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Created March 8, 2012 06:30
csv column remapper
(use srfi-1)
(use text.csv)
(use file.util)
(use rfc.json)
(use util.list)
(use gauche.parseopt)
(define (usage)
(print "Usage: csvremap [opt ...] <mapping-table-json> <csv-file>")
(print " h|help => print this usage")
(print " d|delimiter => delimiter (default ,)")
(print " t|tsv")
(print " json spec => '{csv-column-name:{csv-column-value:substitution, ...}, ...}'")
(exit 1))
(define (write-csv csv port :optional (delim #\,))
(let1 writer (make-csv-writer delim)
(for-each (pa$ writer port) csv)))
(define (csv->list file :optional (delim #\,))
(port->list (make-csv-reader delim)
(if file
(open-input-file file)
(define (file->json file)
(if file
(file->string file)
(port->string (current-input-port)))))
(define (map-csv-columns csv table)
(if (or (null? csv)
(null? table))
(let ((header (car csv))
(csv (cdr csv)))
(cons header
(map (^[csv-row]
(map (^[name val]
(let1 table-row (assoc-ref table name)
(let1 new-val (and table-row (assoc-ref table-row val))
(or new-val val))))
header csv-row))
(define (main args)
(let-args (cdr args)
((help "h|help" => usage)
(delim "d|delimiter=s" ",")
(tsv "t|tsv")
(else (opt . _)
(print "Unknown option : " opt)
. rest)
(when (null? rest)
(print "wrong number of arguments. required 1, got 0.")
(let* ((delim (if tsv #\tab (~ delim 0)))
(table (file->json (and (not (null? rest))(car rest))))
(csv (csv->list (and (not (null? (cdr rest)))
(cadr rest)) delim)))
(write-csv (map-csv-columns csv table)
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