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Created March 5, 2012 14:40
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Radix sort kaboom
afoltzer@beetle ~/src/monad-par/examples [meta*]$ ghc-pkg list | grep accelerate
afoltzer@beetle ~/src/monad-par/examples [meta*]$ ghc --make -O2 radix_acc.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( radix_acc.hs, radix_acc.o )
Warning: In the use of `M.unsafeFreeze'
(imported from Data.Array.MArray):
Deprecated: "Please import from Data.Array.Unsafe instead; This will be removed in the next release"
Linking radix_acc ...
afoltzer@beetle ~/src/monad-par/examples [meta*]$ ./radix_acc 1024
*** Internal error in package accelerate ***
*** Please submit a bug report at
./Data/Array/Accelerate/CUDA/Array/Data.hs:569 (lookupArray): lost device memory reference
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- Radix sort for a subclass of element types. Taken and modified
-- slightly from the Accelerate benchmark suite.
import qualified Prelude
import Prelude hiding (zip, map, scanl, scanr, zipWith, fst)
import Data.Bits hiding (shiftL, shiftR, bit, testBit)
import Data.Array.Accelerate as Acc
import Data.Array.Accelerate.CUDA as CUDA
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Data.Array.IArray hiding ((!))
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
import Data.Array.IO (MArray, IOUArray)
import qualified Data.Array.MArray as M
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (IArray, UArray, listArray, bounds, elems)
import System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs)
import System.Random
import System.Random.MWC
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Criterion.Main
-- import Control.Monad.Par.Meta.SharedMemoryAccelerate
import Foreign.CUDA (sync)
-- Radix sort
-- ----------
class Elt e => Radix e where
passes :: Exp e -> Int -- Haskell-side control needs to know this
radix :: Exp Int -> Exp e -> Exp Int
instance Radix Int where -- may be 32- or 64-bit
passes = bitSize . (undefined :: Exp t -> t)
radix i e = i ==* (passes' e - 1) ? (radix' (e `xor` minBound), radix' e)
radix' x = (x `shiftR` i) .&. 1
passes' = constant . passes
-- For IEEE-754 floating-point representation. Unsafe, but widely supported.
instance Radix Float where
passes _ = 32
radix i e = let x = (unsafeCoerce e :: Exp Int32)
in i ==* 31 ? (radix' (x `xor` minBound), radix' (floatFlip x))
floatFlip x = x `testBit` 31 ? (complement x, x) -- twos-complement negative numbers
radix' x = x `testBit` i ? (1,0)
-- A simple (parallel) radix sort implementation [1].
-- [1] G. E. Blelloch. "Prefix sums and their applications." Technical Report
-- CMU-CS-90-190. Carnegie Mellon University. 1990.
sortAcc :: Radix a => Vector a -> Acc (Vector a)
sortAcc = sortAccBy id
sortAccBy :: (Elt a, Radix r) => (Exp a -> Exp r) -> Vector a -> Acc (Vector a)
sortAccBy rdx arr = foldr1 (>->) ( radixPass [0..p-1]) (use arr)
n = constant $ (arraySize $ arrayShape arr) - 1
p = passes . rdx . (undefined :: Vector e -> Exp e) $ arr
deal f x = let (a,b) = unlift x in (f ==* 0) ? (a,b)
radixPass k v = let flags = map (radix (constant k) . rdx) v
idown = prescanl (+) 0 . map (xor 1) $ flags
iup = map (n-) . prescanr (+) 0 $ flags
index = zipWith deal flags (zip idown iup)
permute const v (\ix -> index1 (index!ix)) v
sortRef :: UArray Int Int -> UArray Int Int
sortRef xs = listArray (bounds xs) $ sort (elems xs)
-- Convert an Unboxed Data.Array to an Accelerate Array
convertUArray :: (IArray UArray e, Acc.Elt e) => UArray Int e -> IO (Acc.Vector e)
convertUArray v =
let arr = Acc.fromIArray v
in evaluate (arr `Acc.indexArray` (Z:.0)) >> return arr
-- Generate a random, uniformly distributed vector of specified size over the
-- range. For integral types the range is inclusive, for floating point numbers
-- the range (a,b] is used, if one ignores rounding errors.
randomUArrayR :: (Variate a, MArray IOUArray a IO, IArray UArray a)
=> (a,a)
-> GenIO
-> Int
-> IO (UArray Int a)
randomUArrayR lim gen n = do
mu <- M.newArray_ (0,n-1) :: MArray IOUArray e IO => IO (IOUArray Int e)
let go !i | i < n = uniformR lim gen >>= M.writeArray mu i >> go (i+1)
| otherwise = M.unsafeFreeze mu
go 0
-- Main
-- ----
main :: IO () -- Int -> IO (() -> UArray Int Int, () -> Acc (Vector Int))
main = withSystemRandom $ \gen -> do
args <- getArgs
let (n,args') = case args of
[] -> (10000 :: Int, [])
(n:args') -> ((read n), args')
vec <- randomUArrayR (minBound,maxBound) gen n
vec' <- convertUArray vec
-- sync
-- withArgs args' $ defaultMain $ [bench "radix" $ whnf $ sortAcc (vec' :: Vector Int)]
print $ (sortAcc (vec' :: Vector Int))
{-# NOINLINE run_ref #-}
run_ref xs () = sortRef xs
run_acc xs () = sortAcc xs
-- run_par xs () = runPar $ do
-- ans <- spawnAcc $ run_acc (xs :: Vector Int) ()
-- get ans
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