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Created September 27, 2014 02:11
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IIS7 Log Parser for PowerShell
function Read-IIS7Log
Get-Content -Path $Path |
?{$_.ToString().StartsWith("#") -eq $false }|
% {
if ($_ -notmatch "^(?<date>.*?) (?<time>.*?) (?<s_ip>.*?) (?<cs_method>.*?) (?<cs_uri_stem>.*?) (?<cs_uri_query>.*?) (?<s_port>.*?) (?<cs_username>.*?) (?<c_ip>.*?) (?<useragent>.*?) (?<sc_status>.*?) (?<sc_substatus>.*?) (?<sc_win32_status>.*?) (?<time_taken>.*?)$") {
throw "Invalid line: $_"
$entry = $matches
$entry.DateTime = (Get-Date ($ + " " + $entry.time)).AddHours(+9)
New-Object PSObject -Property $entry
Export-ModuleMember -Function Read-IIS7Log
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