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Forked from PlacePop/profiler.h
Created February 25, 2012 02:30
Quick and Dirty Profiler for iPhone
// profiler.h
// Quick and dirty profiler
// Created by Niels Gabel on 9/1/08.
// Copyright 2008-2011 Niels Gabel
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// To use:
// At function start, call ProfilerEnter() and pass your function name.
// Call ProfilerEnd() and pass your function name before your function returns
// ProfilerInit() installs an atexit() handler and will dump the profiler results to file
// when the program exits...
#if defined( PROFILING ) && PROFILING
# warning Profiling ON!
#import <pthread.h>
struct ProfilerDataCounter
struct ProfilerDataCounter * parent ;
clock_t func_time ;
unsigned long count ;
} ;
struct ProfilerData
char * name ;
struct ProfilerDataCounter counters[10] ;
} ;
extern pthread_key_t gProfilerDataPThreadKey ;
extern struct ProfilerData gProfilerTable[100] ;
extern struct ProfilerData * gProfilerTableLastUsedEntry ;
#ifdef __cplusplus
void _ProfilerInit() ;
#ifdef __cplusplus
void ProfilerOutputTree( FILE * file ) ;
//extern clock_t gProfilerOverhead ;
//extern unsigned long gProfilerCallCount ;
#define ProfilerGetCurrent() (struct ProfilerDataCounter*)pthread_getspecific( gProfilerDataPThreadKey )
#define ProfilerSetCurrent( __profiler_data ) pthread_setspecific( gProfilerDataPThreadKey, (const void*)__profiler_data )
#define ProfilerStackPush( ) \
struct ProfilerDataCounter * __profiler_parent = ProfilerGetCurrent() ; \
struct ProfilerDataCounter * __profiler_counter = & __profiler_data->counters[ 0 ] ; \
if ( __profiler_parent ) { \
while( __profiler_counter < & __profiler_data->counters[ 10 ] ) { \
++__profiler_counter ; \
if ( __profiler_counter->parent == __profiler_parent ) { break ; } \
else if ( !__profiler_counter->parent ) { \
__profiler_counter->parent = __profiler_parent ; \
__profiler_counter->func_time = 0 ; \
__profiler_counter->count = 0 ; \
break ; \
} \
} \
} \
ProfilerSetCurrent( __profiler_counter ) ;
#define ProfilerStackPop() ProfilerSetCurrent( __profiler_parent ) ;
#define ProfilerEnter( __function_name ) \
static struct ProfilerData * __profiler_data = NULL ; \
clock_t __profiler_start_time = clock() ; \
if ( !__profiler_data ) { __profiler_data = gProfilerTableLastUsedEntry++ ; __profiler_data->name = (char*)__function_name ; } \
ProfilerStackPush() ;
#define ProfilerExit( __function_name )\
__profiler_counter->func_time += clock() - __profiler_start_time ;\
++__profiler_counter->count ;\
ProfilerStackPop() ;
#define PSTART ProfilerEnter(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) @try {{
#define PEND }} @finally { ProfilerExit( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ) ; }
#define ProfilerEnter( __function_name ) {}
#define ProfilerExit( __function_name ) {}
#define PSTART
#define PEND
// profiler.m
// Quick and dirty profiler
// Created by Niels Gabel on 9/1/08.
// Copyright 208-2011 Niels Gabel
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#import "profiler.h"
#if defined( PROFILING ) && PROFILING
#ifndef __has_feature
// not LLVM Compiler
#define __has_feature(x) 0
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
# ifndef ARC
# define ARC 1
# endif
To use:
At function start, call ProfilerEnter() and pass your function name.
Call ProfilerExit() and pass your function name before your function returns
ProfilerInit() installs an atexit() handler and will dump the profiler results to file
when the program exits...
Define PROFILER_OUTPUT_TO_FILE if you want to append profiler output to "profiler_output.txt"
in your app's Documents folder. You can retrieve the file using the Organizer in Xcode.
(Click on your device, find it in the Applications list, turn down the disclosure triangle,
and click the download arrow on the right.)
If PROFILER_OUTPUT_TO_FILE is not defined, output written to stdout.
//#import "utils.h"
//#import "debug.h"
#import <signal.h>
pthread_key_t gProfilerDataPThreadKey = 0 ;
struct ProfilerData gProfilerTable[100] ;
struct ProfilerData * gProfilerTableLastUsedEntry = & gProfilerTable[0] ;
static NSString * GetDocumentsFolderPath()
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *basePath = ([paths count] > 0) ? [paths objectAtIndex:0] : nil;
return basePath;
//clock_t gProfilerOverhead = 0 ;
//unsigned long gProfilerCallCount = 0 ;
static void ProfilerOutputTreeNode( FILE * file, struct ProfilerData * data, struct ProfilerDataCounter * counter, int indent )
float time = (float)counter->func_time / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
fprintf( file, "%*s%-*s %15.5f %15lu %10.5f\n", indent * 4, "", 80 - (indent * 4 ), data->name, time, counter->count, time / (float)counter->count ) ;
for( struct ProfilerData * testData = & gProfilerTable[0]; testData < gProfilerTableLastUsedEntry; ++testData )
if ( !testData->name )
break ;
if ( testData != data )
for( struct ProfilerDataCounter * testCounter = & testData->counters[1] ; testCounter < &testData->counters[10]; ++testCounter )
if ( !testCounter->parent )
break ;
if ( testCounter->parent == counter )
ProfilerOutputTreeNode( file, testData, testCounter, indent + 1 ) ;
ProfilerOutputTree( FILE * file )
fprintf( file, "%-80s %15s %15s %10s\n", "FUNCTION", "TOTAL TIME", "COUNT", "AVG. TIME") ;
for( struct ProfilerData * data = & gProfilerTable[0]; data < gProfilerTableLastUsedEntry; ++data )
if ( data->counters[0].count > 0 )
ProfilerOutputTreeNode( file, data, & data->counters[0], 0 ) ;
static void
DebugLog(@"%s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ) ;
@autoreleasepool {
FILE * file = fopen( [ [ GetDocumentsFolderPath() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"profiler_output.txt" ] UTF8String ], "a" ) ;
if ( !file )
file = stdout ;
FILE * file = stdout ;
fprintf( file, "%s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__ ) ;
// {
// float time = (float)gProfilerOverhead / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
// fprintf( file, "profiler time used: %.5f\n", time ) ;
// fprintf( file, "profiler avg. time: %.2f\n", time / (float)gProfilerCallCount ) ;
// }
ProfilerOutputTree( file ) ;
static void ProfilerInterruptSignalHandler( int signal )
DebugLog(@"%s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ) ;
ProfilerExitFunction() ;
struct ProfilerInit
@autoreleasepool {
DebugLog( @"Using profiling...\n" ) ;
DebugAssert( 0 == atexit( ProfilerExitFunction ) ) ;
DebugAssert( 0 == pthread_key_create( & gProfilerDataPThreadKey, NULL ) ) ;
const struct sigaction act =
{ ProfilerInterruptSignalHandler }, 0, 0
} ;
sigaction( SIGKILL, & act, NULL ) ;
sigaction( SIGINT, & act, NULL ) ;
bzero( gProfilerTable, sizeof( gProfilerTable ) ) ;
gProfilerTableLastUsedEntry = & gProfilerTable[ 0 ] ;
} ;
static struct ProfilerInit gProfilerInit = ProfilerInit() ;
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Updated to add PSTART and PEND
Now ARC friendly

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