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Created February 24, 2012 11:03
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Introducing virtpatmat
trait VirtualizeMatch {
type Pure[T] = T
type Monad[T] = Option[T]
object __match {
def zero: Monad[Nothing] = None
def one[T](x: Pure[T]): Monad[T] = Some(x)
def guard[T](cond: Pure[Boolean], then: => Pure[T]): Monad[T] = if(cond) Some(then) else None
def runOrElse[T, U](in: Pure[T])(matcher: Pure[T] => Monad[U]): Pure[U] = matcher(in) getOrElse (throw new MatchError(in))
def isSuccess[T, U](x: Pure[T])(f: Pure[T] => Monad[U]): Pure[Boolean] = !f(x).isEmpty
class Test extends VirtualizeMatch {
case class P(a: Int, b: Int)
case class Q(a: R, b: S)
case class R(x: Int)
case class S(y: Int)
val x: P = ???
x match { case P(a, b) => a + b }
// __match.runOrElse(x)((x1 => P.unapply(x1).flatMap((x2 => + x2._2)))))
val y: Q = ???
y match { case Q(R(x), S(y)) => x + y }
// __match.runOrElse(y)((x1 => Q.unapply(x1).flatMap((x4 => R.unapply(x4._1).flatMap((x5 => S.unapply(x4._2).flatMap((x6 => + x6)))))))))
val zero9: Option[Nothing] = None
val x1: Q = y
var matchRes8: Int = 0
var keepGoing7: Boolean = true
val o12: Option[(R, S)] = Q.unapply(x1)
if (o12.isEmpty)
else {
val o11: Option[Int] = R.unapply(o12.get._1)
if (o11.isEmpty)
else {
val o10: Option[Int] = S.unapply(o12.get._2)
if (o10.isEmpty)
else {
keepGoing7 = false
matchRes8 = o11.get.+(o10.get)
if (keepGoing7)
throw new MatchError(x1)
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