;
+ EvntManager->MouseWheelScroll( scrollX, scrollY );
+ } else if (numFingers == core->NumFingKboard) {
+ if ((lastEvent.tfinger.dy / yScaleFactor) * -1 >= MIN_GESTURE_DELTA_PIXELS){
+ // if the keyboard is already up interpret this gesture as console pop
+ if(softKeyboardShowing && !ConsolePopped && !ignoreNextMouseUp) core->PopupConsole();
+ else ShowSoftKeyboard();
+ } else if((lastEvent.tfinger.dy / yScaleFactor) * -1 <= -MIN_GESTURE_DELTA_PIXELS){
+ HideSoftKeyboard();
+ }
+ ignoreNextMouseUp = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case SDL_FINGERDOWN://SDL 1.3+
+ touchHold = false;
+ if (++numFingers == 1) {
+ rightMouseDownEvent.x = lastEvent.tfinger.x / xScaleFactor;
+ rightMouseDownEvent.y = lastEvent.tfinger.y / yScaleFactor;
+ rightMouseUpEvent.x = lastEvent.tfinger.x / xScaleFactor;
+ rightMouseUpEvent.y = lastEvent.tfinger.y / yScaleFactor;
+ touchHoldTime = SDL_GetTicks();
+ touchHold = true;
+ } else if (EvntManager && numFingers == core->NumFingInfo) {
+ EvntManager->OnSpecialKeyPress( GEM_TAB );
+ EvntManager->OnSpecialKeyPress( GEM_ALT );
+ }
+ break;
+ case SDL_FINGERUP://SDL 1.3+
+ touchHold = false;//even if there are still fingers in contact
+ if (numFingers) numFingers--;
+ if (formationRotation) {
+ EvntManager->MouseUp( lastEvent.tfinger.x, lastEvent.tfinger.y, GEM_MB_MENU, GetModState(SDL_GetModState()) );
+ formationRotation = false;
+ ignoreNextMouseUp = false;
+ }
+ if (EvntManager && numFingers != core->NumFingInfo) {
+ EvntManager->KeyRelease( GEM_ALT, 0 );
+ }
+ break;
+ //multitouch gestures
+ // use this for pinch or rotate gestures. see also SDL_DOLLARGESTURE
+ numFingers = lastEvent.mgesture.numFingers;
+ /*
+ // perhaps formation rotation should be implemented here as a rotate gesture.
+ if (Evnt->GetMouseFocusedControlType() == IE_GUI_GAMECONTROL && numFingers == 2) {
+ }
+ */
+ break;
+ /* not user input events */
+ switch (lastEvent.window.event) {
+ // We pause the game and audio when the window is minimized.
+ // on iOS/Android this happens when leaving the application or when play is interrupted (ex phone call)
+ // if win/mac/linux has a problem with this behavior we can work something out.
+ core->GetAudioDrv()->Pause();//this is for ANDROID mostly
+ core->SetPause(PAUSE_ON);
+ break;
- TODO: need a preference for inverting these
- */
- short scrollX;
- scrollX= event.wheel.x * -1;
- short scrollY;
- scrollY= event.wheel.y * -1;
- EvntManager->MouseWheelScroll( scrollX, scrollY );
+ reset all static variables as if no events have happened yet
+ restoring from "minimized state" should be a clean slate.
+ */
+ numFingers = 0;
+ touchHoldTime = 0;
+ touchHold = false;
+ ignoreNextMouseUp = false;
+ // FIXME: this is essentially a hack.
+ // I believe there to be a bug in SDL 1.3 that is causeing the surface to be invalidated on a restore event for iOS
+ SDL_Window* window;
+ window = SDL_GetFocusWindow();
+ window->surface_valid = SDL_TRUE;//private attribute!!!
+ // FIXME:
+ // sleep for a short while to avoid some unknown Apple threading issue with OpenAL threads being suspended
+ // even using Apple examples of how to properly suspend an OpenAL context and resume on iOS are falling flat
+ // it could be this bug affects only the simulator.
+ sleep(1);
+ core->GetAudioDrv()->Resume();//this is for ANDROID mostly
+ break;
+ // this event exists in SDL 1.2, but this handler is only getting compiled under 1.3+
+ printMessage("SDLVideo", "Window resized so your window surface is now invalid.\n", LIGHT_RED);
- default:
- return SDLVideoDriver::ProcessEvent(event);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* TODO: need a preference for inverting these */
+ short scrollX;
+ scrollX= event.wheel.x * -1;
+ short scrollY;
+ scrollY= event.wheel.y * -1;
+ EvntManager->MouseWheelScroll( scrollX, scrollY );
+ break;
+ default:
+ return SDLVideoDriver::ProcessEvent(event);
- return GEM_OK;
+ return ret;
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